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General Data

● This is a case of a 40-week-old newborn female, Filipino, Roman

Catholic, born on April 20, 2021, admitted at Tarlac Provincial
Chief Complaint

Shortness of breath
History of Present Illness
 A 39-year-old mother gave birth at 40 weeks, via normal spontaneous
delivery, to a live baby girl.
 The patient was appropriate for gestational age, with an APGAR Score of
8,9 and with a body weight of 3.4kg.
 At the first hour of birth, the patient showed signs of respiratory distress.
 The patient was then admitted to the NICU Covid isolation ward.
Past Medical History
The mother had 2 prenatal checkup at a local health center with 2
visit. She maintained intake of multivitamins, folic acid and ferrous
sulfate. She had no intake of unprescribed medications, no history of UTI
and other infections during pregnancy. no hypertension, no gestational
DM. no premature rupture of membrane and was noted to have clear
amniotic fluid.
Maternal and Birth History
The patient was born from a 39-year-old mother, with an OB Score of
G8P7 (7007). There is no exposure to unprescribed medications,
chemicals and infection during pregnancy.

No. of Outcome Place of Date of Aog Sex Weight Manner of Anom/Co

pregnancie Birth Birth Delivery mp/Spon/I
s nd
G8 Live TPH April 40 Weeks feMale 3.4 normal term,
20,2021 spontaneou nomal G A
se delivery
Family History
● Not stated

Immunization History
● Not stated

Socioeconomic and Environmental History

● Not stated

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