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• Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) results from delayed

absorption of fetal lung fluid following delivery.

• The disorder is commonly observed in following conditions.

1. Cesarean delivery
2. Maternal asthma and smoking
3. Prematurity
4. Male sex
5. Macrosomic infants born to diabetic mothers
6. Excessive maternal sedation
7. perinatal asphyxia
8. elective cesarean delivery without preceding labor
9. low Apgar scores
10.prolonged rupture of membranes

• Approximately 1% of infants have some form of respiratory distress that

is not associated with infection.

• Respiratory distress includes both respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)

(ie, hyaline membrane disease) and transient tachypnea of the newborn.
Of this 1%, approximately 33-50% have transient tachypnea of the
newborn (TTN).

• No racial predilection has been reported,  and male neonates are more
affected than females.

• Clinically, transient tachypnea of the newborn presents as respiratory

distress in full-term or near-term infants.

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