Project Management System On

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Project Title : Project Management System

Project Type : Web Application

Project Objectives : The Project aims developing Intranet website that

provide facilities to organizations to manage their
Project online.

Name of Institute : Vivekanand College for B.C.A and Information

Science, Surat.

Developed For : Xcellence-IT, Surat

Duration : 3 Months(Year 2009-2010)

Front end Tool : ASP.NET With C#

Back end : Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Operating System : Windows XP , Windows Vista, Windows 7

Internal Project Guide : Chetan Rathod

External Project Guide : Bhavin Gajjar

Submitted By : Kapadia Nisarg B.

Patel Nikunj N.
Desai Vrutti K.

Submitted To : Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat.

Server side

Software Requirement:
Windows server 2003/2008 , sql server 2005/2008, .net fw 3.5 , IIS 6.0/7.0..
Hardware Requirement:
Processor 2.8 GHZ Or high, RAM minimum 1 GB or more, HDD minimum 80 GB or more..

Client Side

Software Requirement:
IE 6.0 or higher or any compatible browser like Mozilla, Google crome, etc , Win 2000 or XP or
higher .
Hardware Requirement:
Started configuration of personal computer, internet connection or LAN (in case of application
running in local network)
Application was developed using ASP.NET 3.5 and C# 3.5.

Operating System : Windows XP , Windows 7

Front end Tool : Visual Stdio 2008
Back end Tool : Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Others Tools : Ajax controls Toolkits , Java Script
Online Timesheet (PMS-Timesheet) was developed to track employee daily in-out time and track time spent on
project modules and tasks. PMS-Timesheet can be accessed within campus or on Internet. PMS-Timesheet
provides one stop solution to track employeeüs   

‡Track time spent on project¶s modules and tasks

‡Project management
‡Employee information management
‡Evaluate employee performance
‡Configure companies knowledge base library

The predefined objectives of PMS-Timesheet are listed below:
‡The Web based solution for multi user access from internet.
‡Manage daily timesheet.
‡Manage project activities and evaluate it.
‡Manage user information and evaluate user¶s performance.

Using PMS-Timesheet, authorized person is able to trace and configure
website content and employeeüs project activities and timesheet. Main advantage of this application is its one
stop solution for company to trace employees working hours for a week and evaluate employeeüs project
activities, performance and trace project status.
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vields Datatype Is null Description

Ôod_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary Key
Ôod_Code char(4) not null Module Code
Ôod_Title varchar(300) not null Module Title
Ôod_Desc varchar(500) null Module Description
Ôod_Status smallint not null Module Status
1 -Active
0 -Inactive
Ôod_AddedDate datetime not null Date of the Module
when the new
Module is added
Ôod_UpdatedDate datetime not null Last update date for
the changed Module
Ô Ô ].  , +- /

vields Datatype Is null Description

Ôod_id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary key
Ôod_Title varchar(50) not null Title
Ôod_Desc varchar(500) null Description
Ôod_URL varchar(500) null URL for module
Ôod_Createdby numeric(18, 0) not null Created by particular
user or by Admin
Ôod_CreatedDate datetime not null Date of the module
when it is created
Ôod_Updatedby numeric(18, 0) not null Module updated by
any user or admin
Ôod_UpdatedDate datetime not null Module's Last
updated date
Ôod_Status smallint not null Module Status
Ô  "  + 

vields Datatype Is null Description

Page_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary key
Page_Ôod_Id numeric(18, 0) not null voreign key Module id

Page_Name varchar(50) not null Page Name

Page_Desc varchar(500) null Description about the
Page_URL varchar(500) not null Page URL
Page_CreatedBy numeric(18, 0) not null Page created by particular
person such as user

Page_CreatedDate datetime not null The date on which the

module page is created

Page_UpdatedBy numeric(18, 0) not null Page is updated by any

particular person or user

Page_UpdatedDate datetime not null Date of the page , when the

page is lastly updated.

Page_Status smallint not null Status of the page

     Ê +   ,    - 0/

vields Datatype IS NULL Description

Pst_Title varchar(200) null Progress title
Pst_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary Key
Pst_Desc varchar(500) null Description for
Pst_Status smallint null Progress Status
Pst_AddedDate datetime null Date on which the
Progress status is added
Pst_UpdatedDate datetime null Date of the Progress
status when the
progress status is lastly
Pst_UpdatedBy numeric(18, 0) null Progress status lastly
updated by particular
Pst_AddedBy numeric(18, 0) null Progress status added
by particular user
V V  ,  $  1,## 2
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vields Datatype IS NULL Description

Pst_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary key
Pst_Pro_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Reference from Project

Pst_Ôod_Id numeric(18, 0) null Reference from the

Module table

Pst_Sbt_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Reference from Subtask

 Ô Ê]+ + ,-

vields Datatype Is NULL Description

Prm_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary key
Prm_Pro_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Reference from the
Project table

Prm_Ôod_id numeric(18, 0) not null Reference from the

Module table
V   ]  ,  + 01*,  ,

vields Datatype IS NULL Description

Tsh_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary Key
Tsh_Pro_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Reference from project
Tsh_Ôod_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Reference from Module
Tsh_Sbt_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Reference from subtask
Tsh_Date datetime not null Date for the time sheet
Tsh_Time decimal(10, 2) not null Time for the current time
Tsh_Comment varchar(1000) null Comment for the Timesheet
for the
Tsh_IsDeleted bit not null Timesheet is deleted or not

Tsh_Use_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Time sheet for the particular

user for particular day and

Tsh_ExtHr bit not null Extra hours the users had

Tsh_Status smallint not null Timesheet status
Tsh_UpdatedDate datetime not null Last updated date of the
timesheet by the user
V  m ,   +   0+ /

vields Datatype Is NULL Description

Tsh_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary key
Tsh_Pro_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Reference from the Project
Tsh_Ôod_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Reference from the Module
Tsh_Sbt_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Reference from the
Tsh_Date datetime not null Time sheet date for the
particular clients, client can
see The time sheet by
selecting the date.
Tsh_Time decimal(10, 2) not null Time in the time sheet for
the particular user is
working for
The particular project
Tsh_Comment varchar(1000) null Comment for the Time
Tsh_IsDeleted bit not null Used to check whether user
wants to delete the
timesheet or not
Tsh_ExtHr bit not null Exta our worked by client is
noted into Timesheet
Tsh_Status smallint not null Status can be obtained by
Project status table
  V Ê ,   +  ,- 0 $ *

vields Datatype Is NULL Description

Psn_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary key
Psn_Pro_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Referenced from the
Project table
Psn_Sbt_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Referenced from the
Subtask table
Psn_EstimatedHrs decimal(18, 2) null Estimated ours to finish
the project's non sub
Psn_IsBillable numeric(18, 0) null The non sub task is
billable or not

   Ê ,     ,     ,-

vields Datatype Is NULL Description

Prs_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary key
Prs_Pro_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Referenced from the
projet table
Prs_Usr_Id numeric(18, 0) null Referenced from the
user table
 V   Ê"     ,  1, ,
    ,- 0 $ */

vields Datatype Is NULL Description

Psr_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary key
Psr_Pst_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Referenced from the
ProgressStatus table
Psr_Usr_Id numeric(18, 0) null Referenced from the
user table

 V   m "     ,  1, ,

    ,- 0 $ */

vields Datatype Is NULL Description

Psr_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary key
Psr_Pst_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Referenced from the
ProgressStatus table
Psr_Usr_Id numeric(18, 0) null Referenced from the
user table
  ,     ,    -
vields Datatype Is NULL Description
Pro_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary key
Pro_Title varchar(500) not null Project title
Pro_Code varchar(10) not null project code which is unique
Pro_Desc text null Project's Description
Pro_StartDate datetime null start date of the project
Pro_EndDate datetime null End date of the project
Pro_Cost money null Cost for the project in $
Pro_EstimationHours decimal(18, 0) null Estimated hours for the projects
to complete.
Pro_PurchaseOrderNo varchar(50) null purchase order given from the
Pro_InternalOrderNo varchar(50) null Internal order is generated by the
Pro_Src_Id numeric(18, 0) null Reference from Source table
Pro_Cln_Id numeric(18, 0) null Reference from Client Table
Pro_Ôarketing_Usr_Id numeric(18, 0) null Reference from user table
Pro_IsNonBillable bit null whether the project is billable or
Pro_Pst_Id numeric(18, 0) null Referenced from the Progress
status table
Pro_Status smallint not null Status for the project
Pro_AddedBy numeric(18, 0) not null Added by particular user
Pro_AddedDate datetime not null Project entry date
Pro_UpdatedBy numeric(18, 0) not null Last updatation made by the
particular user's id
Pro_UpdatedDate datetime not null last updatation made by the
particular user's bye any date
 V  "     , $ *+ ,- /

vields Datatype Is NULL Description

Pst_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary key
Pst_Pro_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Referenced from the
Project table
Pst_Sbt_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Referenced from the
Subtask table
Pst_EstimatedHrs decimal(18, 2) null Estimated hours
required to complete
the project
Pst_IsBillable int null Project is billable or
non billable

 V     "     ,  , 1, , +

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vields Datatype Is NULL Description

Ptc_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary key
Ptc_Pro_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Referenced from the
Project table
Ptc_Tch_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Referenced from the
Technology table
  "     ,   , #/

vields Datatype Is NULL Description

Role_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary key
Role_Title varchar(50) not null Title of Role
Role_Desc varchar(5000) null Description
Role_Addedby numeric(18, 0) not null Role added by admin or
any user who is having
the rights to do this
Role_AddedDate datetime not null Role added on
particular date
Role_Updatedby numeric(18, 0) not null Role updated by admin
or any user who is
the rights to do this
Role_UpdatedDate datetime not null Role updated on
particular date
Role_Status smallint not null Status of Roles
   "        ,1, ,-  +#1$ 
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vields Datatype Is NULL Description

Src_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary key
Src_Title varchar(100) not null Source title
Src_Desc varchar(500) null Description of source
Src_Commission float null Commission for the
Src_URL varchar(100) null URL from the source
Src_Status smallint not null status of the source
Src_AddedBy numeric(18, 0) not null Source added by admin
or any user who is
having the rights to do
Src_AddedDate datetime not null Source added on
particular date
Src_UpdatedBy numeric(18, 0) not null Source updated by
admin or any user who
is having the rights to do
Src_UpdatedDate datetime not null Source updated on
particular date
V    Ê"     ,  , 1, , ,-  

vields Datatype Is NULL Description

Tch_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary key

Tch_Title varchar(200) not null Title for technology

Tch_Desc varchar(500) null Description

Tch_Status smallint not null Status

Tch_AddedBy numeric(18, 0) not null Technology added by admin or any user

Tch_AddedDate datetime not null Technology added on particular date

Tch_UpdatedBy numeric(18, 0) not null Technology updated by admin or user

Tch_UpdatedDate datetime not null Technology's last updated date

V Ê"     , $ */
vields Datatype Is NULL Description

Sbt_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary key

Sbt_Ôod_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Referenced from the Module table

Sbt_Tsk_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Referenced from the sub task table

Sbt_Title varchar(3000) not null Title of subtask

Sbt_Desc varchar(5000) not null Description

Sbt_Cat_Code numeric(18, 0) null Referenced from the category table

Sbt_Status smallint not null status of sub task

Sbt_AddedBy numeric(18, 0) not null Sub task added by admin or any user
who is having
the rights to do this
Sbt_AddedDate datetime not null sub task added on particular date

Sbt_UpdatedBy numeric(18, 0) not null sub task updated by admin or any user
who is having
the rights to do this
Sbt_UpdatedDate datetime not null subtask updated on particular date
V Ê"  + , *+ ,-

vields Datatype Is NULL Description

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vields Datatype Is NULL Description

Tst_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary key

Tst_Use_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Referenced from the user table

Tst_CreatedDate datetime not null Date of the time sheet created

Tst_CreatedBy numeric(18, 0) not null Timesheet created by any user or admin

Tst_UpdatedDate datetime not null Last update date of the time sheet when the
user have made any updatation

Tst_UpdatedBy numeric(18, 0) not null Updated by any user

Tst_Status bit not null status of the timesheet

˜   "     ,  1, ,   ,

vields Datatype IS NULL Description

Deg_Id numeric(18, 0) Not null Primary Key
Deg_Title varchar(50) Not null Title
Deg_Addedby numeric(18, 0) Not null added by admin or user
Deg_AddedDate datetime Not null added date
Deg_Updatedby numeric(18, 0) Not null updated by admin or user
Deg_UpdatedDate datetime Not null updatation made by admin
or any user
Deg_Status smallint Not null status

]    Ê"     , 0 , 

vields Datatype Is NULL Description

URT_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary key

URT_Use_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Referenced from the user table

URT_Page_Id numeric(18, 0) not null page for the user's right where it is stored

URT_AddedBy numeric(18, 0) not null added by admin or user

URT_AddedDate datetime not null added date

URT_UpdatedBy numeric(18, 0) not null updated by admin or user

URT_UpdatedDate datetime not null update date for the last changes
]  "     , /
vields Datatype Is NULL Description
Use_Id numeric(18, 0) not null Primary key
Use_UserName varchar(50) not null User name
Use_Password varchar(50) not null Password for the user
Use_Email varchar(250) not null email of the user
Use_FirstName varchar(50) not null virst name for the user
Use_LastName varchar(50) not null Last name for the user
Use_Gender varchar(6) not null gender for the user
Use_DOB datetime not null date of birth
Use_AreaOfExpertise varchar(250) null Area of Expertise
Use_Designation numeric(18, 0) not null Referenced from the designation table
Use_Role numeric(18, 0) Not null Referenced from the Role table
Use_PasswordQuestion varchar(50) null Password question for the user
Use_PasswordAnswer varchar(50) not null answer for the password question
Use_EmpCode varchar(50) not null Employee code
Use_Level numeric(18, 0) not null Level for the user
Use_DOJoining datetime null doing job from the date
Use_Ôobile varchar(15) null users mobile number
Use_DOLastReview datetime null date of the last review of the user
Use_Address varchar(250) null Resident address
Use_CreatedBy numeric(18, 0) not null user created by admin
Use_CreatedDate datetime not null Date when the user is created
Use_UpdatedBy numeric(18, 0) not null Information about user is updated by admin or any user
who is having the rights to do that
Use_UpdatedDate datetime not null User's update date
Use_Status numeric(18, 0) not null status of the user
Use_ReportingPerson numeric(18, 0) Null Reporting person for the user
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vields Datatype IS NULL Description
Cln_Id numeric(18, 0) Not null Primary key
Cln_Name varchar(50) Not null Name
Cln_ComName varchar(50) Null vor Name Rajan is India House Brass

Cln_Email varchar(150) Not null client email

Cln_Phone varchar(50) Null client phone number
Cln_Ôobile varchar(50) Null client's mobile number
Cln_ÔSNId varchar(150) Null client's messanger id
Cln_YahooId varchar(150) Null client's yahoo id
Cln_SkypeId varchar(150) Null client's skype id
Cln_Address varchar(500) Null client's address
Cln_FileName varchar(100) Null vile name for the client
Cln_CreatedBy numeric(18, 0) Not null client created by admin
Cln_CreatedDate datetime Not null client's created date
Cln_UpdatedBy numeric(18, 0) Not null updated by admin or any user who is
having the rights to do that
Cln_UpdatedDate datetime Not null updated date for the client
Cln_Status numeric(18, 0) Not null status of the client
Cln_LastName varchar(50) Null last name for the client
Cln_Country varchar(50) Null client from the country
Cln_State varchar(50) Null state of the client
Cln_City varchar(50) Null city of the client
Cln_PostalCode varchar(10) Null postal code
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vields Datatype IS NULL Description

Cat_Id numeric(18, 0) Not null Primary key
Cat_Code numeric(18, 0) Not null Category code
Cat_Title varchar(100) Not null Title
Cat_Desc varchar(2000) Not null Description
Cat_Status smallint Not null status for the category
Cat_AddedDate Datetime Null added date
Cat_AddedBy numeric(18, 0) Null category added by admin
or any user
Cat_UpdatedDate Datetime Null last updated date of the
Cat_UpdatedBy numeric(18, 0) Null Updatation made by admin
or any user
 m  Ô  , $]. 
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vields Datatype IS NULL Description

Icm_Id numeric(18, 0) Not null Primary key
Icm_Ict_Id numeric(18, 0) Not null Increment Incentive Id
Icm_Use_Id numeric(18, 0) Not null User id
Icm_Ôarks int Not null Increment Marks
Icm_Date varchar(50) Not null Increment date
Icm_CreatedBy numeric(18, 0) Not null Increment create by
admin or user
Icm_CreatedDate datetime Not null Increment create date
Icm_UpdatedBy numeric(18, 0) Not null updated by admin or
Icm_UpdatedDate datetime Not null updatation made by
admin or any user
 m  Ê,  $  +"+ ,  2  

vields Datatype IS NULL Description

Ict_Id numeric(18, 0) Not null Primary Key
Ict_Title varchar(50) Not null Title
Ict_Desc varchar(2000) Not null added by admin or user
Ict_Addedby numeric(18, 0) Not null added date
Ict_AddedDate datetime Not null added date
Ict_UpdatedBy numeric(18, 0) Not null updated by admin or
Ict_UpdatedDate datetime Not null updatation made by
admin or any user
Ict_Status Smallint Not null status




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