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“Addiction of

Online Gaming”
• Meaning
• Symptoms
• Positive Effects
• Negative Effects
• The Entertainment Software
Rating Board (ESRB)
• Tips on managing your children
media consumption
• Video game addiction, or more broadly video game

• It is excessive or compulsive use of computer and

video games that interferes with daily life.

• Playing compulsively, isolating themselves from

family and friends or from other forms of social
contact, and focus almost entirely on in-game
achievements rather than other life events.
Psychological Symptoms
 Most non-school hours are spent on the computer or playing video
 Falling asleep in school
 Falling behind with assignments
 Worsening grades
 Lying About Computer or Video Game Use
 Choosing to Use The Computer or Play Video Games, Rather Than
See Friends
 Dropping Out of Other Social Groups (clubs or sports)
 Being Irritable When Not Playing a Video Game or Being on the
Physical Symptoms
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Sleep Disturbances
Backaches or Neck Aches
Dry eyes and Failure to eat
Regularly or Neglecting Personal
 Following Instructions
 Problem Solving and Logic
 Hand-eye Coordination, Fine Motor and Spatial Skills.
 Resource Management and Logistics.
 Multitasking, Simultaneous racking of many shifting variables and
managing multiple objectives.
 Quick thinking, making fast analysis and decisions.
 Teamwork and cooperation

 Violence and Aggression
 Effects Academic Achievement
 Teach Wrong Values
 Bad Health Effects
Tips on Managing Your Children Media
 Know the rating of the video games your child plays
 Do not install video game equipment in your children
 Set limits on how often and how long your child is allowed to
play video games.
 Monitor all of your children media consumption video games,
television, movies and Internet.
 Supervise your children Internet use there are now many
"video games" available for playing online.
 Share with other parents information about certain games or
ideas for helping each other in parenting.

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