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Think Positive

5S Techniques

Presented By
Bilal Ajmal
• 5S is a process designed to organize the workplace, keep it clean,
maintain effective and standard conditions.
• The use of this tool was started in 1972 by Henry Ford in the United
• The technique was popularized as ‘Japanese 5S’ in 1980 by Hiroyuki
Why do we practice the 5S?
• The general concept of the 5S is that they are
intended to eliminate waste.
1.Transportation : This type of waste is when you move
resources (materials) and the movement doesn’t add value to the
2.Inventory: Excessive inventory is often the result of a
company holding inventories. They only increase storage and
depreciation costs. E.g. obsolete tooling
3.Motion: This kind of waste includes movements of
employees (or machinery) which are complicated and
unnecessary. They can cause injuries, extended production time
and more. E.g. breaks for personal needs
4.Waiting: goods waiting to be delivered,  equipment waiting
to be fixed, or a document waiting for approval from executives.
e.g. waiting for casting
5.Overproduction: occurs when manufacturing a product
or an element of the product before it is being asked for or
6.Over-processing: This type of waste usually reflects on
doing work that doesn’t bring additional value.
e.g. extra machining process
7.Defects: Defects can cause rework or even worse, they
can lead to scrap.

1. Sort
2. Set in order
3. Shine
4. Standardize
5. Sustain
1S (Sorting)
• Eliminate all unnecessary tools, parts, and
• Keep only essential items and eliminate what is
not required
• Prioritizing things per requirements and keeping
them in easily accessible places.
• There should be a place for everything and everything
should be in its place.
• The place for each item should be clearly labelled.
• Items should be arranged in a manner that promotes
efficient work flow.
• Clean the workspace and all equipment, and keep it clean,
tidy and organized.
• At the end of each shift, clean the work area and be sure
everything is restored to its place.
• Maintaining cleanliness should be part of the daily work –
not an occasional.
• Document procedures and guidelines for
sorting, set in order and shine.
• Make a checklist for each section and train
your people in using them.
• Use visual management to act quickly.
e.g. color coding
• Maintain and review standards.
• Maintain focus on this new way and do not
allow a gradual decline back to the old ways.
• While thinking about the new way, also be
thinking about yet better ways.
Thank You

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