Consu 2 - GRP 3

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Group 3 May 19, 2021


t i o n 2 in i3
con s u l t a
Group 3 May 19, 2021

FLEXY No. 3 Narrowing Down the Topic


Teachers Stress

Lack of Self Online

Impact of Online
Motivation Behavior
Learning on Technical
Academic Mental Health Difficulties
Online Technology
Bullying Interaction
ic Status Poor Time

Lack Of
Unstable Management
Group 3 May 19, 2021
Unstable Internet Connection
Mental Health

FLEXY No. 4 Reasons and Significance

1. We are researching (your topic):

Impact of Online Learning on Academic Performance

2. because we want to find out (issue, problem, question):
- What are the struggles do the students suffers in Online Learning?
- How students manage their time in Online Learning set up?
- How effective the Online Learning in students?
- What are the advantages in Online Learning?
- What are the disadvantages in Online Learning?

3. in order to (application, purpose of the study, why bother?):

- To give an awareness for how the Online Learning affects the academic performance.
- To provide a specific solution about dealing the problems in Online Class set up.
- To help the students achieve their best in their academic performance.
- In order to determine the impact of Online Learning on the Academic performance of the students.
- To give various techniques on the students to surpass the challenges in Online Learning.
B. YOUR ESSAY (at least 1 paragraph per item in the prompt above)

Our proposed study is about the Impact of Online Learning to the students. As the pandemic has taken a serious toll on our daily life
and everything are switched online including the education of the students. We the researchers would like to identify the impact of
switching to online learning from traditional learning of the student while we are still in the pandemic. Since we are in the 3rd quarter of
the school year, most of the students including the teachers renewing their calls for a break because pandemic learning takes take its toll.

In the study, we would like to look into the struggles that the students are suffering in online learning set up like what are the
hindrances they encounter in this type 7 modality and how do they manages their time in this kind of set up since its all online, how do
they manage their time effectively. We would like also to identify how really effective this kind of learning and what are the advantages
and disadvantages of this kind of set up while we are suffering in pandemic instead of studying in a traditional set up.

The purpose of our research is to determine the impact of online learning on the academic performance of the students and also to
give awareness on how the Online Learning affects the daily life of the students and their academic performance. We would like also to
help the students to achieve their best in their academic performance in this kind of learning by giving various techniques on the students
to surpass the challenges that they are facing in Online learning and also to provide a specific solution about dealing the problems in this
kind of set-up.
FLEXY No. 5 Feasibility, Manageability, Accessibility

Our study is feasible because it is relevant and currently experiencing by the students because of the pandemic that pushes the government to switch
a different kind of learning. Our topic can be achieved because it is the the type of learning that we are currently using and it proposes some solutions to
a problem since it talks about the academic performance of the students in Online learning modality, solutions in a problems like mental health, internet
connection etc.

Our study is feasible because it is reasonable in a way that we can conduct a survey to our co-students of at least 20 people and can conduct an
interview through different platforms that we can access online. It is feasible becayse we can do this topic whithout too much difficulty and possible
because it do not requires a lot of time, energy, money to make this topic done.

Our study can be accessed because it is we can find a lot of different informantion online like for example the problems and
issues sorrounding this topic. Since the topic is very timely like we said in the first consideration, we can find literature and data
very easily in different sources because we are currently experiencing this type of learning and we, the researchers also
experiencing it.

Our study is manageable because everyone of us is actively participating and having a great team work and also we have
enough time to commit in this study because we manage our time effectively to make things done on time. It is easy for us to finish
this study because there is a lot of researchers who conduncts this topic already and various articles about this topic. Our study is
manageable because it is very timely and we can look for a respondent because it is relevant or currently happening.
Group 3

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