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Boycott of Banu Hashim

 The Quraish of Makkah after applying all

sorts of ways to oppose and persecute Holy
Prophet (S.A.W) and his companions, could
not stop them from Islam. They gathered
together and all the leaders of Makkah made
a joint proclamation to Boycott the whole
tribe of Banu Hashim and believers.
 They signed a written agreement and hung it

inside Ka’aba. This event took place in 7th

year of Prophethood.
 According to the agreement the tribe of Banu
Hashim was forced to live in a mountain
opening away from Ka’aba called Sheb-e-Abi
Talib. This was so called because that place
belonged to Abu Talib.
 It was a complete social and economic

 They were not allowed to visit or buy

anything from Makkah. People of Makkah

were not allowed to visit there.
 For three years, they lived in suffering there.
Sometimes going without food and water for
many days and they would eat leaves of trees
to survive.
 Hazrat Usman (R.A) and some other used to

provide food and other items secretly.

 Finally, some kind hearted leaders intervened

and could not stand the suffering of Banu

Hashim especially children crying out loud
due to hunger.
 When the leaders of Quraish looked at the
agreement signed and hung inside Ka’aba, it
was eaten away and destroyed by termites.
Only name of Allah remained on it.
 Finally the ban was lifted and they were

allowed to live in Makkah after three years.

 During that stay, uncle of Holy Prophet

(S.A.W) and his wife fell ill.

Written assignment
 How and why was the tribe of Banu Hashim cut
off from the rest of Makkah? (5 marks)
 ……………………………………………………………
………………… cont.

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