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Prepared by: Leandro R. Panis, Jr.
Nick A. Amaga
Rennel Mendoza

Coordinating Teacher: Jefry E. Aranzado, LPT


Directions: In a piece of intermediate pad. Answer the following:

For item number 1 & 2:
A card is selected at random with replacement from the following four
cards: 8 of diamonds, 9 of spades, 7 of hearts, and 10 of clubs. Find the
probability of choosing the following:
1. A red and a 10
2. An 8 and a 7
For item numbers3 & 4:
The probability that a high school student in a certain school is in grade 8 is
17%. The probability that a student rides the school service is 6%. The
probability that a student is enrolled in a piano lesson is 2%. If a student is
chosen at random, find the probability of the following events:
3.The student is in grade 8 and is enrolled in a piano lessons.
4. The student rides on the school service and is in grade 8.
For item number 5 & 6:
A roulette wheel contains 38 numbers: 18 of these are red, 18 are black, and
2 are green. While spinning, a ball is tossed in the roulette wheel such that there
is an equal possibility for the ball on any of the 38 numbers. Find the
probability of the following events if the wheel is played 2 times:
5. The ball will land on a red number and a green number.
6.. The ball will land on both black numbers.
7. A survey of 165 students revealed that 60 had read John Grisham’s latest
book and 22 had read Tom Clancy’s latest book. If a student is chosen at
random. What is the probability that the students has read both books.
8. The probability that Aaron will solve Math problem is 0.6 and the probability
that Rose will solve the same problem is 0.4. find the probability that none of
them solves the problem.
For item number 9 & 10:
In a particular company, 76% of the employees are enrolled in the
company’s health benefit plan. 84% of the employees are 30 years old and
above. Only 40% of the employees under forty years old enrolled in the
company’s health benefit plan. If an employee is selected at random, find the
probabilities of the following events:
9.The employee is above 30 and is enrolled in the health plan.
10. The employee is above 30 and is not enrolled in the health plan.
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
-Philippians 4:13

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