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Overview of the

Name:- Arshman Shahbaz
ID:- F2019376001
Section:- Y1
 Automata.

 Decidability.

 Intractable problems.

 Large instances requires

immense amount of time.
 Turing machine is used to distinguish between undecidable and intractable


 Polynomial and exponential.

 n, log(n) vs 2n
 Examples: -

Polynomial time Exponential time

Linear search => n 0/1 knapsack => 2n

Binary search => logn Travelling SP => 2n

Insertion sort => n2 Sum of subsets => 2n

Mega sort => nlogn Graph colouring => 2n

Matrix Multiplication => n3 Hamiltonian cycle => 2n


 Exponential type : -
 P => Deterministic & polynomial.
 NP => Non-deterministic & polynomial.

 Types of NP: -
 NP hard: - Hard exponential problem such as satisfiability.
 NP complete: - When you have a complete algorithm for satisfiability.
 NP complete = Intersection of NP hard & NP.

 Satisfiability: -
 It is used as the base of all exponential problems, 2n.
 It has direct relation with all exponential problems which means if you prove a problem ab which has direct
relation with satisfiability would prove NP hard/complete for all other problems which has direct relation with
 Example => satisfiability ∝ ab => ab ∝ be, cd, ….. n.
 Our goal is to convert NP hard problems with exponential time into polynomial time.
 Example: - 0/1 Knapsack problem.
 m=8 p={1,2,,5,6}
 n=4 w={2,3,4,5}
 (p,w)
 So ={(0,0)} => no profit no weight
 1So ={(1,2} => first object and add it to S o
 S1 ={(0,0), (1,2)} => merge So & 1So
 1S1 ={(2,3), (3,5)}
 S2 ={(0,0), (1,2), (2,3), (3,5)}
 2S1 ={(5,4), (6,6), (7,7), (8,9)} => we cut the object by dominance rule.
 S3 ={(0,0), (1,2), (2,3), (3,5), (5,4), (6,6), (7,7)}
 3S1 ={(6,5), (7,7), (8,8), (11,9), (12,11), (13,12)}
 S4 ={(0,0), (1,2), (2,3), (5,4), (6,6), (6,5), (7,7), (8,8)}

 1) (8,8) ∈ S4
but (8,8) ∉ S3 therefore x4 =1
(8-6, 8-5) => (2,3)
 2) (2,3) ∈ S3
but (2,3) ∈ S2 therefore => x3 =0
 3) (2,3) ∈ S2
but (2,3) ∉ S1 therefore => x2 =1
(2-2, 3-3) = (0,0)
4) (0,0) ∈ S1 and (0,0) ∈ S0
therefore x1 = 0

Therefore => {0,1,0,1}

 p={1,2,,5,6}
 w={2,3,4,5}
 {0,1,0,1}
 Hence proved, maximum profit = 8, weight = 8.

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