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Course : ENTR6102- Creative and Innovative Thinking

The Importance of
Communicating Ideas Effectively
Session 8-9
The Importance of
Communicating Ideas
• A business idea is only as good as its execution
• On a daily basis we have countless small ideas that
we act on, sift through or ignore, depending on our
• In business the transition from idea to a tangible
action inherently involves communication
• Executing an idea and communication go hand in
Bringing Ideas to Market

• Ideas are everywhere

• At any given moment, companies are developing an
infinite number of ideas to increase sales, drive
industries and change the economy
• The difficulty of bringing ideas to market does not lie
on the development of many creative ideas, it lies in
selling the ideas to clients
Bringing Ideas to Market

• Three important aspects to consider when executing

ideas and bringing them to a new audience are:
resistance, simplicity, and interactivity
Resistance to New Ideas

• First, there is a general human aversion toward new

things and change
• The more radical an idea, the less likely the people
involved in the decision making process will readily
buy into the new idea
• When presenting new ideas to decision makers, you
must consider the established framework of the
system they operate in on a daily basis
Resistance to New Ideas

• One way to sell new ideas is to build bridges and fill

the gaps between the known and the unknown
• Before introducing / selling a new idea, you can
develop a framework your audience can relate to so
that the new idea does not sound as revolutionary or
Ideas Need to be Simple &
• Today ideas need to be media neutral and capable of
translating across mediums, since customer interact
with product and companies via multiple touch
• The idea must speak to the emotions f the audience,
as well as the minds of the audience, in that the
ideas must connect and relate to past experiences
Ideas Need to be Simple &
• The best ideas are simple and are connected to an
overarching theme or concept that we can relate to
• Media neutral ideas are such universal quality that
they can be executed across various media channels
Ideas Need to Allow The
to Interact
• Today an idea that is supposed to sell a product /
service needs to make customers want to engage,
participate, embrace or introduce it into their
personal lives
• When developing ideas, the consumer’s reaction and
interaction must be incorporated
Communicating Ideas

• There are many ways to communicate an idea

• There are 2 important reasons that considering the
communication medium of an idea is important:
1. Communicating through the most appropriate
medium helps you share your idea with others
2. Seeing the communication medium as a flexible
factor, provides another chance to see a new
connection - a new communication option – that
can enhance your idea and make your idea more
Communicating Ideas

• Things need to be consider in communicating your

1. Keep it simple
2. Know your audience and help connect the idea to their
needs and wants
3. Develop a consistent style for the communication, whether
it is line drawing s or 3-D effects, make sure the medium
supports the main message of your idea
4. If possible, introduce an unexpected element that helps
communicate the core idea in a memorable way
Communication Mediums

• Core communication elements:

1. Story telling
2. Sight and visual imagery
3. Sound
4. Environment (include scent)
5. Attitude
Communication Mediums
Communication Mediums

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