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Submitted To: Ma’am Sidra

Submitted By : Noor-ul-Ain Abbasi & Rafia Nadeem

Importance of thinking
Characteristics of thinking
Types of thinking
Problem Solving
Solution of problem
Steps in problem solving
Thinking is the mental activity that uses various
cognitive elements and processes that involve the
manipulation of information concepts. They form
the basis for all cognitive processes, acting as
building blocks by connecting with each other to
form more complex concepts.
Importance of Thinking (cont’d)
In the past, Psychologists didn’t give as much
importance to thinking as they gave importance to the
instinctive and emotional aspects of mind.
No doubt instinct motivate human and animal
behavior but human beings do not depend on instincts
Importance of Thinking

When they reach the stage of sentiments, thinking

becomes more important.
Thinking saves time and effort in practical life.
Characteristics of Thinking
Problem:- There is a certain problem which has no ready made solution
underlying each and every thinking process.
 Associations:- Thinking has a chain of associative thoughts and ideas which
help to solve the problem.
 Analysis and synthesis:- These are both used in thinking. Every aspect of
problem is formerly analyzed separately and latterly all of these aspects are
 Presence of stimuli:- Thinking does not need the presence of stimuli or
objects to be sensed.
Physical condition :- The physical condition is at rest during
thinking. However slight movement in the muscles, fingers, hands,
arms, shoulders, lips and lyranx are noticed in thinking.
Words and language :- Verbal symbols are used in thinking in a sub
vocal activity. An individual talks to himself in a low tone.
Source of knowledge:- Thinking is a source of knowledge and is a
higher mental process in human beings.
Types of Thinking

Autistic or crooked thinking:-

This type of thinking is a free associative idea in which individual
remain busy in wishful thinking and satisfies his unconscious desires,
unsolved problems and conflicts. It’s famous types are Fantasy or day
dreaming and Dreams.
Realistic or straight thinking:-

This type of thinking is purposive and problem solving is based on

controlled associative ideas. It’s famous types are problem solving,
reasoning and creative thinking.
Problem Solving

Problem may be defined as situation when a person finds any

obstacles on the way to goal achievement in a new and strange
situation and he does not have any ready-made information to cope
with situations. Every individual tries to get out of this frustrating

situation or tries to solve the problem.

Solution of a problem

Is the formation of such responses which may eliminate the

obstacles or hindrance.
Steps in problem solving
The process of problem solving occur when there is any type of
obstacle on the way to goal achievement.
In order to surmount this obstacle different types of plans and
points are thought over.
Some possible solutions are found out by the method of trial and
In order to avoid the fatigue of physical work symbolic or verbal
behavior is used and an individual thinks over the possible plans
and their utility.
Suddenly he found out solution of his problem by focusing his
thoughts on focal point.
Any Questions?

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