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Case Study n°1

The primary mission of the Hong Kong Tourism Board

(HKTB) is to promote Hong Kong as a destination
worldwide, and thereby increase the contribution of
tourism to Hong Kong's economy. In doing so, it tailors its
marketing strategies carefully to the varying
demographics and perceptions of each market region,
making use of comprehensive market research and
targeting especially those sectors that can bring the
highest yield in terms of visitor spending. In all cases,
Hong Kong is promoted as a unique, vibrant destination
that offers visitors a living fusion of Eastern and Western

Hong Kong Tourism Board has launched

its first short animated film as part of
online video tourism marketing campaign,
Mr and Mrs Incredible.
Created by Hong Kong local designer
Prudence Mak, Hong Kong TOurism
Board (HKTB) has launched its online
video marketing campaign “Mr and Mrs
Incredible” to showcase Winter Fest
celebratory programme across Hong
The online video tourism marketing
campaign has uploaded to the official
Hong Kong Winter Fest mini site and also
the other social media platform like
YouTube. The online video campaign
features Mr and Mrs Incredible touring the
city and dancing in the snowy theme
parks, including Disney Let It Snow
Christmas Parade, Swarovski Crystal
Christmas Tree, and 2011 New Year
Countdown Celebrations.
The fun tourism marketing campaign has
been run between November 29, 2010 to
January 2, 2011.
Case Study n°2
Audi has launched its online auto digital social media marketing and advertising
campaign in Hong Kong for its new moder Audi A1.
Created by digital creative agency PasificLink iMedia, the new online digital
marketing campaign for Audi A1 is aimed to tap the younger consumers market
with age 20 to 29 in Hong Kong.
The online marketing mix integrated between the Audi’s official website for A1 and the
social media marketing campaign through Facebook. The social network Facebook fans
page is aimed for the Audi brand to enhance its image on social media to support the
website to create enough viral effect to spread the word of mouth.
To create more buzz, a Facebook racing game also has been created and ready to
launch in the upcoming October. As another marketing tools, the Facebook fans page
also act as Facebook marketing campaign tools which you can sign up for the exclusive
launch party for Audi A1.
Case Study n°3
Hong Kong Cancer
Fund is Hong Kong's
largest cancer support
providing free
information and
professional support
to anyone living with
or affected by cancer.
Our goal is to make
life better for people
touched by cancer.

Hong Kong Cancer Fund has launched its health marketing campaign awareness for women,
the Pink Revolution.
Celebrating the international month of breast cancer, Hong Kong Cancer Fund has launched
its healthcare marketing campaign awareness Pink Revolution for breast cancer symptoms.
Developed by creative advertising and marketing agency Grey group, the health marketing
campaign awareness is aimed to boost rates of early detection and encourage women to be
more breast-aware.

With for Hong Kong’s sophisticated market and conservative mindset, the
health marketing campaign awareness promotion is designed to spread
the message to “unlock your bra and check regularly”. Therefore, as part
of the integrated marketing campaign awareness strategy, a multimedia
campaign on TV, radio, online and outdoor at MTR, buses and
commercial buildings are set to draw the attention.
Case Study n°4
Adidas opted for a traditional and
digital marketing approach with their
Neo Label line of fashion. Billboard
advertisements were placed around
local youth hotspots to generate
buzz while Sina Weibo and
Facebook online brand pages were
launched to allow people to
communicate and connect directly
with the Neo Label; Adidas’ social
media efforts have accumulated up
to 10,000 visits in two months
To build a brand image that relates to local teenagers, adidas has appointed young
celebrities Angelababy and Pakho Chau as the spokespersons of Neo Label in Hong Kong,
China and Taiwan.
The launch campaign is titled ‘Road Trip', which reflects the theme of Neo Label's latest
Adrian Siu, general manager of adidas Hong Kong, said the campaign aims to create
awareness for the new line and engage target audience.
"The creative rationale behind ‘Road Trip' is to encourage the youth to discover and embark
on life's numerous colourful adventures," Siu said.
In addition to print ads and outdoor billboard, Siu said digital elements such as Facebook and
Sina play a big part of the campaign.
"Our target customers indulge in online activities - Internet is something they cannot do
TBWA handled creatives for the campaign with Carat overseeing media planning and buying.

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