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I have a dream by Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King, Jr., is known
for his contributions to the 
American civil rights movement in
the 1960s. His most famous work is
his “I Have a Dream” (1963) speech,
in which he spoke of his dream of a
United States that is void of
segregation and racism. King also
advocated for nonviolent methods of
protest. He organized and staged
countless marches and boycotts
during the civil rights movement.
• What do you think is the purpose of the speaker in delivering the
The purpose of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" Speech is to
expose the American public to the injustice of racial inequality and to
persuade them to stop discriminating on the basis of race.
• Declaration of Independence
• Emancipation Proclamation
• The Constitution
What are the issues or circumstances surrounded during the speech?

The speech embodies issues such as:

violence, and injustice
Who are the intended audience for the speech?

The intended audience of "I Have a Dream" is white people. In

his speech, Martin Luther King Jr.'s allusions were meant to connect
with the white people that listened to his speech. Martin Luther
King's audience when he gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech is
all of society, Negroes and whites alike.
What does the speaker mean when he said the following lines “I
have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true
meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all
men are created equal."
Speech words Meaning
I have a dream that one day The dream is a frame for the future and sets
the stage for the rest of the words. 'Dream' is
vague aspiration. 'one day' starts to make it

this nation will rise up A hint of revolution, a threat to white people,

that may be scary but is tempered by
subsequent words.

and live out the true meaning of its creed: A direct quote from Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US
"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that President and author of the Declaration of
all men are created equal." Independence . Will be accepted as right by
everyone. Lends gravitas to the speech.
'Creed' has religious connotations.
Implication that this is not true today, over
150 years after it was said.
Reading and Writing Skills

Context in
In the study of a particular text or reading
material, it is not enough for you to just know
how to distinguish facts from claims. It is
also a requisite that you know the
environment or the context for which a
material has been written.
What is Context?

Context is defined as the social, cultural, political,

historical, and other related circumstances that surround
the text and form the terms from which it can be better
understood and evaluated. Knowledge of the text’s context
helps in appreciating the text’s message more deeply.
In discovering a reading context, you may ask questions like:

• When was the work written?

• What were the circumstances that produced it?
• What issues does it deal with?
Text Development

It must have an aim or an objective. You need to know the
reason why you are writing the text, and what you intend to
achieve from your readers—to make them laugh, to convince
them to take action, to let them understand something, and to
educate them, among others.
Do not forget to know your target audience. Is it for the
youth? Is it for adults? Is it for experts? Is it for novices?
Remember that you cannot always resonate to every single
person in the world; you need to focus on a  target audience. In
this manner, you will be able to adjust the content, your use of
language, and your style of presentation.
Content and Meaning

Your work needs to have substance. Apart from being

considerate of your target audience, what will make
them read the work is its content and meaning.
Context in which a text is developed
• It is important for a writer to look into the writing process first before beginning.
We give emphasis to this because it is through the writing process that the text will
• The doer of the writing process is the writer or the author who will conceive a text.
Variety in text takes place because of loads of information gathered by the writer.
There are times when an idea comes from another idea, it results into a number of
For example:
The beauty of Samoa
One author accumulated notes and figures and took photos of Samoa, then he began the process of writing
about it. It resulted into one poem and one story. The text is now enjoyed by people who are interested in
prose and poetry.
What is Writing?

Writing is the act that complements speaking. Its structure is

composed of grammar, vocabulary, and semantics.
Without the author or writer, there can be no text conceptualization.
All contexts that surround the author will therefore add to the layers of
Influence or events that beset him and more.
Various types of Context in Text
Is an early literary work which
becomes a basis or source for a
later work.
For example:
Noli me tangere- hypotext
El filibusterismo- continuation

Is a reading material that

succeeds an earlier written
Hypertext can be also a nonlinear
way of showing information.
Hypertext connects topics on a
screen to related information,
graphics, videos, and music --
information is not simply related
to text.
• This information appears as links and is usually accessed by clicking. The
reader can jump to more information about a topic, which in turn may have
more links.

• This opens up the reader to a wider horizon of information to a new


Is the new meaning given to a text, which was shaped from another
text. It is important that the existing relations and connections of a text
to an intertext is acknowledge, whether they are succeeding texts or
ones that came about as an inspiration from the previous idea.
Forms of Intertex
1. Parody- It makes light of a situation. This should not just be a simple imitation, but should
be another work transformed.
2. Imitation- Filipinos are very good imitators. Imitation shows another work in the same
likeness. Do you notice that when a new or good read becomes popular in bookstands, the
imitations of these titles are released right away? The imitations are so obvious because
even though the spelling is slightly different, the similarity is very wrong.
3. Pastiche. This is almost the same as parody, but instead of making fun of an original work,
it pays respect to the original.
4. Transposition- change order, shift in place or alteration. In the advent of the internet,
literature has become available as transposition. Not only does it help the reader, but it is a
tool for teaching as well.
5. Continuation- a work that is a sequel of another work. If there is a source, it can be made
into a sequel of something. This is usually done on films.
It indicates the reference within the work.
For example:
A book in mathematics which discusses the rational algebraic
expressions will become the reference on an earlier
explanation of exponents and operations on fractions. The
students have to be present in the prerequisite discussion to be
able to understand the full analysis of this mathematical
Kinds of relationship that exist between text

Obligatory reading
- You are obliged to read another work before you can fully
comprehend the current work. You link a text to another.
Optional reading
- The text might have a slight connection to another thing.
Accidental reading
- You might see a connection from a deed or act from previous

Is considered as literary theft for it involves copying some

portions from a work of another author without due
Example of an Original Passage and a
Plagiarized text
Original Passage Plagiarized Version
The legal system is made up of civil courts, The legal system is comprised of criminal and
criminal courts, and specialty courts such as civil courts and specialty courts like bankruptcy
family law courts and bankruptcy court. and family law courts. Every one of the courts is
Each court has its own jurisdiction, which vested with its own jurisdiction. Jurisdiction
means the types of cases each court is permitted
refers to the cases that the court is allowed
to rule on. Sometimes, only one type of court can
to hear. In some instances, there may be hear a particular case. For instance, bankruptcy
several potential courts with jurisdiction. cases can be ruled only in bankruptcy court. In
For example, a federal criminal court and a other situations, it is possible for more that one
state criminal court would each have court to have jurisdiction. For instance, both a
jurisdiction over a crime that is federal drug state and federal criminal court could have
offense but that is also an offense on the authority over a criminal case that is illegal under
state level. federal and state drug laws.
Plagiarism does not have to be word-for-word. If you copy someone’s
ideas , paraphrase, or simply change the words used in an existing text,
you must give credit to the source of the ideas, or else, it would be
considered plagiarized.
1. There are famous personalities you constantly watch and follow on TV, because of their
popularity, these celebrities can easily make statements that instantly become popular.
Name three famous personalities and their signature statements that became popular
household terms.
2. The influence of media to the teens today is seen in the manner and actions they
manifest. As a teen yourself, be conscious of the changes in you that was caused by what
you have heard, seen, watched, or read.
What is it that you have already read, watched, seen, and listened to that move you to
action? Cite your source and inspiration and what you have produced because of the said
3. Speech Writing. Continuations are sequel to a film. Do a continuation in writing by
completing the sentence below and making a three paragraph speech about it.
When I was a child, I dreamt of becoming……..

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