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Unit 2: World Religions Major Assessment

◼ Answer the questions on each slide using complete sentences.
◼ Each question is worth 5 points.
◼ You are allowed to use your notes, but CANNOT use the internet to
research any material.
▪ If you are caught using internet research for any questions you will
automatically get a zero for the assessments and will face disciplinary action.

◼ This assignment is due on Thursday, 9/17 by 11:59 pm

◼ Who are the 3 major gods of Hinduism? What are their roles?

The three major gods of Hinduism is Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Brahma is
known as the creator, Vishnu as the preserver, and Shiva as the destroyer.
Hinduism - Part 1
1. Where is Hinduism dominant?

Hinduism is most dominant in India.

2. What are the rules of Hinduism? Explain how they work.

Dharma is the ethnic code for Hinduism that people need to follow.
That includes guidelines on how people should live, basic social rules
and is unique for each person.
Hinduism - Part 2
3. What is the Caste System? Explain its purpose.

The caste system was the social structure/ranking in Hinduism. Each

caste needs to do its own jobs and are not allowed to socialize with
other castes.

4. How are karma and reincarnation related?

They are related because what you get reincarnated as is determined
by how good your karma is.
Buddhism - Part 1
5. Who is Siddhartha Gautama? Why is he significant to the Buddhist
Siddhartha Gautama is the founder of Buddhism. He created the Four
Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.

6. Explain the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. Why are they
significant in Buddhism?
The Four Noble Truths are the foundation on how Buddha views life
and the Eightfold Path is the way of life to overcome suffering. This is
the sole of the religion and what every Buddist needs to do.
Buddhism - Part 2
7. What is Enlightenment? How does one reach it?
Enlightenment is a state of perfect wisdom, bliss, super content and
happens while alive. This happens when a follower has gotten rid of all
desire/suffering in his or her life.

8. What is Nirvana?
Nirvana is the release from the reincarnation cycle after death, and
means no suffering ever again. Nirvana is paradise and oneness with
the universe, seeing everything as it really is.
Judaism - Part 1
9. Who founded Judaism? Why are they considered the “father of the
Jewish faith”?
The founder of Judaism is viewed to be Abraham. They are viewed as
the father of the Jewish faith because Abraham made a covenant with

10. Who was Moses, and why was his significance to the Jewish people?
Moses was a Hebrew and was significant to the Jewish because he was
chosen to lead the Hebrew people out of slavery.
Judaism - Part 2
11. What is the name of the Jewish sacred test? What are the first five
books referred to as?
The Jewish sacred text is referred to as the Tanakh. The first five texts
are the Torah.

12. Explain the three major sects of Judaism: Orthodox, Conservative, and
Orthodox strictly follows the Jewish law. Conservatives follow some
Jewish law, but allow modern interpretations. Reform is more
progressive and allows modern interpretations and adapt to modern
Christianity - Part 1
13. Who is considered to be the founder of Christianity? Describe their
early life.
The founder of Christianity is Jesus Christ. He was born from a virgin,
and was a miracle and a son of God. He began his teachings aound the
age of thirty.

14. Who is Paul, and what is his significance to Christianity?

Paul was one of Christ’s first apostles, and is the reason Christianity is
so widespread today.
Christianity - Part 2
15. Christians believe that God is revealed in three forms. Describe what
this means.
God’s three forms are the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. They are
all the same person, but they are not the same as each other.

16. Explain the three major sects of Christianity: Catholicism, Protestant,

and Eastern Orthodox.
Catholicism views the pope as the leader of the church and the church
serves as a midway point between God and followers. Protestant is the
sainthood of the believer. Eastern Orthodox rejects the authority of the
Islam - Part 1
17. Who was Muhammad? What was his significance to Islam?
Muhammad is veiwed as the founder of Islam. He is known to receive
the final message from God and is viewed as the final prophet.

18. What is the importance of the city of Mecca and Medina?

Mecca and Medina are sacred sites and are viewed as Muhammad’s
Islam - Part 2
19. What are the 5 Pillars of Islam? Why are they significant?
The 5 Pillars are the basic ethnic codes for Muslims to follow. They are
significant because they are the guidelines on how Muslims should live.

20. What are the two denominations of Islam? How are they different in
terms of who should lead the Muslim faith?
The two types of Muslims are the Sunni and the Shi’a. They Sunni
Muslims believed that Muhammad died without appointing a succesor
but Shi’a believes that he chose Ali, his cousin and son-in-law.

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