Presentation Fundamentals of Project Management Presented To: Sir Usman Kaleem

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Project Planning:

Project Planning is a discipline for stating how to complete a project within a certain timeframe, usually with
defined stages, and with designated resources. One view of project planning divides the activity into: Setting
objectives (these should be measurable) .Planning the schedule. Making supporting plans.

Purpose of Project Planning:

The purpose of a project plan is to serve as a guide for the execution and control phases. The project
plan provides all the information necessary for the execution phase such as the project's goals, objectives,
scope of work, milestones, risks and resources.
• Initial Project Coordination:

Initial project coordination is the early and open exchange of information that helps to confirm the NEPA/SEPA class of action and
determine the range of issues to be considered in an environmental document or supporting environmental documentation.

• Objectives of Initial Project Coordination:

• The objectives of initial project coordination include
• Understanding the problem, including its history and context
• Defining the project and the limits of what it can cover
• Exploring the characteristics of the human and natural environment
• Identifying potential issues and constraints
• Discussing possible solutions
• Determining whether the project will advance through the Merger Process
• Planning the project’s approach
• Communicating information with the project team.
Project Launch Meeting:

A Project Launch Meeting is conducted for three reasons:

• To educate project team members and project managers

• To assign the responsibilities to the project team
• To establish the assigned project manager as the focal point for communications. To prepare the
first cut of a project plan as the tangible deliverables.
Composite Plan:

 A plan thatis calculated by summing discrete components and which is usually associated with a
span of time. This is often an annual cash bonus plan or other plan that depends on measurable past

Composite organization structure simply but is basically a combination of all three organization
structures. With in the organization there could be certain projects that are being managed following
the balanced matrix organization structure while others could be following the projectized organization
•Project Plan Element's :
Project planning is crucial for project success, but it does not exist in a vacuum. It’s part of the project
management cycle that consists of ten distinct phases:
•Project Scope :

The project scope would detail, the Project (Expected work) and Product (Features & Functions). This is the
most important component of a plan since it defines what exactly you would need to achieve in the project.

•Requirement management :
Documenting, analyzing, tracing, prioritizing and agreeing on requirements and then controlling change and
communicating to relevant stakeholders.

•Schedule Management:

Project’s milestones, activities, and deliverables, and their expected start and end dates.
•Financial Management:
Investment and budgetary details.

•Quality Management:
Quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement.

•Resource Management:
Financial resources, inventory, human resources & skills, production resources, and/or information technology.

•Stakeholder Management :
Define and manage positive relationships with stakeholders through the appropriate management of their
expectations and agreed objectives.
•Communications Management:

What information needs to flow in the project, Who needs what information, When is the information needed,
What format is the information delivered in, and Who will be responsible for transmitting and providing the

•Risk Management:
Identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks.

•Procurement Management:

Establishing, maintaining and closing relationships with suppliers of goods and services for the project In
addition to the Project Plan, project managers can create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), which is a key
project deliverable that organizes the team’s work into manageable sections
Project Planning in Action:
An project planning in action is a list of tasks that you need to do to complete a
simple project or objective. To draw one up, simply list the tasks that you need to complete to
deliver your project or objective, in the order that you need to complete them.

Steps of Action Planning:

• Define the Problem(s)
• Collect and Analyze the Data.
• Clarify and Prioritize the Problem
• Write a Goal Statement for Each Solution.
• Implement Solutions: The Action Plan.
• Monitor and Evaluate.
• Restart with a New Problem, or Refine the Old Problem.
System Integration:

In a very broad terms system integration is the process of connecting different sub systems into a
single larger system that functions as one . With regards to software solutions, system integration is
typically defined as the process of linking together various IT systems , services and or software to
enable all of them to work functionally together.

System Integration is concerned with three objectives:

• Performance: Through put is the amount of work that a system can do in a given time period.
• Effectiveness: To achieve optimum performance expected in the project.
• Cost system: Cost is design Parameter.
Hierarchical Planning System:
All activities required to complete a project must be precisely delineated and coordinated.
It is level by level planning in Project Planning.
Hierarchical planning system:
A project should be well coordinated, some activities are done sequentially and some simultaneously,
it helps in identifying and sorting activities appropriately

Sorting Out the Project:

If everything is organized/categorized in project it will reduce difficulties.
Pinto and Selvin(project developers) developed list of ten factors that will lead to success,these
factors were divided into two clusters:-
1) Strategic cluster
2) Tactical cluster
Strategic success factors are :-

Project mission:-

Objects should be clearly defined.

Top Management :-
Top management stands behind the project to support them and check everything fine or not.

Project's action plan :-

Detailed plan is made according to the resources required and given, it will include certain steps for implementation
Work Breakdown Structure:

As it's name indicate that work WBS means work should be divided into small tasks ,WBS is very important
document and it can be used for different works basically it appear as an outline with level one tasks on the left
level one tasks means tasks which are given priority and should be completed first. It also illustrates how much
combination is done by each piece of project. It helps in listing vendors or subcontractors associated with
specific tasks. It will help in estimating cost and task duration

There are some general steps to design project using WBS:-

• Using information from the action plan.
• Continuing until all tasks are not clearly identified
• Data should be recorded of tasks until work is done.
• Total project budget should depend on four elements Direct cost, indirect cost , some amount should be saved
for emergency, remaining amount should be used for Project's profit.
• Master plan will integrate with small schedules and will cover up different parts of project.
• These five steps can control or monitor project.

Point 6 and 7 can be used to monitor/examine project

• Project manager can examine actual resources, work package, task, project manager can identify problems,
harden the estimates of final cost and make sure that relevant corrections have been designed and ready to
• The project schedule may be subjected to the same comparisons as the project budget. Actual progress is
compared to schedule and corrective actions can be taken.
Interface Coordination through Integration Management:

Interface coordination is the task of coordinating work across multiple groups. Multidisciplinary teams (MTs)
are often used to facilitate the coordination of technical issues. Techniques are available to assist this process by
mapping the interdependencies between team members.

Interface Management is essentially the project’s manager job:

• planning
• coordinating
• controlling the work of others at project Interfaces.

Organizational factors should not be allowed to inhibit required project integration. Project organization

structures generally need to change as the project develops.
Approaches to Interface Management:

Interface Management is a systematic methodology enlisted when working with multiple contractors,
subcontractors, and clients. Implementing an interface management process on a project streamlines
communication, identifies critical interfaces, and monitors ongoing work progress while mitigating risks.

The interface management process is designed to provide a method to formally document and track the exchange
of information between project participants and to monitor the performance of all participants in making available
the required information. The process involves • Identification and recording an interface
• Creating an interface agreement
• Agreeing / Resolving Conflict
• Monitoring the status
• Reporting the status
• Closing the interface agreement
The objective of the Interface management process is to facilitate agreements with other stakeholders
regarding roles & responsibilities, timing for providing interface information and identification of critical
interfaces early in the project through a structured process. The overall goal is the early identification of issues
with potential for impact to cost or schedule, to minimize or remove their impact and promote clear, accurate,
timely, and consistent communication with other organizations for exchanging interface information. Interface
Information is a requirement that associates two distinct entities, either internal or external, that is necessary for
an entity to generate its own deliverables.

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