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Unson Elementary School

Pagsanjan, Laguna

English: Quarter 1

Week 5
Nikael Donna R. Peralta
Teacher I

Mauro P. Abella, Jr.

Principal II
Quarter 1, Week 5

Day 1
1. Sequence series of events of stories listened to
2. Give directions orally
3. Use context clues to determine the meaning of
unfamiliar words
4. Write different forms of simple composition (thank
you card, note, poster, slogan) as a response to
stories/poems read or listened to
What are the steps in washing our hands?
What are the steps in brushing our teeth?

What other reminders does your mother

tell you about being clean?
Unlocking of Difficulties
a. awful
The dead animal smells awful. It has an unpleasant
• What word in the second sentence gives the
meaning of the word awful?
• What other things smell awful?
b. coals
My mother cooked my favorite barbecue over hot coals.
• What would happen if you touched some hot coals?
• What phrase in the first sentence has the same
meaning as hot coals?

c. fragrant
I love the fragrant smell of my mother’s
perfume. It smells like fresh flowers.
• What other things smell fragrant?
d. treats
My sister brought some chocolates, candies and
other treats when she came back from the
• How do you feel when you are given some

e. enchanted
Stories say that fairies live in Mount Makiling. They say
that the mountain is enchanted.
• What could be the happening in an enchanted
f. porridge
My mother cooks delicious porridge especially on
rainy days. She put some water and cooks the rice
longer than usual. Then, she adds chicken and
vegetables to the porridge. My brother like it very hot.
• Do you also like porridge?
• What do you like to eat with it?
Think and Tell
• What do you notice
about the girl in the
• How do you know that
the girl is sick?
• Have you ever been
• What made you feel
better when you were
Think and Tell
What happy place did Jackie think of?
Quarter 1, Week 5

Day 2
1. Realize that the love and care of family and loved ones
bring wellness and happiness
2. Sequence series of events in stories listened to
3. Write different forms of simple composition (thank you
card) as a response to the story listened to
4. Use graphic organizers (story sequence chart) to show
understanding of texts
Group Activity
Group 1: Draw Jackie’s happy place and say something
about it
Group 2: Make a food calendar of what Lola Itang
prepared for Jackie
Group 3: Make a thank you card for Lola Itang
• Who is sick?
• How does Jackie think of, that will make
her better?
• What is Jackie’s happy place?
• What makes it a happy place?
Think and Tell
Think and Learn
Mother has some hens. Sometimes she gives
them corn to eat. Sometimes she gives them palay.
Baby likes to see them pick up the palay. When she is
bigger, she will feed the hens.
One day, Mother was working in the yard. She
was cleaning the yard with a broom. Mother heard
the hens in the garden. They were hungry. Mother
said, “I did not feed my hens. I did not give them
their palay.” Then, she went into the house. She
came out with a basket. The hens had palay to eat
and they were happy.
Think and Tell
Arrange the pictures of the events as they happened in
the story.
Quarter 1, Week 5

Day 3
Use quantifiers of mass
Find Out and Learn
This is Lola Itang’s special haluhalo. Name the ingredients
of Lola Itang’s haluhalo and classify them as count nouns o
mass nouns.
Count Nouns Mass Nouns
Read and Lean
Read the paragraph.
Lola Itang is busy in the
kitchen. She is busy preparing
Jackie’s favorite treats. She has
just finished baking the rice
cakes. Lola Itang’s rice cakes
have a sprinkling of coconut
shreds. They have slices of
cheese on them. Then, she
cooked a pot of champorado.
While cooking champorado, she
took out from the oven the
enseymada that she also
baked. She spread a teaspoon
of butter and a spoonful of
sugar on the ensaymada.
Lola Itang has the best
haluhalo. She mixes all sorts of
nice things in her glasses of
haluhalo. She puts slices of
nata de coco, spoonfuls of ube
jam, and slices of leche flan.
Then she adds a half cup of
milk and shaved ice. The
haluhalo looks delightful with
its swirl of color.
What is placed on top of What else are placed on
Lola Itang’s rice cakes? the rice cake?

What did Lola Itang cook?

What did she spread on the


What food did Lola Itang


What made the haluhalo What ingredients did she

look delightful? put in the haluhalo?
Try and Lean
Read the phrases.
•sprinkling of shredded coconut
•slices of cheese
•a pot of chamorado
•a dab of butter
•a spoonful of sugar
•glasses of haluhalo
•bits of nata de coco
•slices of leche flan
•spoonful of ube jam
•a half cup of milk
•shavings of ice
•a swirl of colors
Quantifiers or counters
are expressions of
quantity. We use
quantifiers to tell us how
much or how little the
mass nouns are. Some
quantifiers are much,
many, lots of, a little of, a
bit of, a piece of, a glass
of, a kilo of, or a pound
Do and Learn
What’s in the Refrigerator?

A. List down the

food items inside
the refrigerator
use quantifiers
for the mass
Do and Learn
Complete the lines of the poem with the appropriate counter or
quantifier. Choose the quantifier from the box.

Today, I will bake my favorite pie.

A treat for mother and my Aunt Sie
First, I will sift a _________ of flour.
Add a _________ of yeast. Mix and leave the
dough for an hour.
Later, I will put two ________ of sugar.
A ________ of milk, I’ll be sure it’s not vinegar.
A couple of eggs would add some flavor.
A ________ of vanilla and honey would do me a
Of making my pie the best that they could savor.

spoonful cupkilo teaspoon can

Learn Some More
Choose the correct counter/quantifier for the mass nouns from the
box to complete the phrases.

1. A __________ of chocolates handful

2. A __________ of peanuts.
3. A __________ of grapes. bottle
4. A ________ of fries.
5. A ________ of water plateful
6. A ________ of soup basket
7. A ________ of coffee
Quarter 1, Week 5

Day 4
Read words, phrases, poems and stories with long u vowel sounds
Read aloud grade level texts with accuracy an rate of 95-100
3. Use context clues (definition) to find the meaning of unfamiliar
4. Use a graphic organizer to show understanding of text
Find Out and Learn
Read the words.
pure sugar sure cure

Read the other words with the long u sound.

Cube fuse excuse cute huge
Use amuse muse tube tune
Try and Learn
Exercise 1
Read aloud the following sentences.
1. Sugar is sweet. What do you use sugar for?
2. A bus is huge. Name other things which are huge.
3. I feel good when I hear my favorite tune on the radio.
Do you have a favorite tune? What is your favorite tune?
4. I want a cube of ice in my glass of water.
5. I will use a long spoon for the haluhalo.
6. Father needs to change the fuse so he can turn on the
7. The children were amused by the clown’s magic tricks.
8. I will be absent from class. So, I wrote an excuse letter.
9. The pretty girl were chosen to be the muse of the class.
10. Hello Kitty looks cute.
Exercise 2
Read the phrases. tune of the piano
pure sugar
the huge cube
excuse letter
clean utensils

Exercise 3
Read the sentences.
The tune of the piano makes me sad.
Pure sugar is really sweet.
The huge cube fell from the roof.
The teacher signed the excuse letter.
We use clean utensils.
Exercise 4
Read the ryhmes.
Huge Uncle Luke looks like a real duke.
Yesterday, he was in the news.
For the old pipe he blew
Played a tune no one knew.

The cute little mouse ate a cube of sugar.

And drank a tube of pure juice.
She thought it’s a sure cure
For the fume that made her mute.
Unlocking of Difficulties
a. jealous
Mark has a new baby brother. He thinks that his parents would no
longer notice him. He thinks they would no longer love him. Mark is
jealous of his brother
• Is it good to be jealous? Why? Why not?

b. toss
Dona is proud of herself. She thinks she is the most beautiful girl in
school. She tosses her head most of the time like this.
(demonstrate how to toss one’s head, then let pupils do the same)

c. spilled
Marah was playing all around so she spilled
the glass of milk on the table. The milk was
spilled all over the table and the floor.
• What should she do with the spilled milk?
The Milkmaid
Mutya, the Milkmaid, was
going to the market carrying a
huge pail of pure milk on her
head. She hummed a happy
tune while walking. As she went
along, she began thinking of
what she would do with the
money she would get for the
milk. “I’ll buy some chicken from
Mang Tomas,” said she, “and
they will lay eggs each morning,
then I will sell
the eggs to the mayor’s
wife. With the money that
I will get from the sale of
the eggs. I’m sure I can buy
myself a cute dress and a
hat; and when I go to the
market I would be a muse.
Won’t all the young men
come up and speak to me!
Ana will be that jealous,
but I don’t care. I shall just
look at her and toss my
head like this.
As she spoke, she
tosses her head back,
the pail fell down, and
all the milk was
spilled. She had to go
home and tell her
mother what
What did Mutya plan to buy
with her money? When did she stop thinking
about her plans?

How did she feel about the

split milk?

How do you think her

mother feel?

How do you think her

mother feel?
What advice do you
think did her mother
give her?

If you were Mutya,

what would you do?

How can Mutya realize

her plans?

How can you realize

your own plans?
Who: Mutya the Milkmaid

Who When: One day

Where: Along the street, in the
Where What: Mutya was thinking
Topic about what she will buy with
the money she will get when
she sells the milk
Why What
Why: To make her look good
and be admired by others
Quarter 1, Week 5

Day 5
1. Understand that it is not good to count the gains if
there is no effort on working for it
2. Sequence events in a story read
3. Use graphic organizers to show understanding of texts
4. Write different forms of simple composition (skit,
slogan) as a response to the story read
Group Activity
The pupils are grouped into three and each group is
given the task.

Group 1 – Make a timeline of Mutya’s plans

Group 2 – Show a skit on the part when Mutya spilled
the milk
Group 3 – Make a slogan for Mutya
•What will Mutya buy with her money?
Group 1 •When did she stop thinking about her plans?
•How did she feel when the milk was spilled?

•How do you think her mother will feel?

Group 2 •What advice will mother give her?
•If you were Mutya, what will you tell her?

•How can Mutya realize her plans?

Group 3 •How can you realize your own plans?
Do and Learn
Using the events in the story, write or draw in each box
to show the story sequence.

In the beginning And then….

Suddenly And then…

And then… In the end…

Graphic Organizers
Graphic organizers are visual charts and tools used
to represent and organize a student’s knowledge or
ideas. Graphic organizers are often used as part of the
writing process to help students map out ideas, plots,
character details and settings before beginning to
write. As part of the reading process, graphic
organizers can help a student comprehend what he has
read and make comparisons. Graphic organizers can be
used to sequence events, analyze cause and effect,
compare and contrast and develop concepts in detail.
Activity Learn Some More
Arrange the events to form a story. Write each event in
the appropriate box in the chart. Be guided by the signal
Story A
• Pepito saw an old woman who was having a hard
time crossing the street.
• He approached the old woman and offered help,
and the latter gladly accepted the offer.
• When the two reached the other side of the street,
the old woman gave Pepito a big seed. It was her
way of thinking him.
• When Pepito got home, he planted the big seed. The
next morning he found a money tree in the place
where he had put the seed.

Here’s What Happened



Learn Some More
Story B
• One evening, Rhodora went to sleep without fixing
her school things. While she was sleeping, she was
interrupted by some noises.
• Those were her school things – the bag, books,
notebooks, pens and papers. They all came alive!
• Her school things were mad at her for not fixing
• Rhodora asked forgiveness from her school things
and promised to take care of them. Suddenly, she
opened her eyes realizing everything was just a
Rhodora went to sleep without fixing her school things.



And then, she asked forgiveness and promised to take

care of her school things

Learn Some More
Story C
Retell the story by sequencing the events in the chain of
events organizer.
The Bundle of Sticks
An old man who was
about to die called his sons
to give them some pairing
advice. He ordered his
servants to bring in a bundle
of sticks, and he told his
eldest son, “Break it.”
The son strained and
strained, but with all his
efforts, he was unable
to break the bundle. The
other sons also tried,
but no one of them was

“Untie the sticks,” said the father, “and each of you

take a stick.”
When they had done so, he called out to them:
“Now break,” and each stick was easily broken. “Do
you see what I mean?” asked their father.
Learn Some More

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