Relational DBMS: Motivating Questions

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Relational DBMS

Motivating Questions
• From last time: Is MS Excel a DBMS?

• What makes some databases relational, while

others are not?

• Why do so many people use them?

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RDBMS: Basic Principles

• Based on a variant of n-ary relations

• Relations are the main data structure
• A relational database consists of 1 or more relations
• Connections and relationships represented by values
of data, not by physical references
– Reference by value
– Reference by location
• Natural representation as tables

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Relations: Definitions

• A relation R is a set of n-tuples <d1,d2 …,dn>

• di is a domain
– may be infinite and may be non-unique
– all domains contain the NULL value. Null value
represents either attributes whose value is not
known, or do not exist
• n is the degree of the relation
• The number of tuples in a relation is the cardinality of
the relation

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Relations: Definitions and Properties

• Because R is a set of n-tuples:

– the ordering of the n-tuples in R is immaterial
– the n-tuples are distinct
• An n-tuple is an ordered list of values:
– The ith value is in the ith domain
– The ordering of domains is significant

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Relations: Properties

• Values of each column are homogeneous

(belong to the same domain)
• Rows are different with respect to one another
R is a set of tuples (not a bag)
• The order of columns is irrelevant, they are identified
by name, not by position
• The order of rows is irrelevant, they are identified by
content, not by position

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Relations: Definitions and Properties

• Some loose definitions:

– “attribute” corresponds to a named table column;
– “tuple” corresponds to a table row;
– “values” correspond to table cells
– each attribute has a domain set from which its
values come from

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Relation: Example


Build.num Street name Nb floors Value
412 Laurier 2 142000
Tuple 415 Laurier 3 167000
287 Ste-Foy 3 256000
288 Ste-Foy 2 195000


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Schemas and Instances

• Relation schema: A relation name and a set of distinct

attribute names: R(A1 A2 ….An)
Database schema: A set of relation schema with distinct
relation names: R
• Relation instance defined over schema R (X): finite set r of
tuples over X
Database instance defined over schema R:
R = (R1 (X1), R2 (X2), ….Rn(Xn) )
= a set of relations (r1, r2, …., rn)

The Nottingham Trent University - Department of Computing - C. Claramunt 8


• What are they ?

– represent the semantics of the miniworld being modeled.
– restrict the set of possible database states.
• Why do we want to specify the constraints?
– Useful information to application programmers. They can
write programs to prevent constraints violation:
• example: acct balance should not fall below 0 £
– DBMS might enforce specified constraints directly
making task of application writer easier !

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Constraints in RDBMS

• Domain constraints
• Primary keys
• Foreign keys
• Entity integrity
• Referential integrity
• Semantic integrity

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• Principles:
– Defined for a database schema
– Must hold for every database instance

• Domain Integrity:
– All values for an attribute must be a value from the
attribute’s domain
– Must be a SINGLETON (atomic) value
(First-normal form)

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Primary Keys

A key is a set of columns that together makes each
row distinct

No two rows will have the same value of this key
(implies that no two rows are allowed to be identical)

A primary key is usually included as a single column
(e.g., ID)

Every relation has a key

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Primary keys: Example

ModuleInfo(C#, semester, room, time, instructor)

• Each module: one semester and one instructor

key = {C#, semester}
• Each course: one semester and > 1 instructor
key = {C#, semester, instructor}

The Nottingham Trent University - Department of Computing - C. Claramunt 13

Primary keys

Aplication :
– DBMS can check if the the tuple being inserted
matches an existing tuple on the attributes in the
key and disallow such insertions
– Similarly, a primary key should not contain a null
value since then it may not be possible to identify
some tuples

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Foreign Keys

Foreign keys refer to primary keys in other tables
(e.g., Phys)

Foreign keys allow to represent relationships in

A referential integrity constraint from the attribute
Phys of Patient to Physicians means that Phys is a
foreign key that refers to the primary key of

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Foreign Keys in Relations: Example


ID Name Phone


Num Pt Enc_Date Phys

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Referential integrity

If we keep a list of existing Physicians -
Physicians.ID = {1, 2, 3}, and have a referential
integrity constraint saying that every value of
Patient.Phys must also be a value of Physicians.Id
then we can reject the following request:

insert into Patient values (“15”, “Smith”, “1-01-98”, “15”);

The Nottingham Trent University - Department of Computing - C. Claramunt 17

Entity & Referential Integrity

• Entity Integrity:
– Must be able to distinguish two entities by their primary
– No primary key value may be NULL
– No restriction on non-primary key values

• Referential Integrity:
– A tuple containing a non-NULL foreign key must refer to
an existing tuple in the foreign relation

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Semantic Integrity

• Not all finite set of tuples are acceptable :

– even if tuples have the right degree and attribute values:

ID Name Age

10932664 Dick 140

10932561 Jane 41
10932561 Spot 36

The Nottingham Trent University - Department of Computing - C. Claramunt 19

Data Definition Language (DDL)

• Used to encode database structure, including:

– Table Definition (Name, Field Names,
– Indexes/Physical Keys
– Constraints needed to ensure referential integrity,
validity, etc.

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Data Manipulation Language (DML)

• Used to add/delete/modify records in table instances

• Categories:
– Relational algebra and Relational Calculus
– Transform-oriented language (e.g., SQL)
– Query-By-Example (QBE)
• User Views/Interfaces:
– Forms
– Application programs
• Query/update language commands

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Levels of Abstraction & Optimization

Relational languages and DBMS are highly “non-

Query describes table needed

DBMS figures out how to produce it

… but some queries are better than others



computer system resources used

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Relational DBMS: People involved

DBMS designers and implementers

Tool designers

Database administrator (DBA) I.e. ‘super-user’ for a database, similar to a
system administrator. DBA can define schemas, views, authorization,
indexes, tuning parameters, etc.

Application programmers

Database designers (interact with users to define database at all levels)

Operators and maintenance

End users

The Nottingham Trent University - Department of Computing - C. Claramunt 23

Relational DBMS: Technology Trends

• Popularity of network of workstations (client-server database technology)

• Expanding Internet (information filtering over the net, digital library, security
and protection over the net, new transaction management issues)
• Reducing cost of secondary storage.
• large databases (many terrabytes, may be petabytes) of digital images,
video and other complex data -- satellite images, medical images, etc.
• data mining -- searching for useful knowledge in large volumes of data.

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Relational DBMS: Application Pull

New applications -- Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Image
and graphic databases, geometric databases.

Relational model not very good for modeling data in these domains

Led to emergence of Object oriented database management systems. that
are designed to meet the requirements of these complex domains.

Key features:
– flexibility to meet the requirements of these domains without being
limited by data type and query language.
– power to designer to specify both structure of complex objects and
their behavior (operations)

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Relational concepts

• Review:
– What’s a RDBMS ?
– What’s a relation ?
– How are they represented in a DBMS?
– Where do these relations come from?

The Nottingham Trent University - Department of Computing - C. Claramunt 26

Discussion: Is MS Excel a RDBMS?

Is a spreadsheet a database?

Does MS Excel do all the functions of a database?

Data definition

Data manipulation

Data security & integrity

Data recovery and concurrency

Data dictionary

Query optimization
The Nottingham Trent University - Department of Computing - C. Claramunt 27
RDBMS Product Examples

– A standard for PC DBMS products, includes
– dBase language (std)
– browser
– application generator
– and other tools

– Paradox language
– usual tools
– Front end for SQL db areas

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RDBMS Product Examples

Gupta SQLBase with SQL Windows :
– new kids on block (startup from other companies)
– good early reviews
– 1st client-server on PCs
– clean gateway to IBM’s DB2
– supports blobs, cursors
– good development environment

The Nottingham Trent University - Department of Computing - C. Claramunt 29

RDBMS Product Examples

Microsoft SQL Server :
– fastest PC DBMS
– usual suite of tools
– extension of dBase language

Access :
– newest offering
– Visual Basic front end to SQL and usual tools
– Can read files from other PC DBMS vendors
– hot seller

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RDBMS Product Examples

Ingres :
– Descendant of Berkeley project (Postgres)
– still the most technically polished products, innovative
(e.g. in distributed DBMSs, rules)
– Good tools for DBA, application creation

Oracle and Sybase :
– Fairly technically advanced (early with client/server,
– Major commercial SQL product

The Nottingham Trent University - Department of Computing - C. Claramunt 31

Review Questions

What is meant by relational database structure?

What are the minimal constraints ? Why do we need
• What’s a relation again?
• How are they represented in a DBMS?

The Nottingham Trent University - Department of Computing - C. Claramunt 32

Cust-no Name Address Order-no Date Cust-no

C45 Smith Smith 11 1/7/97 C45

C46 Baker Paul 12 15/7/97 C46

Foreign key
Primary key

(1) For each of the following tuples, states which, if any, of the integrity rules are
violated when they are added to the SALES_ORDER relation:
<14, 1/6/97, C45> <15, 1/7/97, null>
<16, 5/7/97, C52> <17, 10/7/98, null>

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