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Academic English - Unit 3

Type of Sentence Structure

Yadi Kusmayadi, S.S., M.Pd
• Letter: a, b, c, and etc.
• Word: chair, small, sit
• Phrase:
– Noun phrase: her small chair
– Verb phrase: sit calmly
– Adjective phrase: so angry
– Adverbial: so calmly
• Clause:
– When I walk
• Sentence
– I walk
Sentence VS Non-Sentence
• Kalimat (sentence) itu harus terdiri dari minimal
satu subject dan satu predicate.
• a student walks.
– Subject : a student
– Predicate: walks
• a student from management class walks to the
– Subject : a student from management class
– Predicate: walks to the class
Sentence VS Non-Sentence
• Bukan kalimat (non-sentence) biasanya tidak
memiliki subject atau tidak memiliki predicate.
• a student from management class.
– Kalimat di atas tidak memiliki predicate
• Walks to the class.
– Kalimat di atas tidak memiliki subject.
Latihan (Practice)
Tentukan subject dan predicate dari kalimat berikut.
Nomor 1 sebagai contoh.
1. Indonesian people declared Ramadhan begins
on Monday.
Subject: Indonesian people
Predicate : declared
Latihan (Practice)
2. Eating a good breakfast is important.
Subject: ...................
Predicate : ...................
Latihan (Practice)
3. The winning season of the college baseball team.
Subject: ............
Predicate : ………….
Latihan (Practice)
4. Language influences the way people see the
Subject: ............
Predicate : ………….
Sentence or Non Sentence
Tentukan mana yang kalimat dan mana yang bukan
1. An officer of a company.  bukan sentence (cuma phrase,
karena tidak ada subject dan predicate)
2. A lecturer teaches in the class.
3. Beautiful girl from Bandung.
4. A laptop from Taiwan is good.
5. The lazy shop keeper.
6. A sweet and tasteful candy.
7. The book about history.
8. The player kicks the ball.
9. Cat fish lives in the pond.
10.That skateboarder’s name is Tony Hawk.
Type of Sentence
• Simple sentence (SS)
• Compound sentence (SS + SS)
• Complex sentence
• Compound complex sentence
Simple Sentence
(Kalimat Sederhana)
• Simple sentence setidaknya berisi satu subject
dan satu predicate/verb
• Contoh:
• The president spoke. S-V
• Betty made some iced tea. S-V-O
• They arrived at 2:00. S-V-C
• I was there. S-V
Compound Sentence
(Kalimat majemuk setara)
• Kalimat majemuk setara terdiri dari dua
kalimat sederhana atau lebih, dan
digabungkan dengan konjungsi (kata
• Contoh:
• I am reading a book and she is playing guitar.
• Jack turned left, but Marrie turned right.
Contoh Lain
Short simple sentence
• I eat.
• You drink.
• I eat and you drink.

Long simple sentence

• Woman in the movie with a red shirt stays.
• Man in the movie with a beard stands.
• Woman in the movie with a red shirt stays and man in the
movie with a beard stands.
Complex Sentence
• Kalimat kompleks terdiri dari satu klausa
utama (main clause) dan satu klausa
subordinate (subordinate clause) atau lebih
• Contoh:
• I was playing guitar when you came.
• Main clause : I was playing guitar
• Sub clause : When you came
Contoh lain
• Woman stays when the man talks.
• I come to your room because I want to borrow
some money.
Compound Complex Sentence
(Kalimat Kompleks Majemuk)

• Kalimat kompleks majemuk bersisi 2 main

clause atau lebih dan satu subordinate clause
atau lebih
• Contoh:
• When Jack came, I was playing guitar, but I did
not notice him because he did not knock the
Dependent and Independent Clause
• Dependent clause adalah klausa terikat. Maksudnya, klausa
ini membutuhkan klausa lain untuk menjadi kalimat.
• Independent clause adalah klausa bebas. Maksudnya, klausa
ini tidak membutuhkan klausa lain untuk menjadi kalimat.
• Contoh:
– When I came, Mary was playing video game.
– When I came adalah dependent clause.
– Mary was playing video game adalah independent clause
• Ketika klausa Mary was playing video game dihilangkan,
maka klausa When I came maknanya menggantung dan
belum sempurna.
Dependent or Independent Clause
Tentukan mana yang dependent dan mana yang independent clause.
Nomor 1 sebagai contoh.

1. He fell in love  Independent clause, karena maknanya sudah

sempurna/tidak menggantung
2. When he does his homework
3. Ann is studying Chinese
4. Because I want her
5. So he might be sick
6. Leaving in a jet plane
7. Richard makes some pasta
8. Bob and William ask the professor
9. But he doesn’t care
10.Lily is just a little girl
• Analisis Subject dan Predicate dalam kalimat di bawah ini,
dan tentukan apakah sentence atau non-sentence.
1. He graduated.
Subject  He
graduated  predicate
2. An empty backpack with the hole in it.
3. I have taught English in many Asian countries.
4. Learning a new language involves the learning of a new


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