Dr. Jose Rizal's Quotes and Sayings

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Jose Rizal’s Quotes

and Sayings

Prepared by:
Rose Anne T. Nacorda
“One only dies once, and if one do
es not die well, a good opportunity
is lost and will not present itself a

-- Jose Rizal

We must not waste our time for nonsense things.
We should use it to widen our understanding on
different disciplines.
“He who does not know
how to look back at whe
re he came from will ne
ver get to his destinatio

-- Jose Rizal
We must not forget our identity and
origin. It is part of our success and
“The youth is the hope of our future.

-- Jose Rizal

The people must support the dreams of the youth because
they are destined to make a difference in the future.
However, the elders should also guide their decisions.
“Filipinos don't realize tha
t victory is the child of stru
ggle, that joy blossoms fro
m suffering, and redempti
on is a product of sacrifice.

-- Jose Rizal

“To live is to be among men, an
d to be among men is to struggl
e, a struggle not only with them
but with oneself; with their pass
ions, but also with one's own.”

-- Jose Rizal

We need to know ourselves so that we can
understand different behaviors.
“On this battlefield man has no bett
er weapon than his intelligence, no
other force but his heart.”

-- Jose Rizal

Initiating a war is not a solution to end the
conflict. Sometimes, we can use our
intelligence and talents to enlighten people.
“He who would love much
has also much to suffer.”

-- Jose Rizal

Love never fails. Indeed, humans are
willing sacrifice themselves for the sake of
their loved ones.
“I want to show to those who deprive people the
right to love of country, that when we know ho
w to sacrifice ourselves for our duties and convi
ctions, death does not matter if one dies for tho
se one loves – for his country and for others de
ar to him.”

-- Jose Rizal

Love conquers all. It is our weapon to bring
change in our nation.
“No one blames a pilot who takes refuge
in port when the storm begins to blow. It
is not cowardice to duck under a bullet;
what is wrong is to defy it only to fall and
never rise again.”

-- Jose Rizal

We must not blame anyone with regards to our
condition. We must find a way to overcome the
“It is a useless life that is not consecrate
d to a great ideal. It is like a stone waste
d on the field without becoming a part o
f any edifice.”

-- Jose Rizal

We must discover our purpose. And we must use
our talents to inspire others.
“To be happy does not mean to ind
ulge in foolishness!”

-- Jose Rizal

We need to be wise in making decisions.
“He who does not love his own langua
ge is worse than an animal and smelly

-- Jose Rizal

We need to thank the people who made an
impact on our lives. We must not forget the
good things that they’ve done to us.
“There can be no tyrants where th
ere are no slaves.”

-- Jose Rizal

Don’t be a victim of cruelty. Know your
rights and don’t be afraid to speak up.
“While a people preserves i
ts language; it preserves th
e marks of liberty.”

-- Jose Rizal

Let’s not forget our language so that we
will still remember our origin and
“I do not write for this generation. I am writing
for other ages. If this could read me, they would
burn my books, the work of my whole life. On t
he other hand, the generation which interprets
these writings will be an educated generation; t
hey will understand me and say: Not all were as
leep in the nighttime of our grandparents.”

-- Jose Rizal

Rizal’s suffering lead us to salvation. His
kindness saves the human race.
“I have to believe much in God be
cause I have lost my faith in man.

-- Jose Rizal

God is our only hope in our darkest times. He is
our refuge when everything is about to break.
“The example could encourage o
thers who only fear to start.”

-- Jose Rizal

We must not afraid to try. We must be
courageous in facing an obstacle.
“I die without seeing dawn's light s
hining on my country... You, who
will see it, welcome it for me...don'
t forget those who fell during the n

-- Jose Rizal

We must be grateful to our heroes. Let’s us
prove to them that their sacrifices are not
“The world laughs at another man's

-- Jose Rizal

Sometimes people won’t understand the pain
that we’re going through.

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