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Unit 2 – present simple

The present simple

Let’s look at:
1. When we use the present simple?
2. How we make positive sentences in the present simple?
3. How we make negative and question forms in the present simple?

When do we use it?

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Function: present simple
I start school at 9am. I go to school in the
What time do you
mountains, so I catch the bus very early at
start school in the
7am. My best friend flies to school in a

Wow! Do you study I don’t study languages at school, but I go

languages? to a Spanish class every Tuesday evening.

Look at these examples from

the conversation and match
We can use the present simple for… them to the uses in the
table. The first one is done
Something which is Routines and habits in for you.
usually or always true. the present. I start school at 9am.
I catch the bus at 7am.
I go to school in the
I go to a Spanish class
every Tuesday evening.
I don’t study languages at
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Function: When do we use the present
1. For something that is usually or always true.

This is something that is

true. It’s a fact.
I go to school in the mountains.

2. For routines and habits.

This is a routine. It happens
every week at the same
I go to Spanish class every Tuesday time.

How do we make
positive sentences in
the present simple?

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Look at the

Form: present simple No. The

sentences in the
table. With I, you,
verb is we, you (plural)
the same and they, do we
I start school at 9am. I go to school in the
mountains, so I catch the bus very early at 7am. change the verb

person verb changes My friend Tom starts

school at 9am. He catches
I start school at 9am.
No changes. the bus at 7am and his
You start school at 9am. friend flies to school in a
He/She/It starts school at 9am.
Add -s/-es/-ies.
catches the bus at 7am.
flies to school in a helicopter! Now look at the example
verbs in the present simple
with he, she or it. What
We start school at 9am.
changes do we make to the
No changes.
You start school at 9am. verb?
They start school at 9am.
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Form: present simple positive
My friend Tom starts school at 9am. He
I start school at 9am. I go to school in the
catches the bus at 7am and his friend
mountains, so I catch the bus very early at 7am.
flies to school in a helicopter!

person verb changes

The verb only
I start school at 9am. changes in the
No changes. third person
You start school at 9am.

He/she/it starts school at 9am. Add -s/-es/-ies.

But when do we add
We start school at 9am. -s, -es or change the
ending to –ies?

You (plural) start school at 9am.

No changes.

They start school at 9am. Let’s see…

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Things to consider…
We now know that in the third person positive (he/she/it), we add -s, -es, or -ies.
Add -s to the verb (most common).
e.g. He starts at 9am. He works in a bookshop.

start + s = starts work + s = works

Add -es with verbs ending in -o, -ss, -x, -ch, -sh.
e.g. She does exercise. He catches the bus.
…but when do we add -s,
do + es = does catch + es = catches -es, or -ies? It depends on
the spelling of the verb.
Change -y to -ies when the verb ends in a consonant + -y. Look…

e.g. The baby cries a lot. He flies to school in a


cry – y = cr + ies = cries fly – y = fl + ies = flies

consonant y consonant y Negative and question

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Form: present simple negatives &
questions I start school at 9am. I don’t study
languages at school, but I go to a Spanish
What time do you class every Tuesday evening. Does your
start school in the sister live in Spain now?

Do you study negatives

I, You, We, They
No, she doesn’t. She
+ infinitive
doesn’t live there now. She He, She, It
lives in London.
Look at part of the questions
conversation again and fill in (qu. word) I, you, we, they
the table with these words.
The first is done for you. + infinitive?
doesn’t (does not) do (qu. word) he, she, it

do/don’t does/doesn’t short answers

does don’t (do not) I, you, we, they

he, she, it
Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education      Gold Experience 2nd Edition A1
Form: present simple negatives & questions
What time do you start
school in the morning? I start school at 9am. I don’t study
languages at school, but I go to a Spanish
No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t live class every Tuesday evening. Does your
there now. She lives in London. sister live in Spain now?

negatives We use does/doesn’t in the

I, You, We, They don’t (does not) + infinitive third person (he/she/it) in
I don’t study languages. negative statements and
He, She, It doesn’t (does not) + infinitive
She doesn’t live there now.
questions The
Some questions are open infinitive
(qu. word) do I, you, we, they + infinitive? (they need a long answer). form is what
What time do you start school? We use question words with you find in a
open questions. dictionary.
Does he, she, it + infinitive?
Does your sister live in Spain now?
short answers Some questions are closed
(yes/no questions). They don’t
I, you, we, they do/don’t.
Yes/No, have a question word. We Let’s practise!
He, she, it does/doesn’t. use short answers with
Copyright © 2018 by Pearson Education      Gold Experience 2nd Edition A1 these.
Practice activities
Complete the gaps with the words in brackets.

Do work don’t
1. ……………you…………….(work) in a bank? No, I…………………..

doesn’t eat
2. Stella…………………………….(not eat) meat. She’s a vegetarian.

does do Does go
3. Where…………………….Todd…………………….(do) yoga? ……………he……………..(go) to the yoga class in the

4. Jenny’s jacket……………………………..(match) her trousers. She looks beautiful!

speaks speak
5. My best friend…………………………(speak) three languages. I only……………………..(speak) two.

doesn’t play goes

6. Francesca……………………..(not play) football on Fridays. She………………………(go) swimming.

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