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Group 8

05 04 03 02 01
Online Bl d Bank
Management system

1. 42405018 SARFO, Dankwaa Esther (Miss)

2. 42401818 BLAY, Peter Nyameke

3. 42403018 INUSAH, Mukaila

4. 42403918 ODUMGYA, David Komlan

5. 42400318 ACHEAMPONG, Victor Ofori J

What to expect in this Presentation


1 6



Blood transfusion safety remains an important public health concern in the world. The
availability of blood products of all blood types and the provision of its safety ensure public trust
and an excellent healthcare system. However, lack of availability of these blood products and
provision of unsafe blood products increases morbidity and mortality in the country. Through
the use of online blood bank management system, blood transfusion safety is expected to be
enhanced or improved. Risks on improper blood donors’ documentation, and misplaced records
can be minimized or totally avoided. Also, processes involving blood bag collection, storage, and
inventory will be systematized and organized, hence, improving the healthcare management
Background Study
For hospitals, a blood bank known as blood collection center, also is an area in which
collected blood bags are stored and preserved for future use in blood transfusion services.

Most blood banks are still running manual system in its processes. As such, there is a lack of
efficiency because it is still paper-based in collecting information about donors, inventories of
blood bags, and blood transfusion services. The lack of proper documentation may endanger
patients’ health due to the possibility of having contaminated blood bags.

Contamination happens when there is an incomplete donors’ medical history record and the blood bags’ shelf
life is not monitored properly. Hence, blood bank management system might be needed to address these
issues and problems encountered to ensure blood transfusion safety
Problem Statement
Despite advances in technology, today's blood bank
systems are running in manual system.
As such, there is possible problems in the availability of
needed blood types. For instance,
when a person needs a certain type of blood and this type is
not available in the hospital, family
members send messages through social media to those who
can donate to them and this process
takes longer than the life of the patient to the most
Description of the current system
The current system uses papers and receipts to register
their donors and patients. Though they use computers, it
is not completely integrated into the blood donation
system since more people still prefer to use paper since
they are computer illiterate and they find the current
systems hard to use. It is therefore advisable to use/ create
a system that is user friendly so that the people do not feel
burdened by the system.
How the current system works
The current system requires the patient to go to the reception where he declares his details which are
recorded by the receptionist and keyed into his or her database. The patient is then issued with a receipt as
proof that he has paid for the service. He or she is then directed on where to go where he or she has to go
and explain him or herself once more. The patient has to avoid losing the receipt that is issued to them
since it is the only piece of evidence that he has seen the doctor and the prescription that is issued to them.
Weaknesses of the current system
One weakness is that the current system still uses papers and the data/information is not synched so the
information keyed into one computer remains in the computer and so cannot be viewed by anyone else. It
is hard and expensive to maintain the current system since it has to be done one by one and cannot be done
from a centralized location. This makes auditing and any other activities hard to do since the information is
not stored collectively so the auditor has to go through each and every computer so as to collect the
information and audit it.
Project Solution
The proposed Online Blood Bank enables willing blood donors to create account with the system
registering all their details and obtaining a username and a password for login in, make donation
appointments and eventually donate blood in centers of their choice.
The system also have patient registration form that enables them to create account with the system and
obtain a username and a password to enable them login the system, search for blood and a request and
eventually making relevant payments and collect their blood.
Project Objective
We aim at developing and online blood banking management system that will

1. Ensure hospital to have good supply or inventories of blood bags.

2. Check the availability of blood bags anytime.

3. Manage the information of its blood donor.

4. Allow good documentation about the donor and its blood donation activities.

5. Support fast searching to find match blood bags for the right person.
Conceptual Framework
WaterFall model will be used
Functional Requirements

Non -Functional

05 04 03 02 System Analysis 01


Use Case Diagrams

Functional requirements
 Admin Dashboard.

 Blood Donor Dashboard

 Blood Recipient Dashboard

 Change the login password of admin.

05 04 03  Register the donor by himself. 02 01

 Register the donor by system admin.

 Login of the donor

 Change the login password of the donor.

 Change personal, contact details by the donor himself.

 Change personal, contact details by system admin.

Functional requirements
 Login of the Recipient

 Change the login password of the Recipient.

 Change personal, contact details by the Recipient himself.

 Change personal, contact details by system admin.

05 04 03  View registration details by the donor. 02 01

 View registration details by the admin.

 View registration details by the recipient

 Send blood donation details to the relevant donors.

 Send blood testing details to the donor

 Stock details
Non- Functional requirements
The non-functional requirements includes :

1 Capacity 2 Av a i l a b i l i t y

05 04 03 02 01
3 Scalability 4 Maintainability

other requirement include

* Security

1. Server (XAMPP)
2. Workstations (computers – screen, CPU, mouse, keyboard.)
3. Web browser

05 04 03 02 01

The requirements for the application are

1. PHP editing platform. For this application we have used
2. PHP MyAdmin SQL – for creation of the database to be

05 used for storage of information in the system 04 03 02 01

3. Windows 10 An operating system suitable for running the
software necessary for the development of the application.
Microsoft word for documentation.
4. Xampp for hosting web services locally.

Add User

Update User

Delete User

Update camp

Add blood group 05 04 03 02 01

Update Blood group

Delete Blood group

View Blood Group

View Camp


Update details

View Blood Donated

View Requests 05 04 03 02 01

Request for Blood

Contact admin

View requests

05 04 03 02 01
Snapshots of the Project

10 09 08 07 06

10 09 08 07 06

10 09 08 07 06
Project Snapshots

10 09 08 07 06
Project Snapshot

10 09 08 07 06
Snapshot OF Project

10 09 08 07 06
Snapshot OF Project

10 09 08 07 06

The main objective of the Online Blood Bank Management System was to use database connection.
Blood bank plays vital role in saving the human life. The traditional management of record of donor and
patients was not timely maintained and was very time taking. So this application solves all these problem
and maintain the data in computerized form and not very consuming.

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