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Introduction to Animal Sciences ASC 3(2-1)

Composition of Milk & Milk Products

Ahsan Akram
Department of Livestock and
Poultry Production

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o Introduction
o Composition
o Physical properties
o Nutritive Value
o Milk processing
o Milk Products

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 Milk ? A food that sustains us extensively during first few months of life

The lacteal secretion, practically free from colostrum that is obtained by complete
milking of one or many dairy animals after 72 hrs of parturation

The first section of mammary gland following parturition is called colostrum that
give a good start to young one
The term milk is also used for non animal beverages resembling milk in color and
texture such as soy milk and coconut milk

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Composition of Milk

Total Solids (TS)


Solid Non Fats (SNF)
True Fat

Chains of fatty
Associated Substances
acids Other
Lactose Minerals consitutents
(Milk Sugar) Milk

Carotene Lecithin

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Milk Composition
 Water 86 to 87 % of milk volume

 Carbohydrates Aprrox. 5%
o Mainly Lactose that is converted to Lactic acid by fermentation
 Fats 3-4% in cattle milk and 6-7% in buffalo milk
o True fats (triglycerides 95)
o Fat soluble vitamins (ADEK)
o Carotene
o Cholesterol
o Phospholipids (Lecithin)
o Fat is found in the form of droplets or globules
o Milk is an emulsion, not stable that’s why creaming occur if stands
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Milk Composition

 Proteins
o Casein (80% of milk proteins)
o Lactalbumin and Lactglobulin (Whey proteins, 20%)
o Enzymes )Protease, Lipase and alkaline phosphatase
o Milk proteins have high biological value and readily utilized by body

 Vitamins
o Fat soluble (Vit. ADEK)
o Water soluble (B complex, Vit. C
o Vitamin D is fortified as it is present in small quantities

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Milk Composition

 Minerals
o Ca and P are 1% of milk
o Ca is found as calcium caseinate, calcium citrate and calcium
o Other minerals include Na, K, Cl and Mg

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Milk Composition

Species Water Fat Protein Lactose Ash
Buffalo 83.2 7.4 3.8 4.9 0.78 16.8
Red Sindhi 86.3 4.9 3.4 4.9 0.7 13.7
Sahiwal 86.7 4.5 3.3 5 0.66 13.3
Holstein 87.8 3.5 3.1 4.9 0.7 12.2
Jersy 85 5.5 3.9 4.9 0.7 15
Goat 88 3.5 3.1 4.6 0.79 12
Sheep 83.7 5.3 5.5 4.6 0.90 16.3

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Flavour of Milk

 Mild and slightly sweet

o Mouth feel is due to fat, casein, lactose and salts

 Fresh milk contains acetone, acetaldehyde, methylkeones and

short chain fatty acids that provide aroma

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Physical Properties of Milk

 Acidity Fresh milk has PH 6.5 to 6.7 at 25 C

 Viscosity Depends upon fat content, fat particle size
 Homogeneity increases milk viscosity
 Boiling Temp 100.2 C
 Freezing point – 0.55 C

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Nutritive value of Milk

 Good quality protein having biological value over 90%

 Lysine is abundant
 Easily digestible fat
 Only substance having Lactose required for
o Synthesis of myelin sheath
o Favors the growth of lactobacillus in intestine
o Increase Ca absorption
 Poor source of iron and Vit C and niacin
 Good source of tryptophan, Ca and riboflavin
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Milk Processing

 Clarification removal of small particles from milk

o Straw and hair

 Bactofugation- centrifugal removal of microorganism

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Milk Processing

 Homogenization- to prevent creaming

o Globule size of fat is reduced
o No of fat globule is increased
 Pasteurization- heat treatment sufficient to kill microbes
present in milk and inactivate enzymes to increase shelf life
o Low Temp Long time (LTLT) 65 C for 30 minutes
o High temperature short time (HTST) 72C for 15 seconds
o Ultra high Temp (UHT) 149.4 C for 1 second

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Milk Products

 Toned Milk- It is prepared by toning milk with fresh separated milk or with
separated milk reconstituted from spray dried skimmed milk powder. It contains
not less than 3% fat and 8.5% milk solids

 Skimmed Milk- Milk from which all or most of the fat has been removed by
mechanical or any other process. The milk SNF should not be less than 8.5%

 Butter Milk- It means the product obtained after removal of butter from curds
after churning

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Milk Products

 Cream- It is that portion of milk that is rich in milk fat risen to the surface of
milk on standing and has been removed or separated by centrifugal force. It has
40% milk fat and that is rich in fat soluble vitamins.

 Butter- This product is separated from milk or cream with or without the
addition of salt. It contains not less than 80% milk fat and moisture not more
than 16%

 Dry Skimmed Milk- Skimmed milk powder should contain not less than
95% milk solids

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Milk Products

 Khoa- It is prepared from milk by removal of water by process of heating and

not contain any ingredient that is not found in milk. It contains moisture not
more than 10% and fat not less than 20%
 Dahi or Curd- Product obtained from whole milk by souring
 Ice Cream- It is the frozen dairy product made but suitable blending
and processing of cream and other milk products, together with sugar
and flavor with or without stabilizer and color with incorporation of
air during the freezing process. It has high energy content

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Milk Products

 Cheese- It is coagulated milk pressed into a firm mass and used as a food item.
The casein is coagulated with the help of rennet enzyme in the presence of lactic
acid producing bacteria

 Butter Oil/ Ghee- Ghee is form of butter fat having special aroma, flavor and
long shelf life

 Lassi- It is the butter milk obtained from curd on the churning by traditional
method. It has water 90%, fat 0.9%, protein 1.3%, lactose 1.2% and ash 0.3%

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Thanks for
your attention

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