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Moshell Presentation

Frank Endries
UTRAN support engineer
GSDC Australia

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 1


PART 1 (ppt slides):

• MO concepts
• moshell overview

PART 2 (terminal):
• Description of commands, examples

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Part 1


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Cello O&M services

OSE-shell File-Service MO-Services

| | | (CS,AS,PM,NS,IS,LS)
| | | |
| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
| |ssh/telnet| ftp/http | iiop |
| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
| | TCP/IP |
| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
RS232 | Ethernet/IPoATM |

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Cello O&M

EM: Element Manager

IIOP: Internet Inter Object
ORB: Object request broker

= CPP Products

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MO Services
- Configuration Service (CS):
create/delete MO, get/set MO attribute, action on MO
- Alarm Service (AS):
MOs can raise/cease alarms and events. Operator can read active
alarm list and acknowledge/unacknowledge alarms.
- Log Service (LS): used by CS and AS to store all changes in the
configuration data or alarm list (command log, alarm log, event log)
- Performance Management (PM): create/delete performance
scanners. When a scanner is active the related counters are saved in
an xml file every 15 minutes.
- Notification Service (NS): operator can subscribe to CS and AS
notifications. A notification is sent for each change in the configuration
data or the active alarm list.

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|O&M Client |
| (eg: EMAS/OE/RANOS/moshell,etc.) |
MO concept
| CS,PM,AS,NS,IS,LS Service Layer |
**************************************** MOs have actions and
| attributes
* MO +++++++ *
* | | *
* | MAO | Management Adaption Layer*
* | | *
* | | ------------------------ * Examples of FRO/MAO:
OSE--------->| FRO | * OSE shell: cv commands
shell * | | Resource Layer * MAO: ConfigurationVersion
* | RO | *
OSE shell: restartObj me/piu
* | | *
MAO: ManagedElement,
* +++++++ * PlugInUnit

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MAO implementation

Jvm (CXC1320784) MP program running java classes:

- cma.jar (/c/java/CXC1320959) --> Cello MAOs
- roam.jar (/c/java/CXC1323435) --> RNC application MAOs
- boam.jar (/c/java/CXC1322932) --> RBS application MAOs
- oms.jar (/c/java/CXC1320960) --> MO service layer handling
- vbjorb.jar (/c/java/CXC1321689) --> Corba/IIOP protocol handling

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What is MoShell?
• Moshell is a text-based Element Manager for Cello nodes
• Online MOM browsing with search facility and display of
MO tree (parent-children relationships)
• Command line handling based on the unix bash shell
• Direct access to OSE shell with possibility to pipe output
through external utilities (grep, decoders, etc.)
• Supports telnet and ssh for access to OSE shell,
ftp/sftp/http for file transfer
• Runs on Solaris, Linux and Windows.

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MoShell supports:
- MO configuration service (CS), secure and unsecure
- MO alarm service (AS), secure and unsecure
- PM service, secure and unsecure (PM)
- OSE shell access, via telnet/ssh
- Log service (LS).
- File service (http/ftp/sftp)

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Why MOM (Managed Object Model)?

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The Managed Object Model (MOM):

- Cello MOMs:


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The MO tree:

•The MOs are organised in a hierarchical structure.

•Each MO instance is uniquely identified in the node by its
Local Distinguished Name (LDN).
•The highest MO in a node, the so called root MO is the
ManagedElement. This MO represents the whole node.

ManagedElement=1 (root MO) MOClass
ManagedElement=1,Equipment=1,Subrack=MS,Slot=19,PlugInUnit=1, Program=DbmFpga

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Definitions of Names
• FDN - Full Distinguished Name: When a node is connected to a Network
Management System such as RANOS or CNOSS, there is a need to uniquely
address each MO within the whole network. The Full Distinguished Name
(FDN) adds a network element prefix in front of the LDN of each MO instance
in order to specify which node this MO belongs to.

FDN (Full Distinguished Name)


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Terminology: How do we address an MO?
•LDN - Local Distinguished Name: If an MO is located further down in
the MO tree, the LDN must contain the MO classes and identities of all
the parents of that MO, in a sequence going from the root MO down to
the MO in question.

LDN (Local Distinguished Name)



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Terminology: How do we address an MO?
• RDN - Relative Distinguished Name: The string located at the far right of an
LDN, just after the last comma, is called a Relative Distinguished Name
(RDN). It is a unique way of addressing a MO instance in relation to its closest
parent. Therefore the RDN is a relative way of addressing an MO instance.


RDN (Relative Distinguished Name)

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Refer to the feature list on:

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Related Utilities:
• mobatch: to run moshell command files on many nodes in parallel
• rncaudit/rbsaudit: to compare data from one or several RNC's/RBS's
with a set of reference data (eg: CDR, parameter baseline, etc.)
• netcheck: for performing health-checks and pre/post comparison
• swup: to perform SW upgrades on many nodes in parallel
• swstat: to check the SW level throughout the network
• swcomp: to compare MP/BP SW between two nodes
• pmExtract/pmXtab: process Statistics ROP files
• restartcollector : gather network restart data and downtimes

Note: Execute the utility without arguments for help.

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User Base:

• UTRAN I&V (RAN/RNC/RBS/RXI) in Kista and Ireland

• Cello I&V in Älvsjö
• GSDCs & MUs (UK, Italy, Japan, Australia, Germany,
Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Finland, Spain, Sweden,
Austria, Greece,
• .….?

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Latest release and installation instruction:


Moshell User Guide (HTML)


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Part 2

Online demonstration of commands, utilities, etc...

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Starting MoShell

Moshell can run in 3 different modes:

1. Offline Mode
2. Interactive Mode
3. Script Mode

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Starting MoShell

Offline Mode:
• Command: moshell

• Used to access help, browsing the mom, or parsing logfiles/xml files

using functions as "lg", "pmr", etc

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Starting MoShell

Moshell can run in 3 different modes:

1. Offline Mode
2. Interactive Mode
3. Script Mode

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Starting MoShell
Interactive Mode:
• Command:
moshell [-v uservariables][-n] <site-name>|<ip-address>|<host-name>|<ior-file>

• The ‘normal’ way of communicating with a node.

• Upon startup, Moshell will go through the following steps:
• Check IP contact with the node and connect to its MO service. At this stage, it is
possible to access the Alarm Service and OSE shell but the Configuration Service is
limited since Moshell doesn't have any knowledge of what MO instances are
contained in the node's MO tree (apart from the root MO).
• When required (by the use of commands)
– Download the node's IOR file and store it on the workstation.
– Download the node's MOM file and store it on the workstation.
– Parse the MOM and generate an internal table specifying all MO classes, attributes, and
actions supported by the node.
– Initiate CORBA communication with the node by using the information contained in the
IOR file.
– Read the FDN of the Root MO
– Print the initial prompt

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Starting MoShell

Moshell can run in 3 different modes:

1. Offline Mode
2. Interactive Mode
3. Script Mode

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Starting MoShell
moshell [-v uservariables][-n] <site-name>|<ip-address>|<host-name>|<ior-file>
<command(s)>|<commandfile> [<logfile>|nolog]

This mode is used to run a sequence of Moshell-commands or even scripts towards

one node. The commands can be put on the command line or in a file

moshell rbs28 ~/tools/moshell/cmdfiles/runSwTest.cmd
moshell rnc5 'lh mp te log read; lt plug ; st all dis ; get all all '

In addition, ‘mobatch’ can be used to run a set of commands towards multiple nodes
in a network automatically, please refer to helpfile for mobatch by just typing

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Accessing help

• The following commands are of use at this stage:

• h - to show the help. Can be used with a command name after to show
help about that command.
• m - to show the first menu.
• n - to show the second menu.
• The menus are split into two (m and n) only for readability purposes.

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Loading MOs
• Once Moshell first connects to the node it has no
knowledge of the MO structure on the node (execept for
the ManagedElement MO class). In order to get attributes
or call actions you first need to load the MOs onto your
Moshell client.
• The whole MO tree can be read with command lt all. The
LDN of each MO of the MO tree is then allocated a "proxy"
number and stored in an internal table in Moshell memory.
The internal proxy table can be printed via the command pr
which will show for each MO, the LDN and the proxy

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Loading MOs
• When performing an operation on an MO (get, set, action,
etc.), either the proxy number or the LDN can be given as
• In fact, by using a Regular Expression matching part of the
LDN, an operation can be performed on several MOs at a
• Possible to load only parts of the MO tree
– Command lt pluginunit only loads the LDNs of MOs whose MO
class is PlugInUnit
• Instead of typing the whole MO class, it is possible to type
a regular expression that will match the MO class.
– lt plu is the same as lt pluginunit
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Perform operations on MOs
1. Example:
To read the MO attributes of the MO with LDN
you would type the following:
pr plu lookup the proxy identity of that MO
get <proxy> enter the MOs proxy identity as argument to the
"get" command
2. Example: To read the MO attributes of all MOs whose MO
class is PlugInUnit
get plu
The get command will operate on all MOs whose RDN matches "plu"

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Regular Expressions
• Moshell uses Regular Expressions to match MO names. Note
that pattern matching is NOT case sensitive
• Regular Expressions consist of meta-characters such as:
. any single character
* 0 or more occurences of the previous character
[] matches a range of characters inside the brackets
[^] NOT matching a range of characters inside the brackets
| OR
^ beginning of string
$ end of string
! negation

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Regular Expressions - Examples
a* means a or aa or aaa, etc.
.* is like a wildcard (matches 0 or more occurences of any char)
[a-z] matches all letters from a to z
[abe] matches letters a,b, and e
[^3] matches any character but not 3
3|5|6 matches 3 or 5 or 6
^a.*4$ matches a string beginning with a and finishing with 4, with
any characters (or no characters) in the middle, e.g. AtmPort4,
but not AtmPort40

• Regular expressions can be grouped using brackets, e.g:

cell(11|23|45) matches cell11 or cell23 or cell45

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How to address the MOs in MO-related
• The first argument in the MO-related commands usually
specifies the MOs that should be used by the command.
• There are currently six different ways to specify the
1. all
2. Proxy ID(s)
3. Link handler (for PluginUnit and Spm MOs only!).
4. MO Group
5. Board Group MOs
6. MO-Filter (regular expression)

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1. all

• All loaded MOs will be affected. Example:

get all userlabel to get attribute UserLabel on all MOs
• Note: instead of all, it is also possible a regex wildcard
such as . or *. This has the same effect.

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2. Proxy IDs

• All MO(s) with the given proxy id(s) will be operated upon.
To specify several MO proxies, there are two ways:
– Specify each Proxy ID with a space in between. Example:
pr 0 2 5 to print the MO proxies 0, 2 and 5.
– Give a range of Proxy IDs. Examples:
pr 4-10 prints MO proxies from 4 to 10.
acc 10-20 restart calls the action restart on MOs with proxy 10 up
to 20.

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3. Link handler (for PluginUnit and Spm MOs
• acc 001400 restart - to restart the MO
• get 001900/sp0.lnh - to get the attributes of the first SPM on
the SPB in slot 19 with LDN:
Subrack=MS,Slot=19,PlugInUnit=1,Spu=1,Spm=1. Note
that MOs start counting from 1 and the link handlers start
from 0!

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4. MO Group

• MO Groups are user defined groups of MOs. All MO(s)

belonging to the given MO group will be operated upon.
• To create a MO group, we use commands ma/lma/mp and
pr (discussed later)
• Note: In RNC, running the bo command will automatically
create a number of MO groups containing the cc/dc/pdr
device MOs for each module.

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5. Board Group
• MOs (PlugInUnit or Spm) mapped onto the boards belonging to the given
board group will be operated upon.
– Example 1:
baw sccp sccp
All boards with the swallocation matching "sccp" will go into the board
group "sccp"
bl sccp
All PlugInUnit or Spm MOs connected to boards of this board group
will be locked
– Example 2: in RNC, using the default board groups created after running
the bo command:
acc mod10 restart
pr dc10
acc dc10 restart the board group dc10 is mapped onto the Spm MOs
bl dc10dev in this case we are using the MO group containing the
Device MOs, see above
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6. MO-Filter (regular expression)

• MO(s) whose LDN/RDN match the regular expression

pattern will be affected.
• If the command starts with l then the pattern will match
against the LDN.
• If the command doesn't start with l, then the pattern will
match against the RDN.
• Examples:
pr ms-24-1

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6. MO-Filter (regular expression) cont’d
lpr ms-24-1
• When using the MO-Filter, it is a good idea to test the pattern
with pr/lpr command before issuing a get/set/acc/cr/del
command, in order to see which MOs will be matched by the
• Sometimes, a second or third argument can be given, which is
usually a string matching the attribute or attribute value that
you want to display.

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Piping of commands
•Some commands support piping, e.g. All OSE shell commands, lh,
tg, str, etc.This is usually indicated in the menu and the help for that
Some examples are:

te log read | grep ERROR

lh mp te log read | grep ERROR
str | grep cell=30456

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Piping of commands/running UNIX cmds
•Some commands don't support piping (like MO commands), the
workaround is to save the output to a logfile then run the unix
command on that logfile by using the l or ! command.

l+ #open the logfile, an arbitrary name will be given
prod loadmodule #run the command
l- #close the logfile
l sort $logfile #run unix command sort on the logfile.
l grep -i basic $logfile
Note: $logfile is automatically set by MoShell to contain the name
of the latest log file created.

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1. MO related commands (grouping/loading/browsing)
lt/ltc <motype-filter>|root|all [<attribute==value> AND/OR <attribute==value>]
Load MO Types, Load MO Types and all subsequent Children
Examples: atmpor
load all MOs matching the string "atmpor", this will usually be the AtmPort
2.ltc equipm
load the Equipment MO and its children (all the way down) ^utrancell|fach|rach|pch
load all utrancells, fach, rach, pch MOs iub
load all iublinks
5.ltc iub
load all iublinks and their children (nbap,nodesynch,etc.)
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1. MO related commands (grouping/loading/browsing)
lc/lcc <moGroup>|<moFilter>|<proxy(s)>|all
Load MO Children, Load MO Children and all subsequent Children.

lc 0
load children of the ManagedElement
lcc 0
load children of the ManagedElement and all subsequent children (same
as lc all or lt all).
lc 4 6 7
load children of proxys 5, 6, and 7
lc cell=3002
loads children of all MOs whose RDN match cell=3002
lcc ms-24-1
loads children of all MOs whose RDN match ms-24-1

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1. MO related commands (grouping/loading/browsing)
pr/lpr [<moGroup>|<moFilter>|<proxy(s)>]
This is the print command. It doesn't actually communicate with the
node, it justs prints part of the reference table that was fetched by lt/ltc,
lc/lcc, or ld command.
The print command is useful to test patterns used in mo-filters. For
instance, some patterns will match more MOs than you expected,
which will result in executing a command on some unwanted MO's.
Therefore, it is good to first try your pattern on the pr/lpr command,
then do it "for real" on a command that actually communicates with the
The pr/lpr command also shows the total number of MOs matching the
pattern. Example:
•pr - print all MOs
•pr 0-1000 - prints the MOs with proxy id 0 to 1000
•pr !utranrel - print all MOs except those with an RDN matching utranrel
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1. MO related commands (grouping/loading/browsing)
get/lget [<moGroup>|<moFilter>|<proxy(s)>|all] [<attribute-filter>|all] [<value-filter>]
This command fetches one or several attributes from one or several MO's.
Get all attributes from all MOs except those whose RDN matches utranrel or iub
get !(utranrel|iub)
Get all attributes from MOs whose proxies range from 10 to 30
get 10-30
From all MOs, get productdata containing the string 0843 (can be useful to find out which
MO's are related to a certain loadmodule)
get all product 0843
From all Utrancells, get sintersearch attribute different from 10
get utrancel sinter !10
Get traffic descriptors for all VclTp(s)
get vc trafficdes
Get VcpTp(s) used by all cross-connections
get cross vc
Get piutype for all MO's under "Equipment"
lget equip piutype

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1. MO related commands (grouping/loading/browsing)
ma/lma <moGroup> <moGroup>|<moFilter>|<proxy(s)>|all [<attribute-filter>] [<value-filter>]
This command allows MO Groups to be defined.
ma test atmport.*24-1
all MOs whose RDN match atmport.*24-1 are put in the group test
ma test atmport operationalst 0
all MOs whose RDN match atmport and who have operationalState matching "0" will be
put in the group test
lma test subrack=ms,slot=10,PluginUnit=1,program loadmodule
all loadmodule MOs connected to program MOs running on slot 10 in main subrack will
be put in the group test (since loadmodule is an attribute of type MoRef)

Two-step example: To put all unlocked-disabled MOs in a group in order to lock them:
ma test all operational 0
ma test1 test administ 1
bl test1

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1. MO related commands (grouping/loading/browsing)
mr/lmr <moGroup> <moGroup>|<moFilter>|<proxy(s)>|all [<attribute-filter>] [<value-filter>]

Remove MOs from a MO group. Exactly the same syntax as ma described before except
that the MOs matching will be removed from the MO-Group instead of added.

To print the available MO-Groups.
Note: To print the contents of a group, use the pr <mo-group> command.

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1. MO related commands (grouping/loading/browsing)
This set of commands allows the user to create board groups that can be used for running OSE
commands on multiple boards.
•ba[s]/br/bp <boardGroup> <boards>
•baw[s]/brw <boardGroup> <swa> [<rncMod>]
•bad/brd <boardGroup> <devType> [<rncMod>]
The following board groups are always created by default:
•all contains all boards (MP/BP) as well as SPMs (if present).
•coremp contains the core MP(s), one or two depending on the configuration.
•mp contains all MP boards.
•bp contains all BP boards.
In RNC, the following board groups are also created by default, containing MPs/SPMs connected to the
various RNC modules:
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1. MO related commands (grouping/loading/browsing)
It is recommended to start by running the bo command (board overview) to view the
available boards in the node.
The very first time bo is run on a node, it will take more time because it has to fetch data
from the node. The following times, the existing data is shown again unless the r switch is
used (command bor), in which case the data is fetched again from the node.

The ba command is used for adding boards into a group. The boards shall be identified by
their position or a string matching the board type. The s switch adds any related SPMs to the
board group.
•ba group1 1 2 4-8 114-119 - boards 000100, 000200, 000400 to 000800, 011400 to 011900
are added to group1
•bas group1 223-226 - boards 022300 to 022600 are added to group1, together with their
related SPs (if these boards are SPBs).
•ba group1 spb scb 3 4 - all boards of type matching spb and scb are added to group1 as well
as boards 000300 and 000400

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1. MO related commands (grouping/loading/browsing)
The bad command is for adding SPMs into a board group based on their device type. This is applicable
to RNC only. Examples:
•bad dc dc - add all SPMs handling a DC device to the group called dc.
•bad dc1 dc 1 - add all SPMs handling a DC device on module 1 to the group called dc1.

The br command is for removing a whole group or certain boards out of a group. Examples:
•br group1 1 3 gpb - boards 000100, 000300 and all boards of type matching gpb are removed from
•br group2 - group2 is removed

The bp command is for printing existing groups or the contents of a particular group. Examples:
•bp - all existing groups are shown, eg: group1 and all
•bp all - the contents of the group all is shown.

Once the group is created, the lh command is used to run an OSE command on all boards of the group.
lh all or just all can be used to run a command on all boards of the node. Examples:
lh group1 te log read lh group1 te log read | grep ERROR: lh all vii OR: all vii lh all te log read | grep ERROR:
OR: all err (special shortcut)

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1. MO related commands (grouping/loading/browsing)
It is also possible to run MO commands on board groups. In this case, the MO command
will execute against the MOs connected to these boards, ie the PlugInUnit or Spm MOs.
•acc mod1 restart - restart the MP found in board group "mod1"
•st mp view state of all MP PlugInUnits
•acc cc1 restart restart the SPMs found in board group "cc1"
Note: in RNC, the bo command also creates a number of default MO groups ccXdev, dcXdev,
pdrXdev, where X is the module number.
So, in order to lock/unlock some devices, use the MO group instead of the board group
since the board group connects to the SPMs which don't have an administrative state.
For example, bl cc1dev.
More info in h syntax.

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2. Commands to browse node structure (SW/HW):
mom[tc]/pmom[c]/lmom[c] [<moclass/struct/enum>|all] [<attribute/action>|all] [<attr-type>|all] [<attr-
flags>|all] [<attr-desc>]
To view description of MO Classes, Attributes, Actions, Enumerations and Structures.
Regular expressions can be used in the various filters. There are five levels of filtering, as
shown in the command syntax.
The c option is for showing all the MO classes specified in the filter as well as their
children/grandchildren/etc classes.
The t option is for showing the whole MO tree with parent-children relationships and
1.momt - View the whole MO tree
2.momt atmp - View all possible parents and children of the AtmPort MO atmp - View a description of the AtmPort MO
4.momc atmp - View a description of the AtmPort MO and all its children/grandchildren etc
(VclTp, VplTp, VpcTp) all all all all synchroni(z|s)ation - View all MO attributes whose description contain the
word synchronization or synchronisation

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2. Commands to browse node structure (SW/HW):
The cab command offers a number of options, it is possible to combine several options, eg:
cabslxrdg, cablx, cabxs, etc.
The command cabslxrdg will give the maximum amount of information.
•cab prints MP/BP HW info and led status, MP temperature, and coreMgr status
•cabt same as cab but without the temperature
•cabx same as cab plus led and hw info for the XP boards (eg: TMA, MCPA, Fans, etc.)
•cabl same as cab but plus MP/BP processor load
•cabs same as cab plus list of programs running in all MP/BP
•cabr prints all MP/BP restarts. Abnormal restarts are shown in red.
•caba prints only abnormal MP/BP restarts.
•cabd print disk usage. Disks that are getting over a certain limit will appear in color. The limit
can be defined in cabview file.
•cabg print MP/BP HW errors (e.g. faulty disk, faulty RAM, etc).

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Exercise 1
1. Start moshell on rnc2
2. Load all UtranCells and their children
3. List all Utrancells starting with 90 and their children
4. Try to find out what resources the different children MO are actually
5. Display the maximum transmission power of the UtranCells starting with
6. Bring up the mom for maximumTransmissionPower
7. Display all Fach channels that are not operational
8. Why are there 2 Fach channels per cell (look up mom)

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3. Commands for obtaining data for troubleshooting:
This command runs a general healthcheck on the node. If no logfile is currently open, then a
logfile will be automatically opened to capture the output of the hc command.

st/lst <moGroup>|<moFilter>|<proxy(s)>|all [<state-filter>]

This command prints the administrative state and operational state of MO(s).
The state filter matches towards both the Operational state and the Administrative state.
•st - view state of all MOs
•st all dis - view all disabled MOs
•lst equip dis - view all disabled MOs under "Equipment"
•st all 1.*0 view all MOs which are unlocked and disabled
•st all ^0 - view all MOs which are locked:
•lst sector - view state of all MOs under "Sector" (in RBS)
•lst cell - view state of all channels in all 3 cells in the RBS
•lst cell=120 - view state of all channels in cells starting with 120 (in RNC)

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3. Commands for obtaining data for troubleshooting:
lk/llk <moGroup>|<moFilter>|<proxy(s)>
View all MO(s) linked to an MO, and their states (adminstrativeState and
operationalState). Examples:
•lk ranap=cs - View all MO's linked to Ranap=cs
•lk cell12 - View all MO's linked to cell 12
•llk ms-24-1 - View all MO's linked to atmport MS-24-1 (and its VclTp's)
•lk iublink - View all MO's linked to an iublink
•llk iublink=10,NbapDedicated=1 View all MO's linked to Nbap on a specific iublink

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 59

3. Commands for obtaining data for troubleshooting:
To see the state of all or part of the cells/iubs/channels in the node, one
line per site.
The filter options (-m, -s, -i, -c) allow to get states on only part of the
sites/cells, in order to speed up the output. For example:
•str -m 7,8,9 - print states only for modules 7, 8, and 9
•str -s ms,es-1 - print states only for subracks ms and es-1
•str -i 9012 - print states only for iublink 9012 and its connected cells
•str -c 90121,90131 - print states only for the sites connected to cell 90121
and 90131

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3. Commands for obtaining data for troubleshooting:
There are four possible output formats:
1. The str printout uses an abbreviated naming of the cells where it is
assumed that the last digit is identifying the sector.
2. For networks where the sector is not identified by the last digit, it can
be handy to use str1 or str2 since the whole cell name will then be
shown for each sector.
3. The strt command shows the AtmPorts used by each site. if many
cells down you can see if they belong to a specific atmport
4. The f option ("fast") is for printing without fetching the data. Ie, the
data can be fetched once, then displayed in many different ways
without having to fetch it again each time.

strf | grep 3011 str1f | sort +1 (sort on the second field)

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 61

3. Commands for obtaining data for troubleshooting:
stc[r] <Filter> [<stateFilter>]
This command shows the state and information about ATM Cross
The filter allows to only show the rows matching the filter string. The
stateFilter allows to only shows the MOs matching the state filter.
The state is abbreviated in the following way: 0=disabled, 1=enabled. The
MoId for VclTpA and VclTpB is abbreviated in the following way:
Examples: 2051 - show all crossconnections where the information matches
"2051" (in the case below, where the atmport is 2051) .* 0 - show all crossconnections that are disabled.

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 62

3. Commands for obtaining data for troubleshooting:
This command shows the state and location of all the RNC traffic devices:
CC - Common Channels
DC - Dedicated Channels
PDR - Packet Data Router
•The h option (stdh command) is for printing the devices that have hanging
The state is abbreviated in the following way:
1 = unlocked enabled
0 = unlocked disabled
L = locked (enabled or disabled)

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 63

3. Commands for obtaining data for troubleshooting:
al[atk] [ | <unix commands> ]
Display the list of active alarms.
It is possible to combine several options, eg: al, ala, altk, alatk, etc. These
options are as follows:
•al active alarm list is printed in overview format, only four fields are shown per
•ala same as al, but the full detailed list is added underneath the overview table.
•alt same as al, but the time field is added to the table and the alarms are sorted
•alk same as al, but the list is separated in two parts, one for the unacknowledged
alarms, and one for the acknowledged alarms.
Note: in alt and alk, the severity field is shortened to one character:
•C for Critical
•M for Major
•m for minor
•w for warning

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 64

3. Commands for obtaining data for troubleshooting:
Fetch the alarm/event/availability log and parse it.
The options are as follows:
•a - Parse alarm log /c/logfiles/cello/CELLO_ALARM_LOG.xml
•e - Parse event log /c/logfiles/cello/CELLO_EVENT_LOG.xml
•v - Parse availability log /c/logfiles/cello/CELLO_AVAILABILITY_LOG.xml
•s - Parse system log /c/logfiles/systemlog/...
•u - parse upgrade log (/c/tmp/Trace.log and Trace.log_old)
•o - parse command log (l/c/logfiles/audit_trail/AUDIT_TRAIL_LOG.xml
•y - parse securityevent log (/c/logfiles/security/CELLO_SECURITYEVENT_LOG.xml)
•l - parse coli log (/c/logfiles/audit_trail/CELLO_AUDITTRAIL_LOG.xml
•m - Merge the different logs together (e.g. lgaevm will merge
alarm/event/availability logs)
•i - Inverse chronological order
•r - Refetch the logs from the node
•c - print the output into a file, in csv format.
•d - show node downtime figures. This option can only be combined with the r
Rev PA13 29/04/2005 65
4. Cmds for Changing, creating and deleting MOs:
cr <ldn>
This command creates an MO, given its LDN.
cr swmanagement=1,upgradepackage=FAB102572%2_R14D.xml
cr rncfunction=1,iublink=2456
If there are any mandatory attributes to fill in, the function will prompt for
If there are optional restricted attributes to fill in, the function will prompt
for them. Type d to use the default value (which is often blank). The
reason that d is needed is that by entering nothing the command is

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 66

4. Cmds for Changing, creating and deleting MOs:
del/ldel <moGroup>|<moFilter>|<proxy(s)>
Delete one or several MO(s). The command first prints the MO(s) to be
deleted, then asks for confirmation. Once the MO(s) are deleted, they will
disappear from the MO Proxy list.
rdel/lrdel <moGroup>|<moFilter>|<proxy(s)>
To delete an MO and all referenced MOs from its protocol stack.
Currently works on MOs of class IubLink, UtranCell, Ranap, Rnsap,
Mtp3bSls, UniSaalTp, NniSaalTp, Aal5TpVccTp, Aal0TpVcctp,
Aal1TpVcctp, Aal2PathVcctp, VclTp, VplTp, VpcTp, AtmPort, ImaGroup,
The command will first fetch all the references, then present the list of
MOs to be deleted and will ask the user for confirmation.

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 67

4. Cmds for Changing, creating and deleting MOs:
•u+ To start the undo mode
•u- To stop the undo mode
•u? To check if undo mode is active or not
While running in undo mode, all delete and set/bl/deb commands are
logged and MO data is saved (a get is done before each del/set/bl/deb
command). Upon stopping of undo mode, an undo file is generated to
recreate the MOs or set them back to old values.

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 68

4. Cmds for Changing, creating and deleting MOs:
set/lset <moGroup>|<moFilter>|<proxy(s)> <attribute> [<value>]
Sets an attribute on one or several MO(s). Examples:
•set cell primarycpichpower 250 set primarycpichpower to 250 on all cells (in
•lset ms,slot=1,pluginunit=1$ userlabel set an empty value for the userLabel of
this PluginUnit
rset/lrset <moGroup>|<moFilter>|<proxy(s)> <attribute> [<value>]
To set a restricted attribute on one or several MOs, or to change the MOid of a
A restricted attribute is an attribute that can only be set when the MO is created.
Currently works on IubLink, UtranCell, Ranap, Rnsap, Mtp3bSls, UniSaalTp,
NniSaalTp, Aal5TpVccTp, Aal0TpVcctp, Aal2PathVcctp, VclTp,
Aal2RoutingCase, AtmPort, ImaGroup.
Example, change the MOid:
rset utrancell=cell123 utrancellid cell456

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 69

4. Cmds for Changing, creating and deleting MOs:
bl[s]/lbl[s] <moGroup>|<moFilter>|<proxy(s)>
Set administrativeState to 0 or 2 (soft block) Same as doing set/lset <mo>
administrativestate 0 (or 2)
The s option is for soft-lock. The administrativeState is set to 2 (shutting down)
which means that the resource will have around 30 seconds grace period to
handover traffic to other resources, before it gets locked.
The administrativeState will automatically go over to 0 after the grace period of
around 30 seconds.
Without the s option, the resource is locked immediately.
1. bl aal2.*ca[246] - block aal2paths ca2, ca4, ca6
2. lbl iub=6912 - block all MO(s) under iub=6912, i.e. nbapc, nbapd, nodesync1,
nodesync2 (in RNC)
3. bl 234 256 248 - block proxys 234, 256, and 248
4. bl 001500 - block a board. Same as lbl subrack=ms,slot=15,pluginunit=1$
5. bls 001500 - soft-block a board.
Rev PA13 29/04/2005 70
4. Cmds for Changing, creating and deleting MOs:
deb/ldeb <moGroup>|<moFilter>|<proxy(s)>

Set administrativeState to 1. Same as doing set/lset <mo>

administrativestate 1. Examples:
1. ldeb iub=6912.*=[^2] - deblock all MO's under iub=6912, except
2. deb 001900/sp0.lnh - deblock a board. Same as ldeb

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 71

4. Cmds for Changing, creating and deleting MOs:
acl/lacl <moGroup>|<moFilter>|<proxy(s)>|all [<action-filter>]
Lists actions that can performed on an MO. For example:
1. acl all restart - View all restart actions
2. acl all [^(restart)(eteloopback)] - View all actions except restart and eteloopback
3. acl sync - View all actions related to the synchronisation MO
acc/lacc <moGroup>|<moFilter>|<proxy(s)>|all <action>
Call (perform) an action on an MO. If the action needs parameters, these will be
prompted for. Examples:
1. Restart a board:
• acc 001400 restart - Same as:
lacc subrack=ms,slot=14,pluginunit=1$ restart
• acc 001900/sp0.lnh restart - Same as:
lacc subrack=ms,slot=19,.*,spm=1$ restart
2. Restart the node:
• acc 0 restart
3. List the IP routing table:
• acc ip listroutes
Rev PA13 29/04/2005 72
5. OSE delta commands:
lhsh <board> [<command> ...]

This command will execute an OSE delta command on the specified board
Most common usage:
• lhsh 001400 te log read Obtain log file for this board (here module MP 1)
• lhsh 001400 pglist List the loaded programs on that module
• lhsh 001500 llog –l Obtain error log
• lhsh 001200 vii Get LED status of board

• Note that the commands can also be run through Moshell lh command, e.g.:
• lh mod1 te log read te log read on module MP 1
• lh all te log read te log read on all boards

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 73

5. CV handling:
Command syntax:
• cvrm <cv-name>|<cv-filter>
• cvms <cv-name> [<operator>] [<comment>]
• cvmk <cv-name> [<operator>] [<comment>]
• cvset <cv-name>
• cvls
• cvcu
Description: A set of commands similar to the cv commands in OSE but operate
through MO interface instead of telnet/ssh (ie: no password).
• cvls displays both the current cv information (equivalent of "cv cu") and cv list
(equivalent of "cv ls").
• cvcu displays the current cv information only (equivalent of "cv cu"). UP info
doesn't appear in cvcu until you have done a cvls.
• cvmk creates a cv. Operator name and comments (not longer than 40
characters) can be given as argument.

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 74

6. Tracing :
te and mon commands
It sometimes is useful to trace on protocol level, eg, for troubleshooting. The
system allows for traces on
Tracing is enabled using the te e command, e.g.:
NBAP: lhsh <mod> te e bus_send bus_receive NBAP*
AAL2: lhsh <mod> te e bus_send bus_receive Ans_aal2ap_proc
SSCOP: lhsh <mod> te e bus_send bus_receive Act_usaalServer_proc

To check the trace groups and possible actors to trace:

lhsh <mod> te s *

Once the trace is active, it logs to the TE log, note that this is limited in size

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 75

6. Tracing :
The monitor loadmodule will allow a remote client to ‘listen’ to the output
of the tracing:

Type ‘mon’ and the monitor loadmodule will get loaded. Now it is possible
to connect from another terminal to the node and receive the output:

monitor <nodename> [-nolocal] [<linkhandler>]

monitor rnc2 –nolocal 001400
will log the output from module1 (001400), but not from the main MP,
hence the –nolocal

Output can be further piped through tools like ‘’ and ‘flow.awk’

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 76

Summary - Lazy Guide for troubleshooting
1. RNC Iub operations

str view state of all Iub/Cells/Channels/Nbap/Nodesynch in a table

format (type "h str" for more info)
lbl/ldeb iub.*<iubname> block/deblock all iub children
(nbaps,nodesynchs) (the .* acts as a wildcard)
bl/deb cell=<cellname> block/deblock a cell
str -i <iubname> view state for that site only

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 77

Summary - Lazy Guide for troubleshooting
1. Node Healthcheck

Just run the command:

Type "h hc" for more info about this command
For transmission issues, an end-to-end loopback test can be done on the
This is very time consuming, so if there are many VclTp's, it is better to
only run the loopback test on a few selected VclTp's that might be
causing problems.
lt vcltp|vpltp
acc vpltp eteloopback
acc vcltp eteloopback

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 78

Summary - Lazy Guide for troubleshooting
1. RNC Iub integration problems:
When trying to integrate a new RBS, some data mismatch might cause the iub, cell, or
channels not to come up.
Things to check are: transmission, aal2 addresses, vci values, localcellid values:
Take a print of all MOs related to the Iub and check that the vci values match on both sides,
check if any related MOs are down:
>> lt iub (in both nodes)
>> lk iublink=<iub> (in RNC)
>> lk iub=<iub> (in RBS)
Find out the Aal2Ap used by that Iublink in RNC:
>> lki
Check that the aal2 addresses match on both sides:
>> get aal2routingcase=<rbsroutingcase> (in RNC)
>> get aal2sp=1 (in RBS)
Check that the aal2 path id's match on both sides:
>> get aal2path.*<pathname> pathid (in both nodes)
Check that the aal2 continuitycheck match on both sides:
>> get aal2path.*<pathname> continu (in both nodes)
Check that localcellid match on both sides:
>> get cell=<cell> local (in both nodes)

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 79

Summary - Lazy Guide for troubleshooting
1. RNC Iub integration problems:
Perform a loopback test on all VCIs of that iub, to see if transmission is ok
>> lacc atmport=<port>,vpltp=<vp>,vpctp=1,vcl eteloopback
Check RNC/RBS alarms
>> al
Check RNC devices are ok
>> std
Check RNC/RBS general state, look for potential HW/SW faults
>> hc

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 80

Summary - Lazy Guide for troubleshooting
1. RNC Iu integration problems:
Take a print of all MOs related to the Iu and check that the vci values match on both sides,
check if any related MOs are down:
>> lt ranap
>> lk ranap=<ranap>
Perform a loopback test on all VCIs of that Iu, to see if transmission is ok
>> lacc atmport=<port>,vpltp=<vp>,vpctp=1,vcl
Check mtp/sccp data matches in both sides:
>> get mtp code
>> get sccp title|address
Activate/deactivate a C7 link
>> acc mtp=<mtp> deactivate/activate
Block/deblock an Aal2Path, check that the pathid's and a2ea addresses match on both
>> bl/deb aal2path.*<pathname>
>> get aal2path.*<pathname> pathid
>> get routingcase=<mscroutingcase>

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 81

Exercise 2:
1. Display all active alarms
2. Display the status of all cells including the common channels
3. Find out which module MP handles UtranCell=90123 and also which physical slot
this Module MP is located in
4. Block Cell 90123
5. Check the status of all cells again
6. Deblock Cell 90123

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 82


The following interfaces

are horizontally layered
into two parts: The Radio
Network Layer and the
Transport Network Layer.

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 83

Iu (Iu-c – circuit switched)
• The Iu interface is logically split between two CN nodes (MSC and SGSN).

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 84

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 85
Rev PA13 29/04/2005 86
AAL2 switching example with RXI:
Note: Example of radio link setup request (eg for speech channel). This picture does not show signalling
stacks, it depicts signalling flows through the nodes and the involved MOs (not complete)


Radio link setup req
NBAP Radio link setup resp (A2SEA, SUGR)


A2RC ERQ for
this node?
ERQ for
this node?

A2AP Q.Aal2
Handle ERQ Aal2 Path (eg vci 39) Aal2 Path (eg vci 39)

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 87

Exercise 3:
1. Enable undo mode!!!
2. Identify the ATMport, VCI and VP for Nbap-common for UtranCell=90123
3. Change the vci for the VclTp MO under this ATMport for Nbap-common

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 88

Exercise 4:
1. Enable tracing for AAL2 and NBAP on Module 1
2. Start the monitor on the RNC
3. Start up another terminal and run the monitor client for module 1, tee the output
into a file called output.txt
4. Block cell 90123 and observe the trace
5. Unblock the cell again and observe the trace
6. Pipe the output through the and flow.awk programs

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 89

Exercise 5:
1. Enable tracing for AAL2 and NBAP and RRC on Module 1
2. Start the monitor on the RNC
3. Start up another terminal and run the monitor client for module 1, tee the output
into a file called output.txt
4. Make a UE-UE call and observe the trace
5. Pipe the output through the and flow.awk programs

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 90

Exercise 6:
Similar to exercise 4, cells are down, we have to find out why
Use the tracing and monitoring you learned before to find the cause of the cell down

These are 8 exercises in one, each with different faults. Consider looking at RBS,

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 91

To do:
Upgrade problem due to HW change? See ChangePiu.txt

Checking the IP traffic (IP over ATM) see file

Restrict ATMtraffic descr. for ATMPORt -> Cells won’t come up

Exercise with missing loadmodule on F drive

Rev PA13 29/04/2005 92

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