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Office Description

Personnel, Tasks
Supplies, and Their Position
By Amanda Osorio Galindo
Office Supplies and Equipment
Look for an image of office supplies with their names in
English. Then, copy these names in this chart)

Objects or tools Materials Professionals Machinery

Stapler Paper The Engineer Printer

Colored pencils Cardboards The graphic designer 3D printer

Pen Notepad Administrative assistant Photocopier

Calculator Accounting sheets Counter Electronic typewriter

Binder Clip Invoice paper Head of offices Laptop

Clipboard Recycling paper Dispatcher RFID Readers

Stamps Ink Biller Computer

Let’s write a list of objects, professionals, and machinery you
find in an office. Write some examples with each of the
Objects or tools Materials Professionals Machinery
Folders Paperboard Archivist Switch

File Acetate Speaker Overhead Projector

Highlighter pen Filing folders Receptionist Telephone

Whiteboard Wood Security Guard Surveillance Cameras

Briefcase Labels Sales Manager Tablet

Calendar Advertising brochure Publicist Personal Digital Assistant

Ruler Drawing plans Creative Leader Foil Printing Machine

Classify the previous words under the categories
below. Then, write some examples with them.
Personnel Actions you do at the Objects you find Machinery or Equipment
office in an office
The Human Resource Interviews people for available I put the copies together I make copies of documents with
Manager positions. with the stapler. Printer.

Graphic designers Plan a new project I will draw on the plans The plans must be digitized in the 3D
with the colored pencils printer

Management assistant Organize the next council Please use the pen to take You must make a copy of the reports in
meeting your notes the photocopier

Accounting department Check that everything is under Please lend me the reports Reports must go on electronic
auditor the regulations to do the accounts with typewriter
the calculator

Design office manager Supervise all the offices of your Invoices must be adjusted You must have the revision program on
dependency with the binder clip your laptop

Logistics Assistant Prepare the merchandise for The list of dispatches must He uses RFID Readers to organize
dispatch go on the clipboard merchandise

Accounting Assistant She prepares financial statement The invoices must bear her The accounting program must be
reports stamp installed on her computer
Classify the previous words under the
categories below.
Actions you do at the Objects you find in Machinery or Equipment
Personnel office an office
All documents must first go The folders must be ordered
File supervisor through his approval according to his instructions Please communicate with his switch

Organize her time for a tour in She must bring her complete They should have overhead projector
International speaker Latin America files to the training ready for her for the presentation.

You must serve her customers She uses her highlighter to

Billingue receptionist effectively keep track of her clients The telephone is her main work tool

Vigilant Take care of his company's The whiteboard is updated His workplace must have all security
facilities thanks to his work cameras turned on
It is her responsibility to keep up In her briefcase he finds all His tablet is the ideal instrument to
Commercial advisor to date with sales and the advertising material monitor sales

He is an expert in his area, On his desk you will find your In his personal digital assistant he keep a
Marketing analyst studies all possible markets visit scheduling calendar copy of his customer database

Professional draftsman His next designs will be the cover To draw exact lines must use His foil printing machine is the most
of the magazine his ruler important tool for his job.
Some prepositions used to describe



Next to Under
Describing the position of things …

We use there is or there are to indicate the existence of something, and a preposition to
indicate its position. Let’s look at the following examples …

There is a note On the computer screen.

There are Many sheets of paper On the desk.
There is A calculator Between some documents.
There are Many files On the desk.
There is A paper clip In my backpack.
There are A few colors In the pencil case.
There is An eraser In the drawer.
There isn´t A secretary In this office.
Description of the office supplies and
their position
I think the person that Works in this office is
not very tidy (organized). There are too many
things on the desk. For example,
there are a lot of pieces of paper on the desk.
There is a note on the computer screen. There
is a pen on the notepad. There is a calculator
between some papers. There are some
folders on the shelves. There is a cellphone on
top of a blue file.
It can be difficult to concéntrate in this office.
I suppose that this person has to work a lot,
and does not have enough (sufficient) time to
do all of her work.
Office Personnel and Their Tasks
O The Secretary S
N S Types reports
Now, let’s write some ideas about what
these people do at the office station.
Example: A secretary types letters, and reports.
The Human Resource Manager reviews new contracts A manager plans and supervises the activities of the company

The publicist comes up with new graphic proposals An archivist is in charge of keeping the reports up to date
The receptionist welcomes clients in the meeting room A receptionist answers calls from different companies
The administrative assistant reviews the reports for the An event planner organizes company ceremonies
The guard takes his usual rounds around the facilities A commercial advisor is in charge of promoting the
company's products
The billing assistant receives payroll payments A sales manager supervises the operation of his
salespeople, and rewards their performance
The accountant generates the taxes A president acts as the legal representative of the company
The tax auditor validates the authenticity of the financial A payroll analyst supervises the payment processes
Other ideas about what these people do at
the office
A project analyst executes and monitors business ideas
An administrative assistant processes and orders all incoming correspondence
The seller is responsible for offering the customer their best options
The customer service analyst is in charge of handling customer requests, complaints and
A head of human resources infers in job interviews for their proper process
A secretary takes notes and reports as directed
The logistics assistant is in charge of dispatching, delivering and collecting the
Now, take a picture of your office and describe it. Use there
is /there are, and prepositions as in the previous description.
Record the office description…Remember to
practice a lot before.
This is my desk
In it there are many elements necessary for my study.
There is a black computer and it is on the desk.
There is a telephone and it is next to the internet
There is a wall where there are many letters made by
my son.
Inside this pencil holder there are many pens, colors,
pencils and other items for my classes.
In the middle of my desk there are some books and
notebooks. Under the desk there are cables, sockets
and some suitcases
There are some decorations to make it look cute.
Here I find my organized place to take my classes.
How to use to

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