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in different
Presentation by Group 01
Presented to Madam Mehwish Omer

 Psychology is the study of mind and behavior

 In psychology we scientifically study the mental behavior of human beings

 Psychology is used to describe, predict, explain and then control the mental behavior
through research

‘’Psychology is the science which aims to give us better understanding and

control of the behavior of the organisms as a whole’’
Psychology and Health

Psychology is applied to many other fields of the world like organization, education, law economics and many


A proper field known as health psychology is used to determine how patients handle illness, why some people don't

follow medical advice and the most effective ways to control pain or change poor health habits.

 It includes both physical and mental health.

Health psychologists generally work alongside other medical professionals in clinical settings, although many also

teach and conduct research.

Psychology and Military

It is the research, design and application of psychological theories and experimentation data
towards understanding, predicting and countering behaviors either in friendly or enemy
forces or civilian population that may be undesirable, threatening or potentially dangerous
to the conduct of military operations and war.

The psychological factors influencing military decision making

The role of group cohesion in military units

Military psychology is ‘applied towards counseling and treatment of stress and fatigue of
military personnel or military families as well as treatment of psychological trauma suffered
as a result of military operations.’
Psychology and TEHREEM

• It helps managers at all levels of organizations select, support, motivate and train employees.

• It also helps businesses design products, build better workspaces and foster healthy behavior.

• At a marketing company or agency, you will help the company communicate its message more effectively. 

• You will be responsible for analyzing the consumer's thought processes and purchasing choices so that

the company can reach more people.

• It combines the science of human psychology with practical business application in order to improve the

work environment for employees, improve productivity in businesses, and organize groups of people in

Psychology and Traffic

• Traffic psychology is a discipline of psychology that studies the relationship between

psychological processes and the behavior of road users.

• In general, traffic psychology aims to apply theoretical aspects of psychology in order to

improve traffic mobility by helping to develop and apply cash countermeasures, as well as by

guiding desired behaviors through education and the motivation of road users.

Psychology and Sports IQRA

 Sport and exercise psychology consists of instructing athletes, coaches, teams, exercisers, parents, fitness professionals,
groups and other performers on the psychological aspects of their sport or activity.

 Sport psychology is an interdisciplinary science or an application of psychology that draws on knowledge from the fields
of kinesiology and psychology. It involves the study of how psychological factors affect performance and how
participation in sport and exercise affect psychological and physical factors

 Sport psychology is an interdisciplinary science or an application of psychology that draws on knowledge from the fields
of kinesiology and psychology. It involves the study of how psychological factors affect performance and how
participation in sport and exercise affect psychological and physical factors
Psychology and Politics
 Psychology in politics is a thriving field of social scientific inquiry, with roots in political

science and psychology and connections to a range of other social sciences, including

sociology, economics, business, education, and many other fields.

 Psychology in politics thus illuminates the dynamics of important real-world phenomena in

ways that yield practically valuable information and also that enhance the development of

basic theories of cognitive processes and social relations.

Psychology and Law

 Psychology and law is an extremely broad topic area that includes many basic and applied research areas;

applied topics in mental health, memory, and jury behavior; and evaluation of laws and legal processes.

 Psychology is important for law because lawyers have to handle negotiation all the time. Whether it's

during mediation or in handling contracts, psychology comes in handy. Understanding the psychology

behind negotiations helps in contract law, family law, or practically any negotiation situation.

Psychology and Education

 Psychology gives education the theory of individual differences that every child has different

mental ability and learns with different pace.

 Psychology effects education in every field of teaching learning process. Education and

psychology are interdependent.

 Psychology has changed the spirit of education and it gives new meaning to learning in

classroom. Psychology has also changed the old concept of education where only upper class

had the ability and right to learn.

 Psychology effects education in every field of teaching learning process. NIMRAH

Psychology and Nursing

 Nurses work in a setting where they’re required to interact with other professionals in an effort to bring the
best quality care for their patients.

 They need to fully understand how other people behave and act in certain situations; this is where
Psychology comes into play.

 With the help of psychology, nurses will know how to interact with their patients based on different factors
such as gender and age.

 For instance, young patients may be more afraid than adults.

 They may have difficulties in understanding their illness.

 A nurse can apply his knowledge of child development and psychology and relate to the young patients in a
way their apprehensions are alleviated.

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