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Find the integerals of Following

1. y  123e 4x

2. y  6x  2

 x
3. I   sin xdx

Assignment: Hints
Application: Marginal Functions(Revenue, Costs and Profit)
Marginal means the increase or decrease in the total cost of a production run
for making one additional unit of an item. 

Calculating Marginal Functions using fol two

differentiation formulae:
• Total Revenue (TR) = TR(x) = P x Or pQ

d  TR 
• Marginal Revenue MR  & TR(x) = ∫ MR
• Marginal Cost MC  d  TC 
& TCost(x)=∫ MC dx
• dQ
• Average Cost = AC 
 TC 
d  AC 
 0, i, e, slope, m  0
Applications of the Indefinite Integral in
Business and Economics

Q 1. The monthly marginal cost for a product is MC = (x+30), fixed

costs are $50, and find the total cost function for the month.
Cost(x) = ∫ MC dx
you will use that the cost is the anti-derivative of the marginal cost, and
then used the fixed cost to find the value of the constant
Cost(x) = ∫ (x + 30) dx
Cost(x) = x2 /2 + 30x + c
Now find C by putting cost & x = 0 in above equation, then put value of C in above equation to find cost
Q 2. The marginal revenue function for a product is
MR = (44 - 5x). The marginal cost is MC = (3x + 20), and
the cost of producing 80 units is $11400.
(a) Find the profit function:
Here, we are given information about revenue and cost,
but are asked about profit, so we will need to find the
revenue and cost functions, and then use P = R - C to
find the profit function.. R(x) = ∫MR dx
R(x) = ∫(44 - 5x) dx = [44x – 5 x2/2 + c]
Now find C by putting R & x = 0 in above equation, then put value of C in above equation to find
Revenue R(x)
Find Cost(x) = ∫(3x + 20) dx
Cost(x) = 3 (x2 /2) + 20x + c
Now find C by putting x = 80 in above equation, then put value of C in above equation to find Cost C(x)

Now at x = 80 and Cost(80) = 11400

Now find P(x) = ?
now we have R(X) = [44x - 5 x2/2] & C(x) = [3 x2/2 + 20x + 200]
P(x) = R(x) – C(x)
P(x) =
(b) Find the profit or loss from selling x=100 units:

If We have P(x) = 24x – 4x2 – 200

3. The average cost of a product changes at the rate C(x) = (-6x-2
+ 1/6 ). Average cost of 6 units is 10.
Find the average cost of producing 12 units.
Cost(x) = ∫(-6x-2 + 1/6 ) dx
First integerate then find C by putting C(10) = 10 and x = 6 in above equation, then put
value of C in above equation to find

Cost(12) = ?

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