Video Game Animation: Yevhenii Rakhuba, IK-82

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Video game


Yevhenii Rakhuba, IK-82

History of video game animation
The venerable art of animating still images has existed in some form or another since the 1800s. Today,
however, new evolutionary offshoots of the art form make the industry more diverse than ever.

• The 90's saw video games like Super Mario 64 where

the graphics took a huge leap forward into the realm of 3D.

• The 2000s saw not only the release of the PlayStation 2

and Xbox, but also the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 came
out within that 10 year span. With two generations of
consoles, there definitely were more complex animations
introduced in each game.

• With a new generation of consoles, animation in video

games has increased tenfold.
Types of animation
• Traditional/Classical 2D
• Digital 2D
• Digital 3D
• Stop-Motion
• Motion Graphics
How does animation works?
• Animation uses a combination of images and optical
illusion to create the appearance of movement.

• The human brain will naturally retain an image for a little

longer than it actually exists in front of the eyes. When
this scientific principle is combined with the animation
process - a rapid succession of images - our brains
interpret these images as continuous motion.  
Game and movie
Animation in Games
These are things that a game animator needs to take into account to ensure their animation holds up to
whatever the player may throw at it. Unlike animation in a movie where the animator doesn't need to
worry about how it will look from a side view or from behind, creating animations for games needs to
look good from any angle.
Animation in Movies
When it comes to animation for movies, the animator is only responsible for animating whatever is in
the view of the shot camera. In other words they only have to worry about one camera angle at a time.
Most games are driven by body mechanics, so
you'll need to spend a lot of time perfecting
your body mechanics to be successful in games.
That's not to say you won't be animating any
acting scenes, but if you look back at the last
video game you played, you'll probably see just
how body mechanics heavy it is.
All in all, video game animation
offers a plethora of exciting
opportunities and hurtles. For those
involved, this digital playground
offers a rich and rewarding
experience, creating animation that
connects to the audience on a more
personal level then ever before. This
industry is developing successfully,
and we only have to observe this
process of development of graphics
not only in games, but also in films.
Thank you for
your attention!

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