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Marketing Essentials

UNIT 6.1 Advertising Media

Chapter 19 ■
Unit 6.1 Advertising Media

What you’ll
The concept & purpose of advertising
Types of advertising media

Why it’s Important

Since advertising is an important

element of promotion, you will need
to know about the different ways a
business can use advertising media
to promote its image and products.
Chapter 19 ■
UNT 6.1 Advertising Media
Advertising & its Purpose
Advertising: any paid form of _____-personal ________
of products (GSI) by an identified sponsor. Advertising is
either promotional or institutional.

•Promotional advertising – designed to __________ sales.

It introduces new products & businesses & encourages an
interest in GSI

•Institutional advertising – attempts to create a favorable

__________ & _______ for a business or organization

Chapter 19 ■ *
UNIT 6.1 Advertising Media
Advertising Drawbacks

While there are advantages to advertising, it

does have its drawbacks. Advertising can:
= ______ to focus on individual needs.
= Be __________
= Be wasteful when it is seen by people who
are not are ______ potential customers
= Lack ______

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UNIT 6.1 Advertising Media
Types of Media
Media are the ______, means, or instruments
used to convey advertising messages to the
public. The FOUR general ____________ of
advertising media are:

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UNIT 6.1 Advertising Media
Media Advertising Expenditures
Advertising is a Multi-Billion dollar business.
= There are several advertising media options
for organizations to spend their $$$$$$

= Print Media is ________ advertising. This

includes everything from newspapers &
magazines to direct mail, directory, transit
signs and billboards. These are among the
______ & most _______ forms of advertising.

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UNIT 6.1 Advertising Media
• Newspaper Advertising • Magazine Advertising
• Daily or weekly / local, regional • Both consumer & trade
or national – newspaper ads are magazines generate a ______
the main form of print media for level of reader involvement.
many businesses Magazines can _______ specific
• Advantages – newspapers have regional areas or interest groups
______ readership & high level of • Advantages – targeted audience,
reader involvement longer life span, more likely to be
• Disadvantages – circulation can remembered, better print quality,
be ______, advertising life is variety of formats.
short, and ads are less appealing • Disadvantages – less mass
in black & white appeal within a geographical area,
more expensive, not as timely

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UNIT 6.1 Advertising Media
• Direct Mail Advertising • Directory Advertising
• DM advertising is sent by • Telephone directories are the best
businesses directly to _______ example. Split into White Pages
customers via the mail. Examples (free alpha listings) and Yellow
of DM are catalogs, coupons, Pages ( paid listings by category
samplers, price lists, & others. for businesses).
• Advantages – highly _______ • Advantages – inexpensive, used
distribution, variety of sizes & by all _______ groups, long life
formats, catalogs & coupons can span
actually make a sale • Disadvantages – not ________
• Disadvantages – low response
rate & high costs

Chapter 19 ■ *
UNIT 6.1 Advertising Media
• Outdoor Advertising • Transit Advertising
• Better known as ____________ • Printed posters inside commuter
• Advantages – Broad exposure, trains, exterior posters on taxis &
highly _______, some can be buses, station posters @ train &
changed quickly bus stations, subways, and
• Disadvantages – use is _______ airports
in some areas, limited viewing • Advantages – reaches wide &
time, unknown audience captive _________, relatively
• Disadvantages – ___________ in
some areas, restricted to transit

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UNIT 6.1 Advertising Media
Broadcast Media

Radio & Television:

The average person will spend nearly ________
watching TV & _______ listening to the radio in a
People are more likely to believe info from TV
than print ads

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UNIT 6.1 Advertising Media
Television Advertising

TV is the ultimate advertising ________. It

communicates the message in sound, action
& color
= Advantages - can be directed @ a
_________ audience, is timely, takes
advantage of holidays & special events
= Disadvantages - highest ________
costs, high cost for time, audience is
not assured
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UNIT 6.1 Advertising Media
Radio Advertising

It’s estimated that radio reaches 96% of all

people age 12 & over in a given week

Advantages – “______ times” can provide

___________ audience, specific audiences can be
targeted, is flexible & mobile

Disadvantages – _______ life span, stations

often must compete for audience, listeners can
easily be distracted

Chapter 19 ■ *
UNIT 6.1 Advertising Media
Online / Internet Advertising
_________ daily – hyperlinks, banner ads, pop-ups,
search engine results pages, social network advertising,
email marketing, online classified advertising
= Advantages - ability to __________ animation,
sound, pics & video; can be interactive;
effectiveness easily measured; immediate publishing
of information; content NOT limited by geography or
= Disadvantages: Low _________ rates
Chapter 19 ■ *
UNIT 6.1 Advertising Media
• Specialty Advertising • Other Advertising Media
• Specialty media are relatively • Businesses are constantly creating
inexpensive, useful items with an __________ means of
advertiser’s name _________ on transmitting their messages to
them. potential customers.
• Examples – pens, calendars, • Examples – sports arena
magnets, memo pads, key chains, billboards, ads in movie theaters;
bottle openers, etc… ads on blimps and hot air
balloons; skywriting; etc…

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UNIT 6.1 Advertising Media
Selection of Promotional Media
To determine the type of promotional media to use,
advertisers need to answer 3 questions
• Does the medium have the ability to present the
product & the appropriate business image?
• Does the medium have the ability to target the
desired customers?
• Does the medium have the ability to obtain the
desired response rate?

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