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The Role of Social Capital and the Dynamics of

Mulyo Jati Farmer Groups in the Development

of Chocolate Majapahit Agro Tourism,
Randugenengan Village, Dlanggu District,
Mojokerto Regency

Moch. Agung Prayoga (175040100111116)

under the guidance of :
Supervisor 1 : Medea Rahmadhani Utomo, SP.,M.Si (NIK. 2016099003311001)
Supervisor 2 : Setiyo Yuli Handono , SP.,MP.,MBA. (NIP. 198207162006041001)
Research Background

• Majapahit Chocolate Agro- • Cocoa tree planting began in

tourism with its product called 2011
Chocolate Majapahit, which is a • the cocoa processing industry
processed product of the Mulyo was established in 2018
jati farmer group's upstream and
downstream program in • The aim is to introduce healthy
Randugenengan Village, processed cocoa products
Dlanggu District, Mojokerto without additional chemicals and
Regency. preservatives.
Research Background

Social Capital Group Dynamic

• 1) Trust • (1) Group Goals, (2) Group Structure,
• 2) Value & Norms (3) Task Functions, (4) Group
Coaching, (5) Group Cohesiveness, (6)
• 3) Networks Group Atmosphere, (7) Group
Pressure, (8) Group Effectiveness, And
(9) Hidden Purposes (Hidden Agenda).

contributing to the development of

agro-tourism for the purposes and
welfare of the group
Research Problem
• the trust and cohesiveness of the • group dynamics that have been well
farmers is still lacking or they are still formed or not in mulyo jati farmer
not sure and understand about the groups in developing majapahit
development of chocolate agro- chocolate agro-tourism and the
tourism. welfare of cocoa farmers in it.
• The harvest time that tends to be long
and the farmer's lack of motivation in
the future prospects is the opinion of
some farmers not to plant cocoa in the
future so that their confidence
Research Purpose
• 1. Knowing the role of the mulyo jati farmer group social network in
managing Chocolate Majapahit agro-tourism.
• 2. Describe the values and norms that apply to farmer groups as well
as how the Mulyo Jati farmer group members build trust with other
parties involved in the management of Chocolate Majapahit
• 3. Exploring the role of group dynamics in mulyo jati farmer groups in
the development of Chocolate Majapahit Agrotourism.
Research Framework
• 1. The existence of role of the mulyo jati farmer group social network
in managing Chocolate Majapahit agro-tourism.
• 2. There are values and norms that apply to the mulyo jati farmer
groups in managing the Majapahit Chocolate Agro-tourism.
• 3. There is a way for the members of Mulyo Jati Farmer Group to
build trust with other parties involved in the management of Chocolate
Majapahit Agro-tourism.
• 4. The existence of the role of group dynamics in Mulyo Jati farmer
groups in the development of Agro Chocolate Majapahit.
Research Methods
• The research approach used is a qualitative approach.
• type of research is descriptive in which the data collected is in the
form of words, pictures, and not numbers.
• Determination of informants using purposive sampling and snowball
sampling techniques
• The data collection technique is a systematic and standard procedure
for obtaining data, including in-depth interviews, observation and
Research Methods

Location and Time Data Validity

• randugenengan village, dlanggu • using source triangulation where
district, mojokerto regency with a Source triangulation is a technique
duration of implementation starting in that is done by checking back data that
February 2021 until a representative has been obtained through several
study of the existing cases was found. sources.
• The location selection was done
purposively, with the consideration
that the area has chocolate agro-
tourism as a form of concern and
welfare for cocoa farmers around the
Data Analysis

Field Data Collection Data Reduction Data Display

Verification / Conclusion

Model Analysis of Miles, Huberman, dan Saldana (2014).

Thank You

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