Social Entrepreneurship Assignment No. 1: Coman Dan Alexandru Group 137

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Social Entrepreneurship

Assignment no. 1

Coman Dan Alexandru

Group 137
Deforestation in Romania
 Global warming is undoubtedly the world's most debated environmental issue today, but the really serious environmental problem is
the disappearance of forests, being both a cause of global warming and a consequence of it, because the forest absorbs huge amounts of
carbon dioxide, and at the time of deforestation, all the absorbed quantity returns to the atmosphere, thus increasing the amount of
greenhouse gases.
 The problem of deforestation in Romania is alarming, because the forests are exploited at a vary fast rate. If by the end of the 19th

century Romanian territory was 80% covered with forests, it now covers only a quarter of the country's surface, Romania being below
the European average of 30%.
 We all suffer from deforestation, here are some of its effects: destroying the habitat of millions of species of flora and fauna; increase in

speed and severity of the greenhouse effect; immense imbalances in nature, changing the rainfall regime and drought; soil erosion, the
appearance of landslides and changes in the movement of air currents. The ones to benefit out of it are the ones using the wood for
furniture or the ones who sell the wood for various reasons making huge amounts of money.
 Europe is in line with the global trend and deforestation, the rate of this phenomenon being alarming. However, among the countries

with most forests, there are also some states on the old continent. Worldwide, 26 hectares of forest are destroyed every minute. Nearly
half of the wooded area of ​the Earth has disappeared, and in the remaining forests, far too little areas are adequately protected. In
Europe, too, the situation is not very good, with only six states having over 50% of the area covered by forests. Thus, taking into
account the percentage of forests, in Europe the countries with most forests are Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Slovenia and Bosnia and
Herzegovina. On the other hand, the countries with the largest forest areas are Russia, Sweden, Spain, France and Finland.
 UK, France and Germany have called on the European commission to launch tough new action to halt deforestation by the end of the year 2019.

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