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Ampere’s Law

Lesson objectives
• what is Ampere’s circuit law?
• What are the key ideas of Ampere’s circuit law?
• State those key ideas in words
• The expression of key ideas in mathematical form.
• Explaining the physical meaning of quantities in mathematical formulas
• Interpretation of the key ideas.
• Examples of Ampere’s law.
Background of Ampere’s law
• In 1826, the physicist Andre Marie Ampere conducted the experiment
using wires to find the relationship between the current flowing in it
and the magnetic field it produces..
• The current flowing in the same direction makes wires to attract each
other and vice versa.
• This led to the discovery of Ampere’s law, a useful law that relates the
net magnetic field along the closed loop to the current passing
through loop.
• Ampere’s law states the relationship between the current and the
magnetic field created by it.
• The integral of the magnetic field density (B) along an imaginary
closed path is equal to the product of the current enclosed by the
path and the permeability of the medium.
Comparison of the two laws
Ampere's law
To be able to apply Ampere’s law.
• The current in the conductor must be constant.
• Consider only the current passing through the inside the loop.
Because they are the one contributing to the magnetic field.
• Use the Right-Hand rule to determine the direction of the
current( those that are going out of the loop are positive and those
are going in are negative).
• Amperes law has many practical uses of which the primary usage is
calculating the magnetic field generated by the electric current.
• The working principle of this law remains the same throughout every
process, even through implementation varies greatly.
• Its primary limitation is that it applicable in magnetostatics and only
valid for steady current i.e. electric field does not change with time.
Current Density and Non-uniform
Distribution of current
•• Current
  density; is the amount of current per unit area in a wire conductor

• The arrows in the diagram are to be named as current vectors

• Decrease towards the center.
• The function that describes this current density is , Is a constant and is the distance from the center
• The smallest segment of the current vector is known as , thus giving us the general as
• We get from a concentric ring the current passing through these small rings is
• is the area of these mall ring and the radius of these small rings is r and is the thickness of the small ring
thus giving us
Examples of Ampere’s law.
1. Compute the magnetic field of a long straight wire that has a
circular loop with a radius 0,05m. 2 amp is the reading of the
current flowing through this closed loop.
2. Consider an infinitely long, cylindrical conductor of radius R carrying
a current I with a non-uniform current density , where is a constant
and r is the distance from the centre of the cylinder. Find the
magnetic field everywhere.
1.Given : R=0,05m
= 2 amp
using Ampere’s law in the case of long straight wire.

•  Solution: Exp 2.
The main objective; Find B everywhere
For that; find /
To get total current , we must find
The current distribution is non-uniform
To get the current of the enter empyrean loop, we need to sum up all the though integration.
•  Solution:
2. The closed current is given by.

For r<R
•  Applying Ampere’s law, the magnetic field is given by

For r>R
Applying Ampere's law the  magnetic field is given by

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