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Healthy Habits

By Ethan George 5B
Points on being healthy
• Eat well.
• Sleep well. [School Children need 11 to 9 hours of sleep].
• Manage stress.
• Maintain your Brain.
• Protect your skin
History on Healthy Habits
• In 1930’s,It was during this era that the concept of a healthy diet
was one which was high in fat and low in fiber. Milk and meat
which were touted to be protective against all sorts of diseases.
Whereas carbohydrate-based foods were deemed starch laden and
• In 1940’s,We saw a bit of a shift during the 40’s as to what was
considered a balanced diner. Protein rich foods such as red meats
and milk were still seen as the most important food group.
History on Healthy Habits
• In 1950’s,This little chunk of history saw the introduction of the
dirty word – cholesterol. It all began when the American Heart
Association brought the concept of “heart health” to the public.
The public were urged to reduce their intake of fat, saturated fats
and cholesterol.
• In 1960’s,The 60’s saw a revolution not only socially but also in
terms of health and how we perceive that notion. It was during
this decade that the term “lifestyle” first emerged. It was used to
describe that not only the food on your plate contributes to your
health but also your daily habits. 
Points on being safe from Covid-19
• Shower regularly, because COVID-19 can live on surfaces for days.
• Keep your clothes clean. Don’t wear the same clothes for several
days and do laundry frequently.
• Try not to scratch your head, nose, face or body
• Wash all fresh fruits and vegetables before eating them.
• Wash your hands after using restrooms, being in public places such
as gas stations and grocery stores, or using elevators
• Don’t reuse masks, gloves or personal care devices without cleaning
Covid-19 video

Coronaviruses (Covid) are a large family of viruses

transmitting between animals and people that cause illness
ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as
Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS-Covid) and severe
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-Covid).
The virus is transmitted mainly through the respiratory route
after an infected person coughs, sneezes, sings, talks, or
breathes. A new infection occurs when virus-containing
particles exhaled by an infected person, either 
respiratory droplets or aerosols, get into the mouth, nose, or
eyes of other people who are in close contact with the infected
person.[57] During human-to-human transmission, an average
1000 infectious SARS-CoV-2 virions are thought to initiate a
new infection.
 Healthy Habits video
Get your exercise
Regular exercise is probably
the closest we can get to a
fountain of youth.
Always eat breakfast. ...
Practice healthy
eating throughout the day.
Stay hydrated. ...
Don't neglect dental hygiene.
Get your sleep. ...
Challenge yourself.
Done By Ethan George

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