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Materials and Their

By: Group 1
also called building
construction, is an
industry involved in the
assembly and erection of
structures, primarily
those used to provide

Construction today is a significant part of
industrial culture, a manifestation of its 
diversity and complexity and a measure of
its mastery of natural forces, which can
produce a widely varied built environment
to serve the diverse needs of society.

Materials Used in
Ancient Time
are a diverse group of
evergreen perennial
flowering plants in the
subfamily Bambusoideae of the
grass family Poaceae. It is
widely cultivated in
tropical places.

Bamboo is among the most sustainable natural building
materials, as
it is easy to plant and it grows very quickly. Although it
treatment against rot and pests, bamboo shows impressive
durability and
Strength because it has a very strong fiber. Its compressive
is two times higher than concrete, while the tensile
It is a dried mud brick usually
made with tightly
compacted sand, clay,
and straw or grass mixed with
moisture, formed into bricks,
and naturally dried or baked
in the sun without an oven or

Adobe bricks are fire-resistant, flexible, and durable. It
excess heat during the day and slowly release this
heat at night,
making them a material of choice in warmer climates.
In colder
climates, on the other hand, they are insulated
during winter to
8 prevent too much heat loss.
Cob is made of moist
earth and fibrous
material, usually straw.
Like adobe, it is made of
earth, but unlike adobe
that is formed into
bricks, cob is usually
mashed on top of a stone
or concrete foundation
to form a monolithic
Cob homes are one of the most durable types of
architecture. Because the mud mixture is porous,
cob can
withstand long periods of rain without weakening.
superior thermal mass, it is suitable for both warm
and cold
10 climates. It is also fireproof and resistant to seismic
A material used for
roofs that is made of dry
vegetation materials
like straw, reeds, or
coconut leaves.

The material composition of thatch, with its natural
voids and surface irregularities, provides
excellent insulation when dry and compact. However,
when degraded with an accumulation of moss
and rainwater, the insulation properties are less
reliable. Thatch can also be vulnerable to fire and when
applied correctly, thatch has very
good wind resistance.

Earth Bags
Earth bags are fabric
sacks or tubes filled with
soil. When applied with
plaster, they are ideal
for creating walls and
domes. They also serve as a
suitable material for
particularly in flood-
prone areas.
Earth Bags
 Earth bags can create thermal mass or an insulating
barrier, depending on what the bags are filled with. It
can also be extremely durable, resisting fire, flood,
earthquake, tornado, bullets, and time. It can also be
quite economical because it is inexpensive.

Properties of
Construction Materials
Properties of Construction Materials
1 2 3
Mechanical Properties

 These are the properties required to  Mechanical properties of the  The ability of a construction
estimate the quality and condition of materials are find out by materials to resist the effects by
the material without any external applying external forces on chemicals like acids, salts and
force. them. alkalis is known as chemical
 Properties that can be observed or  These are very important resistance.
measured without changing the properties which are
composition of matter. responsible for behavior of a
 Involves physical change but not material in its job.
chemical change.
Properties of Construction Materials
• Chemical Resistance
• Bulk Density
• Corrosion Resistance
• Porosity
• Durability
• Density Chemical
• Density Index Properties • Strength
• Specific Gravity • Hardness
• Fire Resistance • Toughness
• Frost Resistance Mechanical • Ductility
• Weathering Resistance Properties • Brittleness
• Spalling Resistance • Creep and Slip
• Water Absorption • Resilience
• Water Permeability • Fatigue
• Hygroscopicity
• Coefficient of Softening
• Refractoriness

 Weight of soil in a given volume

✓ ratio of mass to the volume of the

material in its natural state that is

including voids and pores

✓ expressed in kg/m3

✓ influences the mechanical properties

of materials like strength, heat and

✓ increases with compaction and

✓ volume of the material occupied by pores
✓ ratio of volume of pores to the volume of material
✓ influences many properties like thermal conductivity, strength, bulk density,
durability, etc.
 The property of a material to withstand against the
combined action of atmospheric and other factors.
If the material is more durable, it will be useful for longer
✓ ratio of mass of a material to its volume in homogenous state
✓ influences almost all physical properties
 It shows compactness of construction materials

Steel 7800-7900

Brick 2500-2800

Granite 2600-2900

The density index is defined as the ratio of the difference between the voids ratio
of the soil in its loosest state and its natural voids ratio to the difference between
the voids ratios in the loosest and densest states

✓ ratio of bulk density of material to its density

✓ gives the volume of solid matter in a material
✓ fully dense material is not available in nature so density
index is always less than 1 for any building material
✓ ratio of mass of a given substance to the mass of water at
4oC at equal volumes
 It is the ratio of a material’s density to the density of
another material. However, the ratio almost always uses
water as the standard comparison.
Materials Specific Gravity The density of water is
kg/m3. Density of7.82
all other materials is divided by that
of water to calculate the7.20
Cast Iron relative density.
Aluminum 2.72
✓ ability to withstand against fire without changing its shape and other
✓ tested by the combined actions of water and fire
✓ fireproof materials should provide more safety in case of fire

✓ ability of a material to resist freezing or thawing
✓ depends upon the density and bulk density of a material
✓ denser materials have more frost resistance
✓ property to withstand against all atmospheric actions without losing its
strength and shape
✓ affects the durability of a material
✓ ability to undergo certain number of cycles of sharp temperature variations
without failing.
✓ capacity to absorb and retain water in it
✓ expressed in % of weight of dry material
✓ depends upon the size, shape and number of pores of material
✓ ability of a material to permit water through it
✓ dense materials like glass metals, which are called impervious materials, do
not allow water to pass through it
✓ property of a material to absorb water vapor from the air
✓ depends on the relative humidity, porosity, air temperature, etc.
✓ the ratio of compressive strength of a saturated material to its compressive
strength in dry state
✓ affects the strength of water absorbent materials like soil
✓ property of a material that cannot melt or lose its shape at prolonged high
temperatures (1580oC or more)
✓ fire clay is an example of a high refractory material


It is the property of a material which opposes the deformation or breakdown of

material in presence of external forces or load. Materials which we finalize for our

engineering products must have suitable mechanical strength to be capable to work

under different mechanical forces or loads.

The property of a materials to resist scratching or the ability of a material to
resist to permanent shape change due to external stress.
 It is the ability of a material to attain the hardness by heat treatment processing.
It is determined by the depth up to which the material becomes hard.

 It is the ability of a material to absorb the energy and gets
plastically deformed without fracturing. Its numerical value
is determined by the amount of energy per unit volume. Its

• Ductility is a property of a solid material which indicates that how easily a

material gets deformed under tensile stress. Ductility is often categorized by the

ability of material to get stretched into a wire by pulling or drawing. This

mechanical property is also an aspect of plasticity of material and is temperature

dependent. With rise in temperature, the ductility of material increases.


• Brittleness of a material indicates that how easily it gets fractured when it is

subjected to a force or load. When a brittle material is subjected to a stress it

observes very less energy and gets fractures without significant strain. Brittleness

is converse to ductility of material. Brittleness of material is temperature

dependent. Some metals which are ductile at normal temperature become

brittle at low temperature


• Creep is the property of a material which indicates the tendency of material to

move slowly and deform permanently under the influence of external

mechanical stress. It results due to long time exposure to large external

mechanical stress with in limit of yielding. Creep is more severe in material that

are subjected to heat for long time. Slip in material is a plane with high density of

• Resilience is the ability of material to absorb the energy when it is deformed

elastically by applying stress and release the energy when stress is removed.

Proof resilience is defined as the maximum energy that can be absorbed without

permanent deformation. The modulus of resilience is defined as the maximum

energy that can be absorbed per unit volume without permanent deformation. It

can be determined by integrating the stress-strain cure from zero to elastic limit.

Its unit is joule/m3.


• Fatigue is the weakening of material caused by the repeated loading of the material.

When a material is subjected to cyclic loading, and loading greater than certain

threshold value but much below the strength of material (ultimate tensile strength

limit or yield stress limit), microscopic cracks begin to form at grain boundaries and

interfaces. Eventually the crack reaches to a critical size. This crack propagates

suddenly and the structure gets fractured. The shape of structure affects the fatigue

very much.


• The ability of a construction materials to resist the effects by chemicals like acids,

salts and alkalis is known as chemical resistance. Underground installations,

constructions near sea etc. should be built with great chemical resistance.

• Formation of rust (iron oxide) in metals, when they are subjected to atmosphere

is called as corrosion. So, the metals should be corrosive resistant. To increase

the corrosion resistance proper measures should be considered. Otherwise it will

damage the whole structure.

Electrical properties are the ability of a material to
conduct or to resist electrical current. For example, wood
have great electric resistance and stainless steel is a good
conductor of electricity.
 Electrical resistivity
 Electrical conductivity
 Temperature coefficient of resistance
 Dielectric strength
 Thermoelectricity

 Resists flow of electric current through material

 “Reciprocal of conductivity”
 Values are reported in micro ohm centimeters units.

 Allows flow of electric current through material

 Indicates how easily electric current can flow through
 “Reciprocal of resistivity”
 Measures how well material accommodates movement
of an electric charge.

Electrical conductivity information can be used for

measuring purity of water, checking for proper heat
treatment of metals and inspecting for heat damage in some

 Indicates its ability to withstand at high voltages

 Specified for insulating material to represent their operating
 Materials having high dielectric strength can withstand at high
 Indicates change in resistance of material with change
in temperature
 Resistance of a conductor changes with change of
 Values are reported at 20 degree centigrade because
conductivity and resistivity of material is depending on
 Conductivity of materials decreases as temperature
 If link formed by joining two metals is heated, a small
voltage of millivolt is produced. This effect is called
thermoelectricity or thermoelectric effect.
 Forms basis of operation of thermocouples and some

temperature based transducers.

 Can be used to generate electricity, to measure
temperature and to measure change in temperature of
Magnetic properties of material are those which
determine the ability of material for particular
magnetic application. Properties like permeability and
hysteresis are required in the case of generators. Magnetic
properties of engineering materials:
 Permeability

 Retentivity or Magnetic Hysteresis

 Coercive force

 Reluctance
 The “magnetic susceptibility” of material
 Indicates how easily the magnetic flux is built up in the

 Determined by the ratio of magnetic flux density to
magnetizing force
 Denoted by µ. SI unit is Henry / meter.

A material selected for magnetic core in electrical

machines should have high permeability, so that required
magnetic flux can be produced in core by less ampere-turns.

When a magnetic material is placed in an external

magnetic field, its grains get oriented in the direction of
magnetic field. This results in magnetization of material in the
direction of external magnetic field.

Now, even after removal of external magnetic field, some

magnetization exists, which is called residual magnetism.
 The external magnetic motive force (ATs) (applied in the
opposite direction) required to overcome the residual
 Materials with large value of residual magnetization and
coercive force are called magnetically hard materials.
 Materials having very low value of residual magnetization
and coercive force are called magnetically soft materials.
 Property which resists the buildup of magnetic flux in
 Denoted by R. Its unit is “Ampere-turns/Wb”.

A hard magnetic material suitable for the core of

electrical machines should have low reluctance.
 Related to its conductivity of heat or its characteristic
behavior under thermal load.

For instance, the materials’ thermal properties governs

the rate of heat transfer between the inside and outside of the
building, the amount of heat that can be stored, and the amount
of heat absorbed into the surface. The rate of heat transfer in
turn determines the magnitude of heat losses and gains in the
building. This information used to determine the proper and
most efficient design of space heating equipment required.
Thermal properties of engineering materials:
Thermal capacity

Thermal conductivity

Thermal resistivity

Specific heat
 Ability to absorb heat
 Required to design proper ventilation

 Influences the thermal stability of walls

 It is expressed in J/NoC

 Quantity of heat required to increase the temperature from

initial temperature to final temperature multiplied by mass of

material in N.
 The amount of heat transferred through unit area of
specimen with unit thickness in unit time.
 Measured in Kelvin

 Depends on material structure, porosity, density and

moisture content.
 High porous materials, moist materials have more thermal

 Ability to resist heat conduction
 Reciprocal of thermal conductivity

 When multiplied by thickness of material, it gives thermal

 The quantity of heat required to heat 1 N of material by
 Useful when material is in high temperature areas

 It is expressed in J/NoC.
and their properties


Aggregates are inert granular materials such as sand,
gravel, or crushed stone that, along with water and cement,
are essential ingredient in concrete.
Aggregates can occupy up to 60%-75% volume of
composite construction materials like concrete. Thus, their
own properties have a significant impact on the overall
properties of such composite materials.
: Aggregate is the most important and most economic
factor in building materials to increase its strength, distribute
load and increase the volume of the concrete as it is very
cheap as compared to cement. Some of the purposes for
which the aggregates being used are:
 As it is very cheap, so they are used as a filler to increase
the volume of the concrete to reduce the overall cost of
the construction.
 The use of strong and suitable concrete increases the
strength and durability of the structure.
 It helps the concrete in the drainage of water and reduce
cracking when it hardens.

Heavy Weight

Normal Weight Light Weight
Aggregate WEIGHT: Aggregate

Fine Coarse
Aggregate Aggregate
BASED Angular



SIZE The size of the aggregate can have a

significant impact on the strength and
AND workability of the concrete in its fresh and
SHAPE: hardened state.
The use of the maximum possible size of
the aggregates helps in reducing (binding
material) cement content, reducing water
requirements, and minimize shrinkage and
creeping due to drying of fresh concrete.
Similarly, the shape of aggregate grains
can also affect the workability of the concrete
in its fresh state, and its durability, strength,
and bonding in the hardened state.
SURFACE The surface texture of the aggregate is a
measure of degree up to which the surface of
TEXTURE: the particles of aggregate is polished or dull,
rough or smooth. The surface texture of a
crushed aggregate depends on the grain size,
hardness, pore characteristics of the parent
source rock. This can be determined through
visual inspection.

Specific gravity is a dimensionless

SPECIFIC quantity that is defined as the ratio of the
GRAVITY: weight of oven-dried aggregates to the weight
of a volume of pure water displaced by an
equal volume of saturated surface dry
POROSITY, The porosity, permeability, and
WATER absorption of the aggregate
significantly impact the bond between
ABSORPTION aggregate and cement paste,
AND durability, chemical stability of the
concrete, resistance to freezing and
MOISTURE thawing, and a specific gravity of the
CONTENT concrete and aggregate itself.
The toughness of aggregate represents the
TOUGHNESS resistance of an aggregate to suddenly
applied load or impact load. It is indicated
by aggregate impact value which is a
measure of the resistance of an aggregate to
impact load.
BS (British Standard): Series 812-112: 1990
provides full details for the toughness test.
These tests will be related to the crushing
value of aggregate. The tested aggregate can
be surface dry or saturated.
Two procedures are described, one in
which the aggregate is tested in a dry
condition, and on which it is tested in a
soaked condition.
The hardness of the aggregate signifies the resistance of
the aggregate to wear, abrasion, and attrition. It is
quantified using the abrasion value of aggregate which is
the measure of the resistance of aggregate to wear and

HARDNESS o Deval Attrition Test
o Dory Abrasion Test
o Los Angeles Test
STRENGTH Strength of the aggregates simply
means compressive or crushing
strength of the aggregate. It is
represented by aggregate crushing

BOND The bond strength between the

STRENGTH aggregates and the cement paste
considerably influences the
compressive and flexural strength and
durability of the concrete. A proper
stronger bond between the aggregate
and cement paste is required to form a
durable and strong concrete structure.
Chemical properties determine the aggregates
solubility and reactivity.
Natural aggregates are made out of various
materials like silica mineral, feldspars, micaceous
mineral, carbonate minerals, sulphate mineral, iron
sulphide minerals, zeolites, iron oxide minerals, and
clay minerals.

The coefficient of thermal expansion, specific heat, and

thermal conductivity of the aggregate are the major
thermal properties that can affect the performance of the
The specific heat and thermal conductivity may affect the
insulation property of the concrete structure.
Those harmful materials which
DELETERIOUS may affect the strength and
MATERIALS durability of the concrete when
present in significant amount.

Usually present in fine aggregates like
sand. The presence of such matter
MATTER interfere with hydration of cement and
thus resulting in weak and less durable
concrete. They can be checked with
visual inspection like for vegetation or
colorimetric test for non-observable
impurities. They can be removed from
manual picking or combustion.
Clay material when present in the
CLAY aggregate forms a certain coating
AND around it which affects the bonding
of aggregate with cement paste. They
OTHER can be removed by washing the
FINE aggregates prior to use.
Sand retrieved from beaches and
SALT seashore generally consists of salts.
When used without proper
MINERAL measures, the resulting concrete will
become hydrophobic, absorbing
moisture from atmosphere and
causing efflorescence. This can be
prevented by washing the aggregates
with fresh water.
A cement is a binder, a substance
CEMENT used for construction that sets, hardens,
and adheres to other materials to bind
them together.

 COLOR – uniformly grey with greenish shade. It gives
indication of excess lime/clay and the degree of burning.
 It should feel smooth when touched/rubbed in between
 If hand is inserted in a bag of cement/heap of cement, it
should feel cool and not warm.
 It should be free from hard lumps.
 It should not excess silica, lime, alumina or alkalis.
 Excess amount of clay and silt in cement gives an ear thy
o Ordinary Portland cement
Less expensive, most widely used and suitable for
all normal purposes.

o Rapid-hardening Portland cement

More finely ground, which accelerates the chemical
reaction with water and develop strength rapidly.

o Low-heat Portland cement

Develops strength very slow and it is used in very
thick concrete work.
 It gives strength to the masonry.
 It is an excellent binding material.
 It is easily workable.
 It offers good resistance to the moisture.
 It possess a good plasticity.
 It stiffens or hardens early.
 A thin paste of cement with should sink and should not
float on the surface.
 The particles should have uniformity of fineness. To get
an idea of fineness, specific surface area of cement
particles is calculated . The specific surface are is a
measure of the frequency of particles of average size.
 The consistency of cement is the ability of ement paste to
flow. It is measured by Vicat Test taken in Vicat apparatus.
If the settlement if plunger is between 5mm-7mm from
the bottom of mould, the water added is correct, otherwise
repeat the process with different percentages of water
until the desired penetration is achieved.
 Setting time of cement:
o Initial set – when the paste begins to stuffen noticeably
(typically occurs within 30-45 minutes)
o Final set – when the cement hardens, being able to
sustain some load (occurs below 10 hours)
 Soundness refers to the ability of cement to not shrink
upon hardening. The expansion of cement after heating
and cooling should not exceed 10mm.
o Autoclave test
o Le Chatelier Test
 The raw material used for the manufacture of cement consist
mainly of lime, silica, alumina and iron oxide.
 The relative proportions of these oxide compositions are
responsible for influencing the various properties of cement,
in addition to rate of cooling and fineness of grinding.
 The ratio of percentage of alumina to iron oxide should not
be less than 0.66%.
 The ratio of percentage of lime to alumina, iron oxide and
silica, known as Lime Saturation Factor (LSF) should not be
less than o.66% and should not be more than 1.02%.
 Total loss of ignition should not be more than 4%.
 Total sulphur content should not be more that 2.75%.
 Weight of insoluble residue should not be more than 1.50%.
 Weight of magnesia should not exceed 5%.
STRENGTH 3 types of strength of cement are
measured compressive, tensile and
OF CEMENT: flexural.

o Compressive strength – it is the most common strength test.

A test specimen (50mm) is taken and subjected to a
compressive load until failure. The loading sequence must be
within 20 seconds and 80 seconds.
o Tensile strength - through this test used to be common
during the early years of cement production, now it does not
offer any useful information about the properties of cement.
o Flexural strength – this is actually a measure of tensile
strength in bending. The test is performed in a 40x40x160
mm cement mortar beam, which is loaded at its center point
until failure.
Concrete is the mixture of
CONCRETE cement, sand, aggregates
and water.

CEMENT Cement concrete is the major

building material in the
CONCRETE construction industry. It can be
easily moulded into durable
structural members.

In concrete sand is used as fine aggregates, gravels and

crushed stones are used as coarse aggregates. The cement
acts as a binding material which forms a paste with water
and on hardening, this cement paste hols coarse and fine
aggregates together to form a solid mass.

o Concrete is extensively used in the construction of

various structures such as building, bridges, dams
and all other civil engineering structures.
o Concrete is used for the construction and various
architectural compositions such as vaults, dams,
shells, brodges, etc.
o Concrete is also used in pre-stressed construction.
 The thermal expansion of concrete is approximately
0.4 mm per meter.
 Concrete shrinks as it dries and expands again on
wetting and extent of movement depends upon the
modulus of elasticity of the cement,
 It binds rapidly with steel and it is weak in tension, the
steel reinforcement is placed in concrete at suitable
 It tends to be porous.
 It has high degree of abrasion resistance.
 It has high degree of electrical resistance.
 It is more economical than steel.
 It has high compressive strength.
 It is free from corrosion so as it has no effects of
atmospheric agents on it.
 It hardens with time and process of hardening is
continue to a long time and after a long time, it attains
the sufficient strength.
 It should be remembered that apart from other
materials, the concrete comes to the site in the forms of
raw materials only. Its final strength and quality depend
entirely on local conditions and the person handling it.
However, the materials of which concrete is composed
may be subjected to rigid specifications.



◦ Masonry units are available in sizes, shapes, colors, textures, and profiles for
practically every conceivable need.
◦ Masonry is widely used to construct small and large structures because of its
attractive appearance, minimum maintenance, safety (fire resistance and
wind/earthquake resistance), and economy
◦ Masonry also resists weathering and vandalism. The durability and minimum
maintenance extend a building’s useful life, providing an enduring, high-
quality appearance
◦ initial rate of absorption (IRA),
◦ surface condition,
◦ cores,
Important aspects of workmanship are:
◦ wetting brick
◦ mixing,
◦ and retempering mortar; the time lapse between spreading mortar and laying
brick; the solidity of mortar joints; and curing
◦ A brick is a type of block used to build walls, pavements and other elements
in masonry construction. Properly, the term brick denotes a block composed
of dried clay, but is now also used informally to denote other chemically cured
construction blocks. Bricks can be joined together using mortar, adhesives or
by interlocking them. Bricks are produced in numerous classes, types,
materials, and sizes which vary with region and time period, and are produced
in bulk quantities
◦1. It should have a rectangular shape, regular surface and red colored appearance.

◦2. It should confirm in size to the specified dimensions (19 x 9 x 9 cm).

◦3. It should be properly burnt. This can be ascertained by holding two bricks freely,
one in each hand, and striking them.
◦A sharp metallic sound indicates good burning whereas a dull thud would indicate
incomplete burning.
◦4. A good building brick should not absorb water more than 20 percent of its dry
weight. Absorption should not exceed 25 percent in any case.

◦5. A good building brick should possess requisite compressive strength, which in
no case should be less than 35 kg/cm2 .

◦A rough test for the strength of the brick is to let it fall freely from a height of
about one meter on to a hard floor. It should not break.
◦ 6. Brick should be hard enough so that it is not scratched by a finger nail.

◦ 7. A good brick has a uniform color and structure through its body. This can be
checked by taking a brick from the lot and breaking it into two parts.

◦ Based on their chemical properties, we can classify steel into four


◦ Carbon Steels
◦ Alloy Steels
◦ Stainless Steels
◦ Tool Steels
Carbon Steel

◦ Carbon steels contain trace amounts of alloying elements and represent 90%
of the total production of steel. Moreover, we can also classify carbon steel
into three types on the basis of their coal material:

◦ Low Carbon Steels/Mild Steels comprise up to 0.3% Carbon

◦ Medium Steels comprise 0.3-0.6% Carbon
◦ High Steels comprise more than 0.6% Carbon.
Alloy Steel

◦ Alloy steels contain alloy elements (such as manganese, nickel, copper,

silicon, chromium, aluminium, and titanium) in varying proportions to
manipulate the properties of the steel such as its hardenability, resistance to
corrosion, strength, formability, weldability or ductility. Furthermore, steel
alloy applications include pipelines, automotive components, transformers,
power generators, and electric motors.
Stainless Steel

◦ Stainless steels usually comprise the primary alloy component. In addition, for
high resistance to corrosion they use between 10-20 per cent chromium.
Furthermore, steel is about 200 times more susceptible to corrosion than mild
steel with more than 11 per cent chromium. Besides, based on their hard
composition, these steels can be split into three types:
◦ Austenitic: austenitic steels are non-magnetic and non-heatable
and usually comprise 18% chromium, 8% nickel, and less than
0.8% coal. In addition, austenitic steels are the biggest part of the
worldwide stainless steel industry and are often used in machinery
for food processing, kitchen utensils, and piping.
◦ Ferritic: Ferritic steels comprise small quantities of nickel, 12-17%
chromium, less than 0.1% nitrogen, as well as other alloy components such as
molybdenum, aluminium or metal. These magnetic steels can not be heat-
treated but can be reinforced by operating cold.
◦ Martensitic: Martensitic steels comprise 11-17% chromium, less
than 0.4% nickel, and up to 1.2% coal. In knives, slicing
instruments, as well as dental and surgical equipment, these
magnetic and heat-treatable steels are used.
◦ Tool Steel
◦ Tool steels comprise various amounts of tungsten, molybdenum, silver, and
vanadium to boost heat resistance and durability, rendering them perfect for
slicing and welding machinery. We can also separate steel products by their
forms and their relative uses:
◦ Long / Tubular goods include plates and rods, rails, cables, corners, tubes,
forms, and segments. In the automotive and building industries use these
products widely.
◦ In flat products, they use plates, sheets, coils, and strips. Primarily, we use
these plastics in components, equipment, shipping, shipbuilding and design of
automobiles. Other products that we primarily use as components for piping
includes pipes, fittings, and flanges.
Wood is a versatile organic material
and has been used as a building
material for thousands of years.

• sustainable
• biodegradable
• renewable
• lowest carbon footprint
Timber is a type
of wood which has
been processed
into beams and
Three Main Types of Wood

Hardwoods are heavy, strong and
stable. They are deciduous and grow
more slowly than softwoods so they
are usually denser. Used by piers,
flooring, beams, decks and high-
quality furniture.
Hardwood Species
Softwood comes from coniferous
species such as cedar, fir and pine.
Softwood trees are gymnosperm
trees, grows quickly, wood is
lighter, has coarser grain and is
not as strong as most hardwoods.
Commonly used for framework of
houses and areas such as lining
boards and cladding.
Softwood Species
Engineered woods are
made from the same
hardwoods and softwoods
but mixed with additives
like adhesives or resin.
Basic Types of Engineered Wood
•Plywood is manufactured from thin
layers (plies) of wood veneer that are
glued together.

•Strand boards are made by gluing

together flakes of wood using a resin.
Oriented Strand Boards (OSB) and
Parallel Strand Boards (PSL) are the
two types of strand boards.
•Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF)
is manufactured by gluing sawdust,
wood shavings, chippings or even any
organic fiber together. These are
cheaper but not as durable and strong.

•Laminated wood is a multi-layer

synthetic flooring product. It is designed
to imitate the appearance of real wood.
Properties of Wood
Physical Properties: Dense wood is generally more
durable. Strength decreases rapidly with the increasing
wood moisture.

Chemical Properties: Wood consists mainly of organic

substances. Dry wood on average contains 49% of carbon,
44% of oxygen, 6% of hydrogen, 0.1-0.3% of nitrogen.

Mechanical Properties: Wood has a high strength and

durability. Also, it has a high breaking length.
Electrical Properties: Completely dry wood is an excellent
electrical insulator and does not accumulate static electricity.

Thermal Properties: Wood does not experience a major

expansion with heat.

Magnetic Properties: Has no magnetic properties.

Acoustic Properties: Wood is not very perfect for sound

isolation but ideal for sound absorption.

Aesthetic Properties: Wood is a decorative material and also

offers variety in color, shape, smell, and texture.
Asphalt is a dark brown to
black, highly viscous,
hydrocarbon, solid or semi-
solid product left behind
during the distillation of
petroleum. It is a mixture of
bitumen and certain inert
mineral matter like silica,
alumina and lime.
Types Of Asphalt
• Hot mix – A combination 95 percent stone, sand
or gravel bound together by asphalt cement and
poured at 300°F.

• Warm mix – Mixed and shipped at lower

temperatures, warm mix does not cool as fast as
hot mix.

• Cold mix – Doesn’t require heat and is the most

affordable asphalt mix. It is used to repair
potholes and pavement cracks.
• Cut-back – A combination of asphalt
cement and petroleum solvent. It
contains volatile chemicals and is
restricted in many areas.

• Mastic – Mastic asphalt is a

waterproofing medium. It is a mixture
of asphalt, stone filler and mineral
powder that is heated and mixed at hot

Physical Properties: As an asphalt binder ages, its

viscosity increases and it becomes more stiff and brittle.

Chemical Properties: Asphalt typically contains about

80% of carbon; 10% of hydrogen; 6% of sulfur; small
amounts of oxygen and nitrogen; and trace amounts of
metals such as iron, nickel, and vanadium.

Mechanical Properties: Asphalt softens when heated

and is elastic under certain conditions.
Thermal Properties: Asphalt used for paving roads
should remain viscoelastic in all weather conditions.
However, many asphalt roads soften in summer and suffer
from rutting, or permanent deformation.

Electrical Properties: Asphalt behaves as an insulator.

The addition of graphite can produce electrically
conductive asphalt.

Magnetic Properties: Has no magnetic properties.

Construction Materials
Their Properties


Tile is a manufactured piece of
hard-wearing material such
as ceramic, stone, metal, baked
clay, or even glass, generally
used for covering roofs, floors,
walls, or other objects such as

Types of Tiles
Based on its
Roofing Tiles Partition Tiles

Wall Tiles Floor Tiles

Properties of Roofing Tiles
1. Tiled roofs combine superior durability, 
colourfastness and strength with a long life. They also
help reduce the intrusion of external noises, provide
protection against radiant heat in a bushfire, have high
levels of thermal insulation, and offer more resistance to
wind suction than lightweight sheets.

Properties of Flooring Tiles
1. Dirt Resistance
Ceramic and porcelain tiles do not retain dust or residues as
easily as many other flooring surfaces. They can be easily
cleaned with common household materials. Additionally, they
do not need polishing or buffing to maintain their finish. A day-
to-day cleaning procedure retains the look of the finish and
shine on this type of flooring.

Properties of Flooring Tiles
2. Stain Resistance
The stain resistance of ceramic and porcelain tile varies
depending on its capacity to resist moisture. Glazed tiles and
even some unglazed tiles resist all types of stains and can be
cleaned easily with some guidance. 

Properties of Flooring Tiles
3. Slip/Skid Resistance
Ceramic and porcelain tile manufacturers have developed slip
resistant tiles by using various glazes, glaze additives, and
patterns. Also, tile size, grout joint spacing, and slope of the
floor will affect the slip resistance. In addition,
unglazed ceramic tiles have greater slip resistance than glazed
tiles and are recommended for areas subjected to frequent water
spills or heavy foot traffic.

Properties of Flooring Tiles
4. Color Permanence
The colors in ceramic tiles do not fade even if exposed to direct
sunlight and its color-leaching UV rays. They remain
permanently color fast.

Properties of Flooring Tiles
5. Hygiene
The surface of ceramic and porcelain tile does not easily retain
antigens or allergens, nor do they absorb fumes, odors or smoke.
This feature enables good hygiene and makes these tiles a
suitable flooring material for any environment where hygiene is

Glass is basically a translucent
material, created by the
application of heat to sand and
it can easily be molded into
any shape.

Types and
Float Glass
It is also called as soda-
lime glass. It is clear and
flat, so it causes glare. The
application of float glass
includes shop fronts,
public places, etc.

Shatterproof Glass
It is used for windows, skylights,
floors, etc. Some type of plastic
polyvinyl butyral is added in its
making process. So, it cannot
form sharp-edged pieces when it

Laminated Glass
It is the combination of layers of
ordinary glass. So, it has more
weight than a normal glass. It
has more thickness and is UV
proof and soundproof. These are
used for aquariums, bridges, etc.

Extra Clean Glass
Extra clean glass has two unique
properties, photocatalytic and
hydrophilic. Because of these
properties, it acts as stain proof
and gives a beautiful appearance. 

Chromatic Glass
It is used in ICU’s, meeting rooms
etc. it can control the transparent
efficiency of glass and protects the
interior from daylight.

Tinted Glass
It is nothing but colored glass. A
color producing ingredients is
mixed to the normal glass mix to
produce colored glass which does
not affect other properties of glass.

Toughened Glass
It is a durable glass that has low
visibility. This is also called as
tempered glass and this type of
glass is used for fire-resistant
doors, mobile screen protectors,

Glass Block
Glass block or glass bricks are
manufactured from two different
halves and they are pressed and
annealed together while melting
process of glass. These are used as
architectural purpose in the
construction of walls, skylights etc.

Glass Wool
Glass wool is made of fibers of
glass and acts as an insulating filler.
It is fire-resistant glass.

Insulated Glazed Glass
Insulated glazed glass units contains
a glass is separated into two or three
layers by air or vacuum. They
cannot allow heat through it
because of air between the layers
and acts as good insulators.

1. Transparency of Glass
Transparency is the main property of glass which allows the vision of
the outside world through it. The transparency of glass can be from
both sides or from one side only. In one side transparency, glass
behaves like a mirror from the other side.
2. Strength of Glass
The strength of glass depends on the modulus of rupture value of glass.
In general glass is a brittle material but by adding admixtures and
laminates we can make it as more strong.

3. Workability of Glass
A glass can be molded into any shape, or it can be blown during
melting. So, workability of glass is a superior property.
4. Transmittance
The visible fraction of light that passing through glass is the property of
visible transmittance.
5. Recycle Property of Glass
Any glass can be 100% recyclable. It can also be used as raw material
in construction industry.



What is Paint?
Paint is any pigmented liquid, liquefiable, or solid mastic
composition that, after application to a substrate in a thin
layer, converts to a solid film. It is most commonly used to
protect, color, or provide texture to objects. This Item shall
consist of furnishing and applying all paint materials
including vehicles, pigments, pastes, driers, thinners and
mixed paints for steel and wooden structures; sampling testing
and packing; preparation of the surface and application of
paint to structures.
What is Paint?
The painting of structure shall include the proper preparation of
the surface; the application, protection and drying of the paint
coatings, the protection of the pedestrians, vehicular or other
traffic upon or underneath the structures, the protection of all
parts of the structure (both superstructure and substructure)
against disfigurement by spatters, splashes and smirches of
paint or of paint materials; and the supplying of all tools, tackle,
scaffolding labor, paint and materials necessary for the entire
What is Paint?
Paint shall not be applied during rain, storms or when the air is misty,
or when, in the opinion of the Engineer, conditions are otherwise
unsatisfactory for the work. Paint shall not be applied upon damp
surfaces or upon metal which has absorbed heat sufficient to cause
the paint to blister and produce a pervious paint film. No wide flat
brush shall be used. All brushes preferably shall be either round or
oval but if flat brushes are used, they shall not exceed 100 mm in
width. The paint when applied shall be so manipulated as to produce
a uniform even coating in close contact with the surface being
painted, and shall be worked into all corners and crevices.
What is Paint?
Paint shall be thoroughly stirred, preferably by means of mechanical
mixers, before being removed from the containers, and, to keep the
pigments in suspension, shall be kept stirred while being applied.
On surfaces inaccessible to brushes, the paint shall be applied by
spray gun or with sheepskin daubers specially constructed for the
purposes. If in the opinion of the Engineer unsatisfactory results are
obtained from the use of a spray gun, its use shall be discontinued
and the painting completed by the use of brushes.
Painting Structural Steel
Surfaces of metals to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned of rust, loose mill,
scale, dirt, oil or grease, and other foreign substances. Unless cleaning is to be
done by sandblasting, all weld areas, before cleaning is begun, shall be
neutralized with a proper chemical, after which they shall be thoroughly rinsed
with water.
Cleaning may be by any of the following three methods:
1. Hand Cleaning
The removal of rust, scale and dirt shall be done by the use of metal brushes,
scrapers, chisels, hammers or other effective means. Oil and grease shall be
removed by the use of gasoline or benzene. Bristle or wood fiber brushes shall
be used for removing loose dust.
Painting Structural Steel
2. Sandblasting
Sandblasting shall remove all scale and other substances down to
the base metal. Special attention shall be given to the cleaning of
corners and re-entrant angels. Before painting, sand adhering to
the steel in corners and elsewhere shall be removed. The
cleaning shall be approved by the Engineer prior to any painting.
The material shall be painted before the rust forms and not later
than 2 hours after cleaning.
Painting Structural Steel
3. Flame Cleaning
Oil and grease shall be removed by washing with suitable solvent.
Excess solvent shall be wiped from the work before proceeding with
subsequent operation. The surface to be painted shall be cleaned and
dehydrated (freed of occluded moisture) by the passage of oxyacetylene
flames which have an oxygen to acetylene of at least one. The
oxyacetylene flames shall be traversed over the surface of the steel in
such manner and at such speed that the surface is dehydrated, and dirt,
rust, loose scale, scale in the form of blisters or scabs, and similar
foreign matter are freed by the rapid intense heating by the flames.
Painting Structural Steel
3. Flame Cleaning
Promptly after the application of the flames, the surface of the steel
shall be wire-brushed, hand scraped wherever necessary and then swept
and dusted to remove all free materials and foreign particles.
Compressed air shall not be used for this operation. Paint shall be
applied promptly after the steel has been cleaned and while the
temperature of the steel is still above that of the surrounding
atmosphere, so that there will be no rec-condensation of moisture on the
cleaned surfaces.
Painting Structural Steel
4. Shop Painting of Structural Steel
When all fabrication work is completed and has been tentatively
accepted, all surfaces not painted before assembling shall be given two
coats of Red Lead Shop Paint conforming to the requirements of this
Specification. (The inside of top chords for trusses and laced members
or inaccessible parts, except contact surfaces, may be painted before
assembling). Shipping pieces shall not be located for shipment until
thoroughly dry. No painting shall be done after loading the materials on
transport vehicle.
Painting Structural Steel
4. Shop Painting of Structural Steel
Erection marks for field identifications of members shall be painted
upon previously painted surfaces. With the exception of abutting joints
and base plates, machine finished surface shall be coated, as soon as
practicable after acceptance with a hot mixture of white lead and tallow
before removal from the shop. The composition used for coating
machine-finished surface shall be mixed in the following proportions:
Painting Structural Steel
5. Field Painting of Structural Steel
As soon as the Engineer has examined and approved all field
rivets, the heads of such rivets and field bolts, all welds and any
surfaces from which the shop coat of paint has become worn off
or has otherwise become defective, shall be cleaned and
thoroughly covered with one coat of shop coat paint. When the
paint applied for “touching up” rivet heads and abraded surfaces
has become thoroughly dry, such field coats as called for shall be
Painting Structural Steel
5. Field Painting of Structural Steel
In no case shall a succeeding coat be applied until the previous coat
has dried throughout the full thickness of the film. All small cracks
and cavities which were not sealed in water-tight manner by the
first field coat shall be filled with a pasty mixture of red lead and
linseed oil before the second field coat is applied. The following
provisions shall apply to the application of all field coats.
Painting Structural Steel
5. Field Painting of Structural Steel
To secure a maximum coating on edges of plates or shapes, rivet
heads and other parts subjected to special wear and attack, these
parts shall first be stripped, followed immediately by the general
painting of the whole surface, including the edges and rivet heads.
The application of the final coats shall be deferred until adjoining
concrete work has been placed and finished. If concreting
operations have damaged that paint, the surface shall be recleaned
and repainted
Painting and Timber Structures
Timber structures shown on the Plans to be painted, shall be given two
coats of the specified materials, which shall be thoroughly brushed in.
Additional coats shall be required when so specified on the Plans. All
surfaces shall be thoroughly dry before painting, and each coat shall be
allowed to stand for three or four days, or until thoroughly dry before
applying the succeeding coat. Timber which required painting must be
seasoned timber surfaced on 4 sides. It shall be either untreated or salt-
treated timber as specified on the Plans. The entire surface of all
untreated timber that is to be painted, shall be given a priming coat
immediately after the material is delivered to the project. All contact
surfaces shall receive the second coat paint.
Painting and Timber Structures
Special care shall be taken during construction and handling so
that the pieces to be painted do not come in contact, except
when required, with the creosoted materials and that no oil is
brushed on the same during construction operations. The
Contractor shall be required to pile such pieces separately from
the creosoted materials and keep them from contact with same
until ready for erection. Creosoted materials such as guardrails
and guide posts which are to be painted, shall be painted with
aluminum paint as specified above.
Painting Galvanized Surface
For the purpose of conditioning the surface of galvanized surfaces to be
painted, the painting shall be deferred as long as possible in order that
the surface may weather. Before painting galvanized surfaces they shall
be treated as follows:
1. In 4 litres of soft water, dissolve 60 ml of copper chloride, copper
nitrate, and sal ammonia, then add 60 ml of commercial muriatic acid.
This should be done in earthenware or glass vessel, never in tin or other
metal receptacle. Apply the solution with a wide flat brush to the
galvanized surface, when it will assume a dark almost black color
which on drying becomes a grayish film.
2. The surfaces, when dry, may then be painted as described.
Repainting Existing Structures
When called for on the Plans or in the Special Provisions, existing
structures shall be given the number and kind of coats of field paint as
stipulated. Painting Structural Steel, with the added provisions that all
dead or loose paint shall be removed by scraping, chipping, or brushing
as may be necessary. Timber railings, name plates, planking and other
interfering parts shall be removed before cleaning is begun and shall be
replaced after the painting has been completed and the last coat has
thoroughly dried.

 Soils are complex mixtures of minerals, water, air, organic matter, and
countless organisms that are the decaying remains of once-living things.
The unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface
of the earth that serves as a natural medium for the growth of land plants.
Nature can take more than 500 years to form just one inch of topsoil —
even more reason to take care of this valuable resource. Soil is our life
support system. Soils provide anchorage for roots, hold water and
nutrients. Soils are home to myriad micro-organisms that fix nitrogen
and decompose organic matter, and armies of microscopic animals as
well as earthworms and termites.
Soil texture
- Soil texture refers to the size of the particles that make up
the soil and depends on the proportion of sand, silt and clay-sized
particles and organic matter in the soil. Soil is made up of
different-sized particles. Soils are made up of different
combinations of sand, silt and clay particles. Soils that are a
mixture of sand, silt and clay are called loams. Soil texture can
influence whether soils are free draining, whether they hold water
and how easy it is for plant roots to grow.
Soil texture
For example: Sand particles are quite big. The pore spaces
between the particles in sandy soils are also quite large. This
allows water to drain quickly and air to enter the soil. Sandy soils
tend not to get waterlogged in winter but can be subject to
drought during summer.
Soil Structure
- It describes the way the sand, silt and clay particles are clumped together.
Organic matter (decaying plants and animals) and soil organisms like
earthworms and bacteria influence soil structure. Soil structure is important
for plant growth, regulating the movement of air and water, influencing
root development and affecting nutrient availability. Good quality soils are
friable (crumbly) and have fine aggregates so the soil breaks up easily if
you squeeze it. Clays, organic matter and materials excreted by soil
organisms bind the soil particles together to form aggregates. Poor soil
structure has coarse, very firm clods or no structure at all.
Soil Porosity
- Refers to the open spaces in soil between mineral particles or organic
matter. Water or air usually occupies these spaces. refers to the pores
within the soil. Porosity influences the movement of air and water.
Healthy soils have many pores between and within the aggregates. Poor
quality soils have few visible pores, cracks or holes. The way in which a
soil is managed can affect its porosity. For example, if the grass is worn
away and the soil is exposed, it often looks different because it has been
compacted and has had its structure and porosity altered. These are also
areas where puddles form because the water is not able to drain away.
Soil Chemistry
- Water in the soil dissolves nutrients and other chemicals.
Nutrients like potassium and ammonium have positive charges.
Clays and organic matter in the soil carry negative charges.
They are attracted to the negatively charged organic and
mineral matter, and this prevents them from being lost through
leaching as water moves through the soil. Nitrate has a negative
charge so it is not protected from leaching in most soils.
Soil Color
- Soil colour mostly comes from organic matter and iron. Soil
colours range from black to red to white. Sometimes it can even be
blue! Topsoil is often dark because of organic matter. An even,
single colour indicates the soil is well drained. In contrast, rusty
spots and grey patches (sometimes even a light blue in colour)
indicate poor drainage. Soils are not all the same. Soils can differ
widely from location to location. Soil colour depends on organic
matter and mineral content and is influenced by drainage.

Protect our Soil

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