SEO Audit Report For IconicStreams by Ackta LTD

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S EO A U D I T O F 1

Iconic Streams


Audit By: Shah Zeb Raza – Digital Marketing Consultant & SEO Specialist | Call: +92-300-579-7091

Business Name: ACKTA LTD.
Date: 29 May 2021
SEO Audit Report Summary

We have done deep analysis regarding your website and diagnosed that why your website
is now not ranking and why it was ranking in past for a certain time period.

 On Page SEO  Core Vitals (Report)

 Off-Page SEO  Final Remarks

On-page SEO Analysis
This aspect of the report analyses the on-page SEO aspects of your website and provides recommendations on how to improve these aspects to better
help your rankings.

Rating: 63/100 Total Issues: 96 (critical Issues and 300+ warnings)

Visibility Issues:
 Found 00 Visibility Issues.

Meta Issues:
 Found 144 Pages Meta Issues. (Meta Title/Descriptions Missing)

Content Issues:
 Found 62 Pages have less content.

Heading 1 (H1):
 Found 27 Missing H1 Tag (H1 is the main ranking factor in content).

Loading Issues:
 Found 7 Pages have loading Issues.

Robots Txt:
 Found Few Resources are Disallow by robots txt file so search engine are unable to find them.
Off-page SEO Analysis
This aspect of the report looks at the links that your website currently has as well as how many pages are indexed in the various search engines.

Rating: 20/100
Indexed pages in Google : 361 pages in Google (your site is creating new page for each language)
Referring Domains: 127 Referring Domains
Links to Website in AHREFS: 258 unique Backlinks
Domain Age: 01Y - 9M - 23D
Moz-Rank: Moz-Rank is 3.2 / 10
Alexa Traffic Rank: 271,258
Page Authority: Page Authority is 32 out of 100
Domain Authority: Domain Authority is 15 out of 100
Social Sharing: No Social Shares Found
Do-Follow vs No-Follow: 46% Do-follow, 53% No follow
Text vs Image Links: 100% Text, 00% Image
Backlink quality: 0-10 score 64% - 11-20 score 34% - 21-30 1% - 41-50 1% (to rank we need 60+ Score links)
Final Remarks
 We have discovered around 96 on-page errors including visibility, meta, content, links, semantic and images.
We recommend fixing these as soon as possible. 300+ warnings which will also create problems in future.

 Search engines focus a lot of attention on the keywords that appear in your Meta Tags, these are the
guidelines that need to be followed for maximum impact:

 Title Tag: We recommend less than 70 characters. Do not duplicate.

 Meta Description: We recommend using less than 160 characters. Do not duplicate.
 Keywords: No over-optimisation of keywords.

 Social Profile Buttons: ( Social Profiles Needed)

Social signals may not play a direct role in the ranking of your site. Although, social shares generate more eyes on your
content. The more times people look at you, the more likely someone is to link.
• Backlink Analysis

Your website has 256 real back-links. While analysing your site, we found that some of the back-links you have
are not in compliance with the latest Search Engine Algorithms any more.

These links should be removed or disavowed as soon as possible to avoid any penalties. Additionally, we’d
recommend you build more back-links in compliance with best practices like including some:
 90% Non-money & money anchor links
 Local business directories  Some do-follow, some no-follow
 Area business directories if required  50% homes page & 50% inner pages should be
 Niche directories linked
 Guest posts  Some text links, some image links
 EDU/GOV links  Should not be site-wide links
 Free blogs (unique content)  Should not be spammy/penalised sites
 Infographic links  From High Page/Domain authority Referring
 Social shares Domains.
 Must be from relevant websites.
• Backlink Analysis
We can see there are lot of repeating backlink which increase your backlink count
due to this in past you got some ranking and after google review, google analysed that your
website is only showing extra links which are not genuine or may be repeated.
We can provide you live audit analysis if you are interested. We can see there are lot of links created with software's
and lot of links are free generated backlinks.

In past due to huge target of backlinks your website got some Domain Authority and due to this you got some
ranking but after few time your site goes down and you got hit by search engine.

If this repeat in future definitely you will lose your website and you have to create new website with new name to
get again chance to rank your website, here is small up and down screenshot

• This graph tells how you jumped and how you dropped, this effect cased by software based SEO which is blackhat
and due to this you got hit by google and next time you will get derank completely and google never rerank
deranked website this is my analysis, and this is genuine.
Google and other search engine like Manual and Real SEO, you can find lot of software's

Which provide such backlink services and you can build thousands of links in a day but this will rank your
website for the short time after this you get deranked and you have to recreate new website.

If you are interested to see repeating links and low quality links we can generate a report for you as well.

 More Content:

 Blog Posts
New content is King and with new Google algorithms, the addition of new content is even more
important. Our recommendation is that you add 3 or more blog posts per month, integrating the keywords
you are targeting (being careful not to over-optimise the keywords). And you can interlink those keyword to
your main keyword to avoid keyword stuffing and on page mistakes. You can pass link juice to your main
keywords with the help of blog posts. Current posts need to improve.
 Non WWW and WWW Conflict:
There is no WWW and Non WWW conflict, domain is not redirecting on one version.
 Website Aesthetics or Design:
Website is responsive. There are no issues in the website design. If any changes would be required in the future,
we’ll advise you to fix them. But we can improve content strategy for now and may be we need some structure change
according to it.
 Broken Links:
No broken link found.
A broken link happens when the link points to a web page that has been deleted or removed. Links that are broken
will effectively stop search engines from completely indexing your website and can negatively affect your user
experience and rankings.
 Internal Linking:
Internal linking is a crucial SEO tactic. Internal links are links that go from one page on a domain to a different
page on the same domain. Internal links are most useful for establishing site architecture and spreading link juice (URLs
are also essential). For this reason, this section is about building an SEO friendly site architecture with internal links
 Site Map: (Sitemap have some issues with robots.txt file)
A sitemap allows a webmaster to inform search engines about URLs on a website that are available for crawling.
This helps with fast indexing of the site by search engines.
“Core Web Vitals”
Core Web Vitals are a set of specific factors that Google considers important in a webpage’s overall
user experience. Core Web Vitals are made up of three specific page speed and user interaction
measurements: largest contentful paint, first input delay, and cumulative layout shift.
 Largest Contentful Paint (LCP):
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is an important, user-centric metric for measuring perceived load speed because it marks the point in the
page load timeline when the page's main content has likely loaded a fast LCP helps reassure the user that the page is useful.
 First Input Delay (FID):
First Input Delay (FID) is a Core Web Vitals metric that captures a user's first impression of a site's interactivity and responsiveness. It
measures the time from when a user first interacts with a page to the time when the browser is actually able to respond to that interaction. FID
is a field metric and cannot be simulated in a lab environment. A real user interaction is required in order to measure the response delay.
 Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS):
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is how stable a page is as it loads (aka “visual stability”). In other words: if elements on your page move
around as the page loads, then you’ve got a high CLS. Which is bad.
 Time to Interactive (TTI):
Time to interact is the amount of time it takes for the page to become fully interactive. One improvement that can have a particularly big effect on
TTI is deferring or removing unnecessary JavaScript work.
 Total Blocking Time (TBT):
TBT measures the total amount of time that a page is blocked from responding to user input, such as mouse clicks, screen taps, or keyboard
presses. The sum is calculated by adding the blocking portion of all long tasks between First Contentful Paint and Time to Interactive.
 Speed Index (SI):
Speed Index shows how quickly the contents of a page are visibly populated. Speed Index measures how quickly content is visually
displayed during page load.
Website Loading Speed Test

Mobile Desktop

Both website and Desktop speed is terrible, on user load may be it look fast loading but while google crawler check your
website and give score to search engine, in 2021 google announced that the sites are not meet core vitals rules, it will suffer
to rank. So you create thousands of real backlink and do lot of effort on seo if the site is not passing this factor your website
will still suffer ranking issues. Every factor need to meet google rules its important In seo.
“Other Web Vitals”
 HTTP/HTTPS Conflict: ( SSL is working well, there is no issue )
Google has confirmed HTTPS as a ranking signal so this has a reasonably strong correlation with first page
rankings. We suggest you obtain an SSL Certificate for this website by contacting your hosting or domain
registrar to assist in increasing your rankings.
 Safe Browsing: (No unsafe content found)
Google Safe Browsing is a blacklist service provided by Google that provides a lists of URLs for web resources
that contain malware or phishing content.
 Mobile-friendliness: (Page partially loaded)

In a mobile-centric world, having a mobile responsive design is a fundamental part of a

successful SEO strategy. Responsive web design will help you rethink both the layout and the content of your
website to offer a smooth user experience from desktop, to laptop, tablet, and smartphone without any
 Interstitial pop ups: (There is no any Pop-up)
Content-covering pop-ups that users are forced to close to continue reading. Standalone interstitials that must be
dismissed before users can access your content. Deceptive page layouts whose above-the-fold portion looks like
an interstitial.
Lastly, thank you for going through this basic report! 
You can also make direct sales with spending on paid advertisement (Google Ads and retargeting with social networks) this will make more business. And we have a huge Backlink Database with High Score Website Rating like Microsoft and other big brands. We
can provide you links on high profile and real network backlinks. We can give you a sample link from Microsoft website, if you are interested. Our all links are made by SEO Experts with there own hands, we don’t prefer to use tools, we have 7+ years experience
in digital marketing.

If you have any other questions or would like more information regarding search engine optimisation and other internet marketing strategies, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Personal Email: business email:

WhatsApp +44(771)989-9767 Call +92(300)579-7091

W W W . A C K T A . U K

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