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Personal, Social, Local, National,

European and Global Identity
Who are you? What do you like to do?
What makes you … you?
What is identity?
Identity describes those things that
make you unique.

To be unique means there is no one

else like you. You are different from
everyone else.

Our identity is divided into different

Your identity, or
who you are as a
person, is made
up of a whole
range of
different things.
It is made up of
where you come
from, your
ethnicity, your
religion, your
language, what
you life is like, your
hobbies, your
personality and
much more.
Having a strong sense of
identity is a combination of lots
of things.
Having a strong sense of
identity is learning and
knowing who you are, what
your values are and being
proud of all those things that
create your identity.
Values are a group of
characteristics, ideas or
way of life that are
important to you.

One way to learn more about your

identity is to think about your values.
Some of your
values could
include honesty,
good manners,
leadership or
We know that every single
person is unique, this means
that we will value things

We can learn from others who

have different values from us.

This is a great opportunity to

see the world from a different
perspective which will help you
stay open minded.
Write a list of things you
love. These are some of
your values.
For example, what kind
of books do you like to
read, what is your
favourite subjects at
school, what motivates
Your culture and
language are huge
parts of who you
Cultures and
languages help to
create the
colourful world
that we enjoy
As you go through
life you will
experience new
things, and learn
and learn more
about who you are
which will
influence your
Some parts of your identity
will always remain part of
who you are like your core
values, your ethnicity and
your past.
Some other parts of your
identity will change with
time such as hobbies and
Personal identity Personal identity
includes information
about you, for example
your age, how you look
and your character.

This part of your

identity is known by
you and those closest
to you.
Social Identity
Your social identity is
made up of your roles in
society, for example
student, teacher, child
and parent.
Social identity is how
others in society see you.
Examples of what social
identity is made up of

Race, ethnicity, gender,

social class, (dis)abilities,
and religious beliefs.
Local Identity
This includes
everything that
associates you with
your locality, for
example your
Local identity
focuses on how
Live in their
own community, how
they interact with
the local environment
and the smaller
different groups in
that local community.
National Identity
This includes
everything that
makes you, for
example, Maltese,
English, Italian,
Chinese etc.
National identity is a
feeling of belonging a
person has towards their
This feeling comes from
the language, culture,
beliefs and history of that
It also means
accepting and
belonging to a
country by
identifying (part of
our identity) with
the country’s goals
and aims.
National identity
also refers to the
actions and
behaviours (or
norms )which are
accepted by the
citizens of a
There are things that make up
national identity they are called
elements of national identity.
Some of these elements of
national identity include respect
for national symbols. As citizens
of a country we are expected to
respect our country’s national

These national symbols include

the national anthem, the
constitutions, the national flag
and currency.
Another element of national
identity id payment of taxes.

Tax is the way the government the

government gets money from its
citizens to provide for their needs.

Needs such as roads, schools and

clean water. Every citizen is
expected to pay tax to make the
country a better place.
The third element of
national identity is
working for the success of
the country.

Citizens of a country are

expected to work towards
the success of a country
by representing the
country well wherever a
person goes.
The way that a person
shows the element of
national identity in a
positive way is called

Patriotism is also the way

a person shows great
love and loyalty towards
their country.
Citizens are expected to be
loyal and respectful towards
their country.

There are different reasons

why people should be

To promote peace, to promote

development and to have the
country benefit from our
knowledge and skills
The feeling National symbol
of belonging
a person has
towards their
National identity
country is
called… National anthem
The answer
National Identity
Respect national symbols
Which of the
following is an
element of Destroying the country’s
national properties
Avoiding paying tax
The answer
Respect National
European Identity European Identity
refers to those
things that make
you European and
part of the
European Union.
Through this others
will know and
recognize the
person coming from
Malta is a member of the European Union. Malta joined the European Union in
One of the main aims of the European Union is to unite citizens from Member
States. These member states work together promoting peace and economic
What is economic development? Economic
development is
the growth of the
standard of living of a
nations people from a
(poor) economy to a
(rich) economy. When
the local quality of life
is improved, there is
more economic
The European Union is
made up of 27 countries,
around half a billion
people. These people are
from different countries,
races, cultures, religions
and live different lives.
Even though these
countries are so different
from each other, this
group of people share a
common history.
Global Identity
Global identity is
everything that
makes you part of
the world, for
example when you
recycle or when
you give to charity.
Global Identity refers to those
things that make us part of the rest
of the world.
This happens especially due to
What is Globalisation? Globalisation refers to
the movement of
things from one
country to another
such as products,
money, people and
This can only happen
because of advances
in transport and
We have learnt
that different
communities and
cultures around
the world have
different identities.
We should always
respect and accept
other cultures,
religions and
traditions from
around the world.
This promotes peace,
solidarity and
progress around the
More on European and National Identity….

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