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What is shown in the picture? Hand Tools

Farm Implements
How Farm Tools, Implements, and
Equipment help the farmers?
Farm Tools, Implements Equipment

Using the right tools and equipment for

the specific farm operation make it
easier and more economical.
1. Why most of the farmers in the
Philippines are belong to the lower
eco-social class?
2. Give some reasons based on your own
experienced, why most of the farmers
still poor although they work hard.
3. Why do you think child labor is rampant
in the farmer’s community?
4. What can you do as a student when you
saw a child abused by somebody?
Successful Farmers in the Philippines
How they
became  GIVE AT LEAST ONE (1)



“ Do you want to know more?


-Enumerate factors to consider in site selection

-Identify farm site considering factors in site selection
-Appreciate the importance of considering the
adaptability of factors in selecting the site.

“ Site selection is one of the vital factors to ensure the success in farming”
Unlocking of Difficulties

Soil- Temperature-
Is a loose and friable material Is the degree of hotness and
of the earth surface where coldness of the environment.
plants grow and develop
Knowledge is
Climate- pH- power!
Is a value used to express
Is the weather condition of a the relative acidity or Learn more vocabularies
locality alkalinity of the soil.
Following are the Different Factors to be
Considered in Selecting a Good Site for Rice

1. Soil

2. Climate

3. Location
- A rice field should posses the
following attributes
a. High clay content
b. A 2:1 ratio of top clay
mineral montmorillionite.
c. Medium amount of
organic matter
d. Good drainage
e. Top soil 18-20 cm deep
f. Soil pH range of 6.2-7.0
1. Soil
a. High clay contents
b. A 2:1 ratio of top clay

c. Medium amount of
organic matter
d. Good drainage
e. Top soil 18-20 cm deep

f. Soil pH range of 6.2-7.0

-Climate change is one of the
2. Climate factors posing challenge to rice
production nowadays
a. Rainfall
c. Temperature CHANGE?
d. Wind velocity
a. Rainfall.
In rain fed areas, the start of
the rainy season determines the
planting time

 This is because the source of water supply for non-irrigated rice

field comes directly from rainfall
 On the other hand too much rainfall causes floods that
submerged the plants.
 Water directly affects the photosynthetic activity of the rice
Take a break in farming!
Photosynthetic activity!,
What is it?
b. Sunlight.

Itis the foremost source of energy of all plant life.

When water supply is not limited, sunshine is the most
important climatic factor that influences rice yield.
Therefore, site should be free of any barrier to sunlight.
c. Temperature.

It is a limiting factor in rice production.

However, in the Philippines, Temperature
is almost constant, hence, it is not critical
d. Wind velocity


 Gentlewind is beneficial to rice plants because new air blown

around the plant causes replenishment of carbon dioxide.
 Strong wind such as heavy wind during typhoon may cause
lodging and shattering of rice grain, reduction of photosynthetic
activities and may enhance growth of bacterial leaf diseases.
2. Climate
a. Rainfall


c. Temperature

d. Wind velocity
3. Location-
Farm location
greatly affects the
profitability of rice
The following are some factors to consider
in the Location
a. the farm should be near the road
to facilitate ease of transport.
b. there should be available laborers
in the different stages of rice
c. Good irrigation and drainage.
d. proximity to drying pavement and
other post-harvest facilities.
Important Things to

 Selecting the appropriate site plays a vital role in the success of rice production.
 Factors to consider in selecting the site that affect growth and development of the crop
 1. kind of soil
 2. climate
 3. location

 Soil pH for rice is from 6.2-7.0

Complete the Concept Map

Supplement what ideas

belong to each boxes by
posting the strips that I
gave you.
Activity 1

Factors to consider in site selection

SOIL Climate
a. high clay content
b. a 2:1 ratio of top
Location 1. Rainfall
clay a. the farm should be near the road to 2. Sunlight
c. medium amount of facilitate ease of transport.
organic matter b. there should be available laborers in 3. Temperature
d. good drainage the different stages of rice production. 4. Wind velocity
e. top soil 18 – 20 cm c. good irrigation and drainage.
deep d. proximity to drying pavement and
f. soil pH range of 6.2 other post-harvest facilities.
Activity 2

I will group you into three groups and each group will choose
a group leader, reporter, and secretary.

1. Question will be answered by the group, and group

members are expected to collaborate their answers.
2. After answering, post your answer on the board and go
back to your seat and keep quiet, others might still be
3. If everybody is done, a reporter will report their outputs.
4. Remember you will just be given five minutes to finish
your work.
Activity no. 2

Question for group 1. Question for group 2. Question for group 3.

In your own Based on your What are the factors
words, Why it is to consider in selecting a
understanding, give farm site?
important to consider some reasons why
adaptability factors in we need to consider
selecting a farm site the soil, climate, and
before farming.
location before
engaging in farming.
Activity no. 3
Name of Learner:____________________

Location of site: __________________

a. Imagine some site in
place that you want to Factors to consider in selecting the site Rating

engage in rice farming.

b. Rate the checklist that 1. Accessibility  

was distributed if the site 2. Availability of water supply  

you have imagined considers

the adaptability of factors in
selecting the site. 3. Exposure to sunlight  

c. Rate the spaces if the 4. Soil Condition  

factors are met.

Rating scale:
Description 5- very good 4- good 3- fair 2- poor
1. What are the factors to consider in site selection?
Ans. Factors to consider in site selection are
Soil, Climate, and Location

2. Why it is important to consider the adaptability of factors in

selecting the site?

Ans. Selecting the appropriate site plays a vital role in the success
of rice production.
Answer the following question in a ¼ sheet of paper. Write only the letter of the correct answer.

1. There are three important factors that affect rice yield. Which of the following
is NOT among the factors?
A. Climate B. Kind of soil C. Location D. Topography

2. Water supply is an important factor in rice production because it directly affects the
a. frequency of planting
b. photosynthetic activity of the rice plant.
c. physical characteristics of the rice plant.
d. population of common pests and diseases

3. An ideal rice field possesses all of the following attributes EXCEPT:

a. Good drainage b. High clay content
c. High organic matter d. pH range of 6.2-7.0

4. Rainfall, sunlight, and temperature are referred to as

a. climate b. season c. weather d. all of the above

5. What is the ideal soil pH for rice production?

a. 6.2-7.0 b. 6.5-8.0 c. 7.0-8.0 d. 7.5-8.0
Activity # 1
Select at least four cooperating farmers in the community an conduct an on-site inspection of their farm. Based on your observation identify
the ideal site. Use the table below and check the spaces if the factors are met.
Name of Farmer: ________________
Direction: Of the four sites visited, write the appropriate rating based on the scale listed below, considering the adaptability of factors in
selecting the site.
Factors to consider in selecting the site Site
1. Accessibility
2. Availability of water supply
3. Exposure to sunlight
4. Soil Condition

Rating scale: Description 5- very good 4- good 3- fair 2- poor

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