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The Book
of the
Why Should
We Care?
Why Should We Care?
 Two of the seven principles of Christ deals
with the resurrection of the dead in Christ
and eternal judgment.
Why Should We Care?
 Two of the seven principles of Christ deals
with the resurrection of the dead in Christ
and eternal judgment.

 Nearly half of the books of the Bible

addresses occurring events in the last
Why Should We Care?
 Jesus tells us to watch and be on guard.
Why Should We Care?
 Jesus tells us to watch and be on guard.

 A number of Jesus’ parables addresses

his Second Coming.
Why Should We Care?
 Jesus tells us to watch and be on guard.

 A number of Jesus’ parables addresses

his Second Coming.

 John the apostle says that we would be

blessed if we read the prophecy of the
Why Should We Care?
 What we believe about the last days will
affect how we approach life and our walk
with Christ in light of the judgment we’ll
receive for our deeds when he returns.
Why Should We Care?
 What we believe about the last days will
affect how we approach life and our walk
with Christ in light of the judgment we’ll
receive for our deeds when he returns.

 What we know and understand about the

last days can prepare us to be discernible
and effective witnesses in that time.
Why Should We Care?
 What we know and understand about the
last days can prepare us to be able to
discern the lies and deceit of the antichrist.

 What we know and understand about the

last days can determine which category of
Christians we’ll be part of in those days.
Categories of Christians
 Five Foolish Virgins category
Categories of Christians
 Five Foolish Virgins category
 Five Wise Virgins category
Categories of Christians
 Five Foolish Virgins category
 Five Wise Virgins category
 Saints who are deceived by the Antichrist
Categories of Christians
 Five Foolish Virgins category
 Five Wise Virgins category
 Saints who are deceived by the Antichrist
 Saints who are martyred for their faith
Categories of Christians
 Five Foolish Virgins category
 Five Wise Virgins category
 Saints who are deceived by the Antichrist
 Saints who are martyred for their faith
 Saints who become apostates
In 1997…
 Author
The apostle John exiled on the isle of PATMOS.
The rocky island was located off the shore of
Turkey in the Aegean Sea.
 Written
Around 90-96 AD, toward the end of the
reign of Emperor Domitian.
 The “Revelation” of Jesus Christ.
- The Greek for “revelation” is apokalupsis.
- Literally means the UNVEILING or the
REVEALING of Jesus Christ.
Four Major Schools
of Interpretation
Four Major Schools of
- sees everything in Revelation already fulfilled
in church history
Four Major Schools of
- applies Revelation prophetically to all the
centuries since Christ
Four Major Schools of
- Revelation is not made of prophetic events but
is symbolic of good vs. evil
Four Major Schools of
- sees chapters 4-18 fulfilled in the final years
before 2nd Coming
Five Methods
of Interpretation
Five Methods of Interpretation

– believes what God said in plain language is
not really what He meant.
Five Methods of Interpretation

– believes what God said in plain language is
not really what He meant.

Danger: makes the text say whatever the

interpreter wishes it to say.
Five Methods of Interpretation

– believes what God said in plain language may
mean other things.
Five Methods of Interpretation

– believes what God said in plain language may
mean other things.

Danger: turns the text into a riddle to say almost

anything other than what it meant to say.
Five Methods of Interpretation

– searches beyond the plain meaning for
personal spiritual application.
Five Methods of Interpretation

– searches beyond the plain meaning for
personal spiritual application.

Danger: easily becomes a substitute for sound

doctrinal studies and interpretation.
Five Methods of Interpretation

– believes the Bible is not the authoritative
inspired Word of God.
Five Methods of Interpretation

– believes the Bible is not the authoritative
inspired Word of God.

Danger: makes nature and human reasoning

the guide of interpreting scripture.
Five Methods of Interpretation

– assumes God’s scriptures in their plain
meaning are reliable which…
Five Methods of Interpretation

– assumes God’s scriptures in their plain
meaning are reliable which…
– means God meant the Bible to be understood
by all who believe
Five Methods of Interpretation

– assumes God’s Scriptures in their plain
meaning are reliable which…
– means God meant the Bible to be understood
by all who believe
– means the Bible explains what God wants us
to know through normal use of language
Five Methods of Interpretation

 LITERAL – uses the “Law of Plain Sense”…

When the plain sense of Scripture

makes common sense, seek no other
sense; therefore, take every word at its
primary, ordinary, usual, literary meaning
unless the facts of the context indicates
Because “we know in part and we
prophesy in part” (1 Cor. 13:9), there
will be controversy.

there must be UNITY.
Because “we know in part and we
prophesy in part” (1 Cor. 13:9), there
will be controversy.

In the NOT-SO essentials…
there can be DIVERSITY
Because “we know in part and we
prophesy in part” (1 Cor. 13:9), there
will be controversy.

there must be CHARITY.
The Book
of the
Christ Revealed

Chapter 1:9-20
Tabernacle of Moses

45 total feet

Most Holy Place

15 feet wide
The Holy Place

30 feet 15 feet
The Seven Churches

Chapters 2 & 3
30 A.D.
Revelation 2 & 3

2nd Coming
• EPHESUS — Apostolic Era — AD 34-100 (Tahun 34-100)
• SMYRNA — Persecution Era — AD 100-313
• PERGAMOS — Empirical Church Era — AD 313-606
• THYATIRA — Roman Papal Era — AD 606-1517
• SARDIS — Reformation Era — AD 1517-1750
• PHILADELPHIA — Missionary Era — AD 1750-1850
• LAODICEA — Democratic Church Era — AD 1850-?
30 A.D.
Revelation 2 & 3

2nd Coming
• EPHESUS — Apostolic Era — AD 34-100 (Tahun 34-100)
• SMYRNA — Persecution Era — AD 100-313 (Tahun 100-313)
• PERGAMOS — Empirical Church Era — AD 313-606
• THYATIRA — Roman Papal Era — AD 606-1517
• SARDIS — Reformation Era — AD 1517-1750
• PHILADELPHIA — Missionary Era — AD 1750-1850
• LAODICEA — Democratic Church Era — AD 1850-?
30 A.D.
Revelation 2 & 3

2nd Coming
• EPHESUS — Apostolic Era — AD 34-100 (Tahun 34-100)
• SMYRNA — Persecution Era — AD 100-313 (Tahun 100-313)
• PERGAMOS — Empirical Church Era — AD 313-606 (Tahun
• THYATIRA — Roman Papal Era — AD 606-1517
• SARDIS — Reformation Era — AD 1517-1750
• PHILADELPHIA — Missionary Era — AD 1750-1850
• LAODICEA — Democratic Church Era — AD 1850-?
30 A.D.
Revelation 2 & 3

2nd Coming
• EPHESUS — Apostolic Era — AD 34-100
• SMYRNA — Persecution Era — AD 100-313
• PERGAMOS — Empirical Church Era — AD 313-606
• THYATIRA — Roman Papal Era — AD 606-1517
• SARDIS — Reformation Era — AD 1517-1750
• PHILADELPHIA — Missionary Era — AD 1750-1850
• LAODICEA — Democratic Church Era — AD 1850-?
30 A.D.
Revelation 2 & 3

2nd Coming
• EPHESUS — Apostolic Era — AD 34-100
• SMYRNA — Persecution Era — AD 100-313
• PERGAMOS — Empirical Church Era — AD 313-606
• THYATIRA — Roman Papal Era — AD 606-1517
• SARDIS — Reformation Era — AD 1517-1750
• PHILADELPHIA — Missionary Era — AD 1750-1850
• LAODICEA — Democratic Church Era — AD 1850-?
30 A.D.
Revelation 2 & 3

2nd Coming
• EPHESUS — Apostolic Era — AD 34-100
• SMYRNA — Persecution Era — AD 100-313
• PERGAMOS — Empirical Church Era — AD 313-606
• THYATIRA — Roman Papal Era — AD 606-1517
• SARDIS — Reformation Era — AD 1517-1750
• PHILADELPHIA — Missionary Era — AD 1750-1850
• LAODICEA — Democratic Church Era — AD 1850-?
30 A.D.
Revelation 2 & 3

2nd Coming
• EPHESUS — Apostolic Era — AD 34-100
• SMYRNA — Persecution Era — AD 100-313
• PERGAMOS — Empirical Church Era — AD 313-606
• THYATIRA — Roman Papal Era — AD 606-1517
• SARDIS — Reformation Era — AD 1517-1750
• PHILADELPHIA — Missionary Era — AD 1750-1850
• LAODICEA — Democratic Church Era — AD 1850 - ?
of the Time Element

Chapter 1-2-3 Christ as High Priest

Chapter 4-5-6 Christ as Lamb and
our Redeemer
30 A.D.
Revelation 6
(The First Four Seals)

Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the …….. 2nd Coming

• 1ST: White Horse (conquering gospel going forth)
• 2nd: Red Horse (worldwide wars & bloodshed)
• 3rd: Black Horse (famine & scarcity of food)
• 4th: Pale Horse (pestilence, plagues & death)
“the beginning of sorrows” (Mark 13:8)
30 A.D.
Revelation 6
(The First Four Seals)

Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the …….. 2nd Coming

• 1ST: White Horse (conquering gospel going forth)
• 2nd: Red Horse (worldwide wars & bloodshed)
• 3rd: Black Horse (famine & scarcity of food)
• 4th: Pale Horse (pestilence, plagues & death)
“the beginning of sorrows” (Mark 13:8)
Ezekiel 38 & 39
Ezekiel 38 & 39
30 A.D.
Revelation 6
(The First Four Seals)

Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the …….. 2nd Coming

• 1ST: White Horse (conquering gospel going forth)
• 2nd: Red Horse (worldwide wars & bloodshed)
• 3rd: Black Horse (famine & scarcity of food)
• 4th: Pale Horse (pestilence, plagues & death)
“the beginning of sorrows” (Mark 13:8)
30 A.D.
Revelation 6
(The First Four Seals)

Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the …….. 2nd Coming

• 1ST: White Horse (conquering gospel going forth)
• 2nd: Red Horse (worldwide wars & bloodshed)
• 3rd: Black Horse (famine & scarcity of food)
• 4th: Pale Horse (pestilence, plagues & death)
“the beginning of sorrows” (Mark 13:8)
30 A.D.
Revelation 6
(The Fifth Seal - Martyrdom)

Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the …….. 2nd Coming

• 1ST: White Horse (conquering gospel going forth)
• 2nd: Red Horse (worldwide wars & bloodshed)
• 3rd: Black Horse (famine & scarcity of food)
7 Seals • 4th: Pale Horse (pestilence, plagues & death) •
5TH: Martyrs (persecution & martyrdom)

“the beginning of sorrows” (Mark 13:8)

30 A.D.
Revelation 6
(The Seal that hasn’t been opened)

Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the …......... 2nd Coming

Ch. 1-2-3

7 Seals

• 6TH: Quake & Celestial Signs

“sign of the Son of Man” (Mt. 24:30) 3 ½ Yrs

30 A.D. Revelation 7
(Parenthetical Visions)

Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the …......... 2nd Coming
Ch. 4-5-6 7 (parenthetical visions)

7 Seals

• 6TH: Quake & Celestial Signs

(Four winds of the earth restrained)
Parenthetical Visions: (144,000 servants of God sealed)
(Future Martyrs in Great Tribulation Period)

3 ½ Yrs
30 A.D. Revelation 8
(Silence in Heaven)

Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the …. 2nd Coming

Ch. 4-5-6 7-8

7 Seals
• 6TH: Quake & Celestial Signs
(Four winds of the earth restrained)
(144,000 servants of God sealed)
(Future Martyrs in Great Tribulation Period)
• 7TH: Silence & 7 Trumpets
3 ½ Yrs
Tabernacle of Moses

45 total feet

Most Holy Place

15 feet wide
The Holy Place

30 feet 15 feet
Revelation 8
(First Four Trumpets)

Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the………………… 2nd Coming

• 6thseal: Quake & Celestial Signs
(Four winds of the earth restrained)
(144,000 servants of God sealed)
Parenthetical Visions:
(Future Martyrs in Great Tribulation Period)
• 7thseal: Silence & the 7 Trumpets (Day of
• 1stTrump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation d
7 Trumpets • 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood
• 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted
• 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no li
“sign of the Son of Man” (Mt. 24:30) 3 ½ YRS
Revelation 8
(First Four Trumpets)

Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the………………… 2nd Coming

• 6thseal: Quake & Celestial Signs
(Four winds of the earth restrained)
(144,000 servants of God sealed)
Parenthetical Visions:
(Future Martyrs in Great Tribulation Period)
• 7thseal: Silence & the 7 Trumpets (Day of
• 1stTrump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed
7 Trumpets • 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood
• 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted
• 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light
“sign of the Son of Man” (Mt. 24:30) 3 ½ YRS
Revelation 8
(First Four Trumpets)

Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the………………… 2nd Coming

• 6thseal: Quake & Celestial Signs
(Four winds of the earth restrained)
(144,000 servants of God sealed)
Parenthetical Visions:
(Future Martyrs in Great Tribulation Period)
• 7thseal: Silence & the 7 Trumpets (Day of
• 1stTrump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed
7 Trumpets • 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood
• 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted
• 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light
“sign of the Son of Man” (Mt. 24:30) 3 ½ YRS
Revelation 8
(First Four Trumpets)

Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the………………… 2nd Coming

• 6thseal: Quake & Celestial Signs
(Four winds of the earth restrained)
(144,000 servants of God sealed)
Parenthetical Visions:
(Future Martyrs in Great Tribulation Period)
• 7thseal: Silence & the 7 Trumpets (Day of
• 1stTrump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed
7 Trumpets • 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood
• 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted
• 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light
“sign of the Son of Man” (Mt. 24:30) 3 ½ YRS
Revelation 8
(First Four Trumpets)

Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the………………… 2nd Coming

• 6thseal: Quake & Celestial Signs
(Four winds of the earth restrained)
(144,000 servants of God sealed)
Parenthetical Visions:
(Future Martyrs in Great Tribulation Period)
• 7thseal: Silence & the 7 Trumpets (Day of
• 1stTrump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed
7 Trumpets • 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood
• 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted
• 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light)
“sign of the Son of Man” (Mt. 24:30) 3 ½ YRS
Revelation 9
(3 Woes & the 5th Trumpet – The Fallen Star)

Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the……………..... 2nd Coming

7-8 9
• 7th seal: Silence & the 7 Trumpets (Day of At-One-Ment)
• 1st Trump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed
• 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood
• 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted
• 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light)
7 Trumpets
(3 woes announced – last 3 trumpets)

Bride Ministry

9 Months 3 ½ Years
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 9
(3 Woes & the 5th Trumpet – The Fallen Star)

Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the……………..... 2nd Coming

7-8 9
• 7th seal: Silence & the 7 Trumpets (Day of At-One-Ment)
• 1st Trump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed
• 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood
• 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted
• 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light)
7 Trumpets
(3 woes announced – last 3 trumpets)
• 5th Trump: The Fallen Star (1st Woe)

Bride Ministry

9 Months 3 ½ Years
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Fallen Star – Antichrist
1. The star is a PERSON because he is given a key (either angelic or human).
2. The key is symbolic of POWER & AUTHORITY w/ permitted by God to use.

3. The phrase “fallen” indicates this person is an APOSTATE.

4. This could possibly be the ANTICHRIST (fallen apostle, son of perdition).

John 17:12 “While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom
You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the
Scripture might be fulfilled.” (NKJV)

2 Thess 2:3-4 – “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless
the falling away (apostasy) comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of
perdition, …” (NKJV)

Hebrew Tradition: 12 Archangels, 1 Fallen (Lucifer)

Old Testament: 12 Sons of Jacob, 1 Fallen (Reuben)
Gospels: 12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Judas Iscariot — son of perdition)
Revelation: 12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Antichrist — son of perdition)
Fallen Star – Antichrist
1. The star is a PERSON because he is given a key (either angelic or human).
2. The key is symbolic of POWER & AUTHORITY w/ permitted by God to use.

3. The phrase “fallen” indicates this person is an APOSTATE.

4. This could possibly be the ANTICHRIST (fallen apostle, son of perdition).

John 17:12 “While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom
You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the
Scripture might be fulfilled.” (NKJV)

2 Thess 2:3-4 – “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless
the falling away (apostasy) comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of
perdition, …” (NKJV)

Hebrew Tradition: 12 Archangels, 1 Fallen (Lucifer)

Old Testament: 12 Sons of Jacob, 1 Fallen (Reuben)
Gospels: 12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Judas Iscariot — son of perdition)
Revelation: 12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Antichrist — son of perdition)
Fallen Star – Antichrist
1. The star is a PERSON because he is given a key (either angelic or human).
2. The key is symbolic of POWER & AUTHORITY w/ permitted by God to use.

3. The phrase “fallen” indicates this person is an APOSTATE.

4. This could possibly be the ANTICHRIST (fallen apostle, son of perdition).

John 17:12 “While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom
You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the
Scripture might be fulfilled.” (NKJV)

2 Thess 2:3-4 – “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless
the falling away (apostasy) comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of
perdition, …” (NKJV)

Hebrew Tradition: 12 Archangels, 1 Fallen (Lucifer)

Old Testament: 12 Sons of Jacob, 1 Fallen (Reuben)
Gospels: 12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Judas Iscariot — son of perdition)
Revelation: 12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Antichrist — son of perdition)
Fallen Star – Antichrist
1. The star is a PERSON because he is given a key (either angelic or human).
2. The key is symbolic of POWER & AUTHORITY w/ permitted by God to use.

3. The phrase “fallen” indicates this person is an APOSTATE.

4. This could possibly be the ANTICHRIST (fallen apostle, son of perdition).

John 17:12 “While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom
You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the
Scripture might be fulfilled.” (NKJV)

2 Thess 2:3-4 – “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless
the falling away (apostasy) comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of
perdition, …” (NKJV)

Hebrew Tradition: 12 Archangels, 1 Fallen (Lucifer)

Old Testament: 12 Sons of Jacob, 1 Fallen (Reuben)
Gospels: 12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Judas Iscariot — son of perdition)
Revelation: 12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Antichrist — son of perdition)
Fallen Star – Antichrist
1. The star is a PERSON because he is given a key (either angelic or human).
2. The key is symbolic of POWER & AUTHORITY w/ permitted by God to use.

3. The phrase “fallen” indicates this person is an APOSTATE.

4. This could possibly be the ANTICHRIST (fallen apostle, son of perdition).

John 17:12 “While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom
You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the
Scripture might be fulfilled.” (NKJV)

2 Thess 2:3-4 – “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless
the falling away (apostasy) comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of
perdition, …” (NKJV)

Hebrew Tradition: 12 Archangels, 1 Fallen (Lucifer)

Old Testament: 12 Sons of Jacob, 1 Fallen (Reuben)
Gospels: 12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Judas Iscariot — son of perdition)
Revelation: 12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Antichrist — son of perdition)
Fallen Star – Antichrist
1. The star is a PERSON because he is given a key (either angelic or human).
2. The key is symbolic of POWER & AUTHORITY w/ permitted by God to use.

3. The phrase “fallen” indicates this person is an APOSTATE.

4. This could possibly be the ANTICHRIST (fallen apostle, son of perdition).

John 17:12 “While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom
You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the
Scripture might be fulfilled.” (NKJV)

2 Thess. 2:3-4 – “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come
unless the falling away (apostasy) comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son
of perdition, …” (NKJV)

Hebrew Tradition: 12 Archangels, 1 Fallen (Lucifer)

Old Testament: 12 Sons of Jacob, 1 Fallen (Reuben)
Gospels: 12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Judas Iscariot — son of perdition)
Revelation: 12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Antichrist — son of perdition)
Fallen Star – Antichrist
1. The star is a PERSON because he is given a key (either angelic or human).
2. The key is symbolic of POWER & AUTHORITY w/ permitted by God to use.

3. The phrase “fallen” indicates this person is an APOSTATE.

4. This could possibly be the ANTICHRIST (fallen apostle, son of perdition).

John 17:12 “While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom
You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the
Scripture might be fulfilled.” (NKJV)

2 Thess. 2:3-4 – “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come
unless the falling away (apostasy) comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son
of perdition, …” (NKJV)

Hebrew Tradition: 12 Archangels, 1 Fallen (Lucifer)

Old Testament: 12 Sons of Jacob, 1 Fallen (Reuben)
Gospels: 12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Judas Iscariot — son of perdition)
Revelation: 12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Antichrist — son of perdition)
Fallen Star – Antichrist
1. The star is a PERSON because he is given a key (either angelic or human).
2. The key is symbolic of POWER & AUTHORITY w/ permitted by God to use.

3. The phrase “fallen” indicates this person is an APOSTATE.

4. This could possibly be the ANTICHRIST (fallen apostle, son of perdition).

John 17:12 “While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom
You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the
Scripture might be fulfilled.” (NKJV)

2 Thess. 2:3-4 – “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come
unless the falling away (apostasy) comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son
of perdition, …” (NKJV)

Hebrew Tradition: 12 Archangels, 1 Fallen (Lucifer)

Old Testament: 12 Sons of Jacob, 1 Fallen (Reuben)
Gospels: 12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Judas Iscariot — son of perdition)
Revelation: 12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Antichrist — son of perdition)
Fallen Star – Antichrist
1. The star is a PERSON because he is given a key (either angelic or human).
2. The key is symbolic of POWER & AUTHORITY w/ permitted by God to use.

3. The phrase “fallen” indicates this person is an APOSTATE.

4. This could possibly be the ANTICHRIST (fallen apostle, son of perdition).

John 17:12 “While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom
You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the
Scripture might be fulfilled.” (NKJV)

2 Thess. 2:3-4 – “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come
unless the falling away (apostasy) comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son
of perdition, …” (NKJV)

Hebrew Tradition: 12 Archangels, 1 Fallen (Lucifer)

Old Testament: 12 Sons of Jacob, 1 Fallen (Reuben)
Gospels: 12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Judas Iscariot — son of perdition)
Revelation: 12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Antichrist — son of perdition)
Fallen Star – Antichrist
1. The star is a PERSON because he is given a key (either angelic or human).
2. The key is symbolic of POWER & AUTHORITY w/ permitted by God to use.

3. The phrase “fallen” indicates this person is an APOSTATE.

4. This could possibly be the ANTICHRIST (fallen apostle, son of perdition).

John 17:12 “While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom
You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the
Scripture might be fulfilled.” (NKJV)

2 Thess. 2:3-4 – “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come
unless the falling away (apostasy) comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son
of perdition, …” (NKJV)

Hebrew Tradition: 12 Archangels, 1 Fallen (Lucifer)

Old Testament: 12 Sons of Jacob, 1 Fallen (Reuben)
Gospels: 12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Judas Iscariot — son of perdition)
Revelation: 12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Antichrist — son of perdition)
Revelation 9
(1st Woe & the 5th Trumpet – Locust Demons)

Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the……………... 2nd Coming

7-8 9
• 7th seal: Silence & the 7 Trumpets (Day of At-One-Ment)
• 1st Trump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed
• 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood
• 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted
• 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light)
7 Trumpets
(3 woes announced – last 3 trumpets)
• 5th Trump: Locust Demons (1st Woe)

Bride Ministry

9 Mos? 3 ½ Years
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 9
200 Million Demons slay 1/3rd of Mankind
(The Second Woe)

Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the………. 2nd Coming

7-8 9
• 7th seal: Silence & the 7 Trumpets (Day of At-One-Ment)
• 1st Trump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed
• 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood
• 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted
• 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light)
7 Trumpets
(3 woes announced – last 3 trumpets)
• 5th Trump: Falling star & demonic locusts (1st Woe)
• 6th Trump: 200 mil. demons slay 1/3 of man (2nd Woe)

Bride Ministry

9 MOs? 3 ½ YRS
Revelation Chapters 11-19
The “Unveiling” of Jesus
Revelation 1-10

Rev. 1-2-3 - High Priest

Rev. 4-5 - Lamb of God with 7-sealed book
Rev. 7:1-4 - Sealing Angel
Rev. 8:1-6 - Angel-Priest
Rev. 10:1 - Mighty Jehovah-Angel w/ open book
The “Unveiling” of Jesus
Revelation 1-10

Rev. 1-2-3 - High Priest

Rev. 4-5 - Lamb of God with 7-sealed book
Rev. 7:1-4 - Sealing Angel
Rev. 8:1-6 - Angel-Priest
Rev. 10:1 - Mighty Jehovah-Angel w/ open book
The “Unveiling” of Jesus
Revelation 1-10

Rev. 1-2-3 - High Priest

Rev. 4-5 - Lamb of God with 7-sealed book
Rev. 7:1-4 - Sealing Angel
Rev. 8:1-6 - Angel-Priest
Rev. 10:1 - Mighty Jehovah-Angel w/ open book
The “Unveiling” of Jesus
Revelation 1-10

Rev. 1-2-3 - High Priest

Rev. 4-5 - Lamb of God with 7-sealed book
Rev. 7:1-4 - Sealing Angel
Rev. 8:1-6 - Angel-Priest
Rev. 10:1 - Mighty Jehovah-Angel w/ open book
The “Unveiling” of Jesus
Revelation 1-10

Rev. 1-2-3 - High Priest

Rev. 4-5 - Lamb of God with 7-sealed book
Rev. 7:1-4 - Sealing Angel
Rev. 8:1-6 - Angel-Priest
Rev. 10:1 - Mighty Jehovah-Angel w/ open book
The “Unveiling” of Jesus
Revelation 1-10

Rev. 1-2-3 - High Priest

Rev. 4-5 - Lamb of God with 7-sealed book
Rev. 7:1-4 - Sealing Angel
Rev. 8:1-6 - Angel-Priest
Rev. 10:1 - Mighty Jehovah-Angel w/ open book
Revelation 10
the Parenthetical Vision & The 7 th Trump
(The Little Scroll)

7-8 9 10 2nd Coming

• 7th seal: Silence & the 7 Trumpets (Day of At-One-Ment)
• 1st Trump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed
• 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood
• 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted
• 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light)
7 Trumpets
(3 woes announced – last 3 trumpets)
• 5th Trump: Falling star & demonic locusts (1st Woe)
• 6th Trump: 200 mil. demons slay 1/3 of man (2nd Woe)
Parenthetical Vision -Mighty Angel with little open scroll

Bride Ministry • 7th Trump: “Begins to sound” (7 Bowls of Wrath)

9 Mos? 3 ½ Years
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 10
the Parenthetical Vision & The 7 th Trump
(The Little Scroll)

7-8 9 10 2nd Coming

• 7th seal: Silence & the 7 Trumpets (Day of At-One-Ment)
• 1st Trump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed
• 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood
• 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted
• 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light)
7 Trumpets
(3 woes announced – last 3 trumpets)
• 5th Trump: Falling star & demonic locusts (1st Woe)
• 6th Trump: 200 mil. demons slay 1/3 of man (2nd Woe)
Parenthetical Vision -Mighty Angel with little open scroll
-John eats to prophesy details of events in 1260 days
Bride Ministry • 7 Trump: “Begins to sound” (7 Bowls of Wrath)

9 Mos? 3 ½ Years
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 10
the Parenthetical Vision & The 7 th Trump
(The 7 Trumpet)

7-8 9 10 2nd Coming

• 7th seal: Silence & the 7 Trumpets (Day of At-One-Ment)
• 1st Trump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed
• 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood
• 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted
• 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light)
7 Trumpets
(3 woes announced – last 3 trumpets)
• 5th Trump: Falling star & demonic locusts (1st Woe)
• 6th Trump: 200 mil. demons slay 1/3 of man (2nd Woe)
Parenthetical Vision -Mighty Angel with little open scroll
-John eats to prophesy details of events in 1260 days
Bride Ministry • 7 Trump: “Begins to sound” (7 Bowls of Wrath)

9 Mos? 3 ½ Years
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 11
During the “days of the sounding” of the 7th Trumpet
(Church & Outer Court Saints)

7-8 9 10 2nd Coming

• 1 Trump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed

• 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood

• 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted
• 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light)

(3 woes announced – last 3 trumpets)

7 Trumpets • 5th Trump: Falling star & demonic locusts (1st Woe)
• 6th Trump: 200 mil. demons slay 1/3 of man (2nd Woe)
Parenthetical Visions -Mighty Angel with little open scroll
-John eats to prophesy details of events in 1260 days
• 7th Trump: “Begins to sound” (7 Bowls of Wrath)
11-Church & Outer Court Saints are measured

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.

Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 11
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(Jerusalem Trampled Under)

7-8 9 10 2nd Coming

• 1 Trump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed

• 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood

• 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted
• 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light)

(3 woes announced – last 3 trumpets)

7 Trumpets • 5th Trump: Falling star & demonic locusts (1st Woe)
• 6th Trump: 200 mil. demons slay 1/3 of man (2nd Woe)
Parenthetical Visions -Mighty Angel with little open scroll
-John eats to prophesy details of events in 1260 days
• 7th Trump: “Begins to sound” (7 Bowls of Wrath)
11-Church & Outer Court Saints are measured
-Jerusalem trampled for 42 months

3 ½ Yrs - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 11
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The Two Witnesses)

7-8 9 10 2nd Coming

• 1 Trump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed

• 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood

• 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted
• 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light)

(3 woes announced – last 3 trumpets)

7 Trumpets • 5th Trump: Falling star & demonic locusts (1st Woe)
• 6th Trump: 200 mil. demons slay 1/3 of man (2nd Woe)
Parenthetical Visions -Mighty Angel with little open scroll
-John eats to prophesy details of events in 1260 days
• 7th Trump: “Begins to sound” (7 Bowls of Wrath)
11 -Church & Outer trampled
-Jerusalem Court Saints aremonths
for 42 measured
-Two Witnesses prophesy 1260 days

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days

Revelation Chapters 11-19
Who Are They?
What they do:
• They prophesy for 3 ½ years
• They send fire to devour their enemies
• They shut up the sky so it will not rain for 3
½ years
• They turn the waters to blood
• They strike the earth with plagues
Who Are They?
What they do:
• They prophesy for 3 ½ years
• They send fire to devour their enemies
• They shut up the sky so it will not rain for 3
½ years
• They turn the waters to blood
• They strike the earth with plagues
Who Are They?
What they do:
• They prophesy for 3 ½ years
• They send fire to devour their enemies
• They shut up the sky so it will not rain for 3
½ years
• They turn the waters to blood
• They strike the earth with plagues
Who Are They?
What they do:
• They prophesy for 3 ½ years
• They send fire to devour their enemies
• They shut up the sky so it will not rain for 3
½ years
• They turn the waters to blood
• They strike the earth with plagues
Who Are They?
What they do:
• They prophesy for 3 ½ years
• They send fire to devour their enemies
• They shut up the sky so it will not rain for 3
½ years
• They turn the waters to blood
• They strike the earth with plagues
Who Are They?
What they do:
• They prophesy for 3 ½ years
• They send fire to devour their enemies
• They shut up the sky so it will not rain for 3
½ years
• They turn the waters to blood
• They strike the earth with plagues
• Received divine revelation on a Mountain (Horeb & Carmel)
• Saw divine fire on Mt. Horeb
• Fasted 40 days and nights before God
• Erected an altar (Mt. Sinai / Mt. Carmel)
• Saw God’s fire consume the sacrifice (Lev.9:23-24 / 1 Kings 18)
• Were sent to and persecuted by Kings (Pharaoh / Ahab)
• One turned water to blood • The other stopped the rain for 3 ½ years
• Used a sword against the worshipers of gods (Ex.35:25-28/1 Kgs18:40)
• Divided the waters (Red Sea by his rod / Jordan River by his cloak)
• Translated to heaven east of the Jordon River
• Had a spirit-filled successor (Joshua / Elisha)
• Both of their succesors divided the waters at the Jordan
• Appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus (Mt.17:1-5)
• Last two prophets mentioned in the Old Testament (Mal.4:4-6)


• The TRANSFIGURATION of Jesus (Mt.17:1-3; Luke 9:28-36; 2 Peter 1:16-18; Mark 9:4).
• The RESURRECTION of Jesus (“two men” — Luke 24:4).
• The ASCENSION of Jesus (“two men” — Acts 1:9-10).
• Received divine revelation on a Mountain (Horeb & Carmel)
• Saw divine fire on Mt. Horeb
• Fasted 40 days and nights before God
• Erected an altar (Mt. Sinai / Mt. Carmel)
• Saw God’s fire consume the sacrifice (Lev.9:23-24 / 1 Kings 18)
• Were sent to and persecuted by Kings (Pharaoh / Ahab)
• One turned water to blood • The other stopped the rain for 3 ½ years
• Used a sword against the worshipers of gods (Ex.35:25-28/1 Kgs18:40)
• Divided the waters (Red Sea by his rod / Jordan River by his cloak)
• Translated to heaven east of the Jordon River
• Had a spirit-filled successor (Joshua / Elisha)
• Both of their succesors divided the waters at the Jordan
• Appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus (Mt.17:1-5)
• Last two prophets mentioned in the Old Testament (Mal.4:4-6)


• The TRANSFIGURATION of Jesus (Mt.17:1-3; Luke 9:28-36; 2 Peter 1:16-18; Mark 9:4).
• The RESURRECTION of Jesus (“two men” — Luke 24:4).
• The ASCENSION of Jesus (“two men” — Acts 1:9-10).
• Received divine revelation on a Mountain (Horeb & Carmel)
• Saw divine fire on Mt. Horeb
• Fasted 40 days and nights before God
• Erected an altar (Mt. Sinai / Mt. Carmel)
• Saw God’s fire consume the sacrifice (Lev.9:23-24 / 1 Kings 18)
• Were sent to and persecuted by Kings (Pharaoh / Ahab)
• One turned water to blood • The other stopped the rain for 3 ½ years
• Used a sword against the worshipers of gods (Ex.35:25-28/1 Kgs18:40)
• Divided the waters (Red Sea by his rod / Jordan River by his cloak)
• Translated to heaven east of the Jordon River
• Had a spirit-filled successor (Joshua / Elisha)
• Both of their succesors divided the waters at the Jordan
• Appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus (Mt.17:1-5)
• Last two prophets mentioned in the Old Testament (Mal.4:4-6)


• The TRANSFIGURATION of Jesus (Mt.17:1-3; Luke 9:28-36; 2 Peter 1:16-18; Mark 9:4).
• The RESURRECTION of Jesus (“two men” — Luke 24:4).
• The ASCENSION of Jesus (“two men” — Acts 1:9-10).
• Received divine revelation on a Mountain (Horeb & Carmel)
• Saw divine fire on Mt. Horeb
• Fasted 40 days and nights before God
• Erected an altar (Mt. Sinai / Mt. Carmel)
• Saw God’s fire consume the sacrifice (Lev.9:23-24 / 1 Kings 18)
• Were sent to and persecuted by Kings (Pharaoh / Ahab)
• One turned water to blood • The other stopped the rain for 3 ½ years
• Used a sword against the worshipers of gods (Ex.35:25-28/1 Kgs18:40)
• Divided the waters (Red Sea by his rod / Jordan River by his cloak)
• Translated to heaven east of the Jordon River
• Had a spirit-filled successor (Joshua / Elisha)
• Both of their succesors divided the waters at the Jordan
• Appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus (Mt.17:1-5)
• Last two prophets mentioned in the Old Testament (Mal.4:4-6)


• The TRANSFIGURATION of Jesus (Mt.17:1-3; Luke 9:28-36; 2 Peter 1:16-18; Mark 9:4).
• The RESURRECTION of Jesus (“two men” — Luke 24:4).
• The ASCENSION of Jesus (“two men” — Acts 1:9-10).
• Received divine revelation on a Mountain (Horeb & Carmel)
• Saw divine fire on Mt. Horeb
• Fasted 40 days and nights before God
• Erected an altar (Mt. Sinai / Mt. Carmel)
• Saw God’s fire consume the sacrifice (Lev.9:23-24 / 1 Kings 18)
• Were sent to and persecuted by Kings (Pharaoh / Ahab)
• One turned water to blood • The other stopped the rain for 3 ½ years
• Used a sword against the worshipers of gods (Ex.35:25-28/1 Kgs18:40)
• Divided the waters (Red Sea by his rod / Jordan River by his cloak)
• Translated to heaven east of the Jordon River
• Had a spirit-filled successor (Joshua / Elisha)
• Both of their succesors divided the waters at the Jordan
• Appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus (Mt.17:1-5)
• Last two prophets mentioned in the Old Testament (Mal.4:4-6)


• The TRANSFIGURATION of Jesus (Mt.17:1-3; Luke 9:28-36; 2 Peter 1:16-18; Mark 9:4).
• The RESURRECTION of Jesus (“two men” — Luke 24:4).
• The ASCENSION of Jesus (“two men” — Acts 1:9-10).
• Received divine revelation on a Mountain (Horeb & Carmel)
• Saw divine fire on Mt. Horeb
• Fasted 40 days and nights before God
• Erected an altar (Mt. Sinai / Mt. Carmel)
• Saw God’s fire consume the sacrifice (Lev.9:23-24 / 1 Kings 18)
• Were sent to and persecuted by Kings (Pharaoh / Ahab)
• One turned water to blood • The other stopped the rain for 3 ½ years
• Used a sword against the worshipers of gods (Ex.35:25-28/1 Kgs18:40)
• Divided the waters (Red Sea by his rod / Jordan River by his cloak)
• Translated to heaven east of the Jordon River
• Had a spirit-filled successor (Joshua / Elisha)
• Both of their succesors divided the waters at the Jordan
• Appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus (Mt.17:1-5)
• Last two prophets mentioned in the Old Testament (Mal.4:4-6)


• The TRANSFIGURATION of Jesus (Mt.17:1-3; Luke 9:28-36; 2 Peter 1:16-18; Mark 9:4).
• The RESURRECTION of Jesus (“two men” — Luke 24:4).
• The ASCENSION of Jesus (“two men” — Acts 1:9-10).
• Received divine revelation on a Mountain (Horeb & Carmel)
• Saw divine fire on Mt. Horeb
• Fasted 40 days and nights before God
• Erected an altar (Mt. Sinai / Mt. Carmel)
• Saw God’s fire consume the sacrifice (Lev.9:23-24 / 1 Kings 18)
• Were sent to and persecuted by Kings (Pharaoh / Ahab)
• One turned water to blood • The other stopped the rain for 3 ½ years
• Used a sword against the worshipers of gods (Ex.35:25-28/1 Kgs18:40)
• Divided the waters (Red Sea by his rod / Jordan River by his cloak)
• Translated to heaven east of the Jordon River
• Had a spirit-filled successor (Joshua / Elisha)
• Both of their succesors divided the waters at the Jordan
• Appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus (Mt.17:1-5)
• Last two prophets mentioned in the Old Testament (Mal.4:4-6)


• The TRANSFIGURATION of Jesus (Mt.17:1-3; Luke 9:28-36; 2 Peter 1:16-18; Mark 9:4).
• The RESURRECTION of Jesus (“two men” — Luke 24:4).
• The ASCENSION of Jesus (“two men” — Acts 1:9-10).
• Received divine revelation on a Mountain (Horeb & Carmel)
• Saw divine fire on Mt. Horeb
• Fasted 40 days and nights before God
• Erected an altar (Mt. Sinai / Mt. Carmel)
• Saw God’s fire consume the sacrifice (Lev.9:23-24 / 1 Kings 18)
• Were sent to and persecuted by Kings (Pharaoh / Ahab)
• One turned water to blood • The other stopped the rain for 3 ½ years
• Used a sword against the worshipers of gods (Ex.35:25-28/1 Kgs18:40)
• Divided the waters (Red Sea by his rod / Jordan River by his cloak)
• Translated to heaven east of the Jordon River
• Had a spirit-filled successor (Joshua / Elisha)
• Both of their succesors divided the waters at the Jordan
• Appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus (Mt.17:1-5)
• Last two prophets mentioned in the Old Testament (Mal.4:4-6)


• The TRANSFIGURATION of Jesus (Mt.17:1-3; Luke 9:28-36; 2 Peter 1:16-18; Mark 9:4).
• The RESURRECTION of Jesus (“two men” — Luke 24:4).
• The ASCENSION of Jesus (“two men” — Acts 1:9-10).
• Received divine revelation on a Mountain (Horeb & Carmel)
• Saw divine fire on Mt. Horeb
• Fasted 40 days and nights before God
• Erected an altar (Mt. Sinai / Mt. Carmel)
• Saw God’s fire consume the sacrifice (Lev.9:23-24 / 1 Kings 18)
• Were sent to and persecuted by Kings (Pharaoh / Ahab)
• One turned water to blood • The other stopped the rain for 3 ½ years
• Used a sword against the worshipers of gods (Ex.35:25-28/1 Kgs18:40)
• Divided the waters (Red Sea by his rod / Jordan River by his cloak)
• Translated to heaven east of the Jordon River
• Had a spirit-filled successor (Joshua / Elisha)
• Both of their succesors divided the waters at the Jordan
• Appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus (Mt.17:1-5)
• Last two prophets mentioned in the Old Testament (Mal.4:4-6)


• The TRANSFIGURATION of Jesus (Mt.17:1-3; Luke 9:28-36; 2 Peter 1:16-18; Mark 9:4).
• The RESURRECTION of Jesus (“two men” — Luke 24:4).
• The ASCENSION of Jesus (“two men” — Acts 1:9-10).
• Received divine revelation on a Mountain (Horeb & Carmel)
• Saw divine fire on Mt. Horeb
• Fasted 40 days and nights before God
• Erected an altar (Mt. Sinai / Mt. Carmel)
• Saw God’s fire consume the sacrifice (Lev.9:23-24 / 1 Kings 18)
• Were sent to and persecuted by Kings (Pharaoh / Ahab)
• One turned water to blood • The other stopped the rain for 3 ½ years
• Used a sword against the worshipers of gods (Ex.35:25-28/1 Kgs18:40)
• Divided the waters (Red Sea by his rod / Jordan River by his cloak)
• Translated to heaven east of the Jordon River
• Had a spirit-filled successor (Joshua / Elisha)
• Both of their succesors divided the waters at the Jordan
• Appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus (Mt.17:1-5)
• Last two prophets mentioned in the Old Testament (Mal.4:4-6)


• The TRANSFIGURATION of Jesus (Mt.17:1-3; Luke 9:28-36; 2 Peter 1:16-18; Mark 9:4).
• The RESURRECTION of Jesus (“two men” — Luke 24:4).
• The ASCENSION of Jesus (“two men” — Acts 1:9-10).
• Received divine revelation on a Mountain (Horeb & Carmel)
• Saw divine fire on Mt. Horeb
• Fasted 40 days and nights before God
• Erected an altar (Mt. Sinai / Mt. Carmel)
• Saw God’s fire consume the sacrifice (Lev.9:23-24 / 1 Kings 18)
• Were sent to and persecuted by Kings (Pharaoh / Ahab)
• One turned water to blood • The other stopped the rain for 3 ½ years
• Used a sword against the worshipers of gods (Ex.35:25-28/1 Kgs18:40)
• Divided the waters (Red Sea by his rod / Jordan River by his cloak)
• Translated to heaven east of the Jordon River
• Had a spirit-filled successor (Joshua / Elisha)
• Both of their succesors divided the waters at the Jordan
• Appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus (Mt.17:1-5)
• Last two prophets mentioned in the Old Testament (Mal.4:4-6)


• The TRANSFIGURATION of Jesus (Mt.17:1-3; Luke 9:28-36; 2 Peter 1:16-18; Mark 9:4).
• The RESURRECTION of Jesus (“two men” — Luke 24:4).
• The ASCENSION of Jesus (“two men” — Acts 1:9-10).
• Received divine revelation on a Mountain (Horeb & Carmel)
• Saw divine fire on Mt. Horeb
• Fasted 40 days and nights before God
• Erected an altar (Mt. Sinai / Mt. Carmel)
• Saw God’s fire consume the sacrifice (Lev.9:23-24 / 1 Kings 18)
• Were sent to and persecuted by Kings (Pharaoh / Ahab)
• One turned water to blood • The other stopped the rain for 3 ½ years
• Used a sword against the worshipers of gods (Ex.35:25-28/1 Kgs18:40)
• Divided the waters (Red Sea by his rod / Jordan River by his cloak)
• Translated to heaven east of the Jordon River
• Had a spirit-filled successor (Joshua / Elisha)
• Both of their successors divided the waters at the Jordan
• Appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus (Mt.17:1-5)
• Last two prophets mentioned in the Old Testament (Mal.4:4-6)


• The TRANSFIGURATION of Jesus (Mt.17:1-3; Luke 9:28-36; 2 Peter 1:16-18; Mark 9:4).
• The RESURRECTION of Jesus (“two men” — Luke 24:4).
• The ASCENSION of Jesus (“two men” — Acts 1:9-10).
• Received divine revelation on a Mountain (Horeb & Carmel)
• Saw divine fire on Mt. Horeb
• Fasted 40 days and nights before God
• Erected an altar (Mt. Sinai / Mt. Carmel)
• Saw God’s fire consume the sacrifice (Lev.9:23-24 / 1 Kings 18)
• Were sent to and persecuted by Kings (Pharaoh / Ahab)
• One turned water to blood • The other stopped the rain for 3 ½ years
• Used a sword against the worshipers of gods (Ex.35:25-28/1 Kgs18:40)
• Divided the waters (Red Sea by his rod / Jordan River by his cloak)
• Translated to heaven east of the Jordon River
• Had a spirit-filled successor (Joshua / Elisha)
• Both of their successors divided the waters at the Jordan
• Appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus (Mt.17:1-5)
• Last two prophets mentioned in the Old Testament (Mal.4:4-6)


• The TRANSFIGURATION of Jesus (Mt.17:1-3; Luke 9:28-36; 2 Peter 1:16-18; Mark 9:4).
• The RESURRECTION of Jesus (“two men” — Luke 24:4).
• The ASCENSION of Jesus (“two men” — Acts 1:9-10).
• Received divine revelation on a Mountain (Horeb & Carmel)
• Saw divine fire on Mt. Horeb
• Fasted 40 days and nights before God
• Erected an altar (Mt. Sinai / Mt. Carmel)
• Saw God’s fire consume the sacrifice (Lev.9:23-24 / 1 Kings 18)
• Were sent to and persecuted by Kings (Pharaoh / Ahab)
• One turned water to blood • The other stopped the rain for 3 ½ years
• Used a sword against the worshipers of gods (Ex.35:25-28/1 Kgs18:40)
• Divided the waters (Red Sea by his rod / Jordan River by his cloak)
• Translated to heaven east of the Jordon River
• Had a spirit-filled successor (Joshua / Elisha)
• Both of their successors divided the waters at the Jordan
• Appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus (Mt.17:1-5)
• Last two prophets mentioned in the Old Testament (Mal.4:4-6)


• The TRANSFIGURATION of Jesus (Mt.17:1-3; Luke 9:28-36; 2 Peter 1:16-18; Mark 9:4).
• The RESURRECTION of Jesus (“two men” — Luke 24:4).
• The ASCENSION of Jesus (“two men” — Acts 1:9-10).
• Received divine revelation on a Mountain (Horeb & Carmel)
• Saw divine fire on Mt. Horeb
• Fasted 40 days and nights before God
• Erected an altar (Mt. Sinai / Mt. Carmel)
• Saw God’s fire consume the sacrifice (Lev.9:23-24 / 1 Kings 18)
• Were sent to and persecuted by Kings (Pharaoh / Ahab)
• One turned water to blood • The other stopped the rain for 3 ½ years
• Used a sword against the worshipers of gods (Ex.35:25-28/1 Kgs18:40)
• Divided the waters (Red Sea by his rod / Jordan River by his cloak)
• Translated to heaven east of the Jordon River
• Had a spirit-filled successor (Joshua / Elisha)
• Both of their successors divided the waters at the Jordan
• Appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus (Mt.17:1-5)
• Last two prophets mentioned in the Old Testament (Mal.4:4-6)
• The RESURRECTION of Jesus (“two men” — Luke 24:4).

• The ASCENSION of Jesus (“two men” — Acts 1:9-10).

• The RESURRECTION of Jesus (“two men” — Luke 24:4).

• The ASCENSION of Jesus (“two men” — Acts 1:9-10).

• The RESURRECTION of Jesus (“two men” — Luke 24:4).

• The ASCENSION of Jesus (“two men” — Acts 1:9-10).

• The RESURRECTION of Jesus (“two men” — Luke 24:4).

• The ASCENSION of Jesus (“two men” — Acts 1:9-10).

Revelation 12
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The Bride & the Manchild)

2nd Coming

7-8 9 10

7 Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”

11-Church Measured
-Jerusalem trampled for 42 months
-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days

12-The Bride & the Manchild

-Arrayed w/ Sun, Moon, 12 Stars
-Dragon attempts to devour the manchild
-Child snatched up to heaven

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.

Revelation Chapters 11-19
Theories on the Bride & Manchild
1. Various theories of who the WOMAN is in this passage:
• Natural or National Israel
• The virgin Mary
• The Church of all ages and generations
• The New Testament Church from Pentecost to the Second Coming
• The last day Church, the living Bride of Christ
Theories on the Bride & Manchild
1. Various theories of who the WOMAN is in this passage:
• Natural or National Israel
• The virgin Mary
• The Church of all ages and generations
• The New Testament Church from Pentecost to the Second Coming
• The last day Church, the living Bride of Christ

2. Various theories of who the MANCHILD is in this passage:

• Jesus, and no other
• The Jewish remnant
• The 144,000 sealed ones of the tribes of Israel in chapter 7
• A select company of overcomers out of the Church
• The true invisible Church
• The offspring or result of the marriage of Christ to His Church
Theories on the Bride & Manchild
1. Various theories of who the WOMAN is in this passage:
• Natural or National Israel
• The virgin Mary
• The Church of all ages and generations
• The New Testament Church from Pentecost to the Second Coming
• The last day Church, the living Bride of Christ

2. Various theories of who the MANCHILD is in this passage:

• Jesus, and no other
• The Jewish remnant
• The 144,000 sealed ones of the tribes of Israel in chapter 7
• A select company of overcomers out of the Church
• The true invisible Church
• The offspring or result of the marriage of Christ to His Church

3. Various theories of who the REMNANT is in this passage:

• The faithful Jewish believers
• The saints who miss the “secret rapture”
• The Tribulation saints who are martyred for their faith in Christ
Questions for Other Theories
• If the Woman is Israel or Mary, when were they
clothed with the sun, moon, and stars?
Questions for Other Theories
• If the Woman is Israel or Mary, when were they
clothed with the sun, moon, and stars?
• If the Manchild is Christ, how can it be snatched up
to God at birth?
Questions for Other Theories
• If the Woman is Israel or Mary, when were they
clothed with the sun, moon, and stars?
• If the Manchild is Christ, how can it be snatched up
to God at birth?
• If the Woman is either Israel or Mary, when did
either flee into the wilderness, and for 3 ½ years?
Questions for Other Theories
• If the Woman is Israel or Mary, when were they
clothed with the sun, moon, and stars?
• If the Manchild is Christ, how can it be snatched up
to God at birth?
• If the Woman is either Israel or Mary, when did
either flee into the wilderness, and for 3 ½ years?
• When was Israel or Mary protected from the
serpent for 3 ½ years?
Questions for Other Theories
• If the Woman is Israel or Mary, when were they
clothed with the sun, moon, and stars?
• If the Manchild is Christ, how can it be snatched up
to God at birth?
• If the Woman is either Israel or Mary, when did
either flee into the wilderness, and for 3 ½ years?
• When was Israel or Mary protected from the
serpent for 3 ½ years?
• If the Manchild is Jesus, when were Satan and his
angels cast out at his birth?
Questions for Other Theories
• If the Woman is Israel or Mary, when were they
clothed with the sun, moon, and stars?
• If the Manchild is Christ, how can it be snatched up
to God at birth?
• If the Woman is either Israel or Mary, when did
either flee into the wilderness, and for 3 ½ years?
• When was Israel or Mary protected from the
serpent for 3 ½ years?
• If the Manchild is Jesus, when were Satan and his
angels cast out at his birth?
• If the Woman is Israel or Mary, then who is the
remnant of her Seed spoken of in verse 17?
Revelation 12
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The Dragon & the Remnant)

2nd Coming
7-8 9 10
• 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Church Measured
-Jerusalem trampled for 42 months
-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride & the Manchild
-Dragon attempts to devour the manchild
-Child snatched up to heaven
-War in heaven (Michael & Satan)
-Satan & Angels cast out to earth (3rd Woe)
-Woman taken to the desert for protection 3 ½ yrs.
-Dragon makes war on her offspring/remnant

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
3 Feasts of Israel
 The interpretive key to unlock the significance of the
7th seal is the Feast of Israel.
3 Feasts of Israel
 The interpretive key to unlock the significance of the
7th seal is the Feast of Israel.
• Feast of Passover (Lev.23:4-14) — 1st month
(Fulfilled historically in the Gospels)
3 Feasts of Israel
 The interpretive key to unlock the significance of the
7th seal is the Feast of Israel.
• Feast of Passover (Lev.23:4-14) — 1st month
(Fulfilled historically in the Gospels)
• Feast of Pentecost (Lev.23:15-22) — 3rd month
(Fulfilled historically in Acts)
3 Feasts of Israel
 The interpretive key to unlock the significance of the
7th seal is the Feast of Israel.
• Feast of Passover (Lev.23:4-14) — 1st month
(Fulfilled historically in the Gospels)
• Feast of Pentecost (Lev.23:15-22) — 3rd month
(Fulfilled historically in Acts)
• Feast of Tabernacles (Lev.23:23-44) — 7th month
(Fulfilled experientially in Revelation)
3 Feasts of Israel
 The interpretive key to unlock the significance of the
7th seal is the Feast of Israel.
• Feast of Passover (Lev.23:4-14) — 1st month
(Fulfilled historically in the Gospels)
• Feast of Pentecost (Lev.23:15-22) — 3rd month
(Fulfilled historically in Acts)
• Feast of Tabernacles (Lev.23:23-44) — 7th month
(Fulfilled experientially in Revelation)
-Feast of Trumpets –1st day (a call to repentance & cleansing)
3 Feasts of Israel
 The interpretive key to unlock the significance of the
7th seal is the Feast of Israel.
• Feast of Passover (Lev.23:4-14) — 1st month
(Fulfilled historically in the Gospels)
• Feast of Pentecost (Lev.23:15-22) — 3rd month
(Fulfilled historically in Acts)
• Feast of Tabernacles (Lev.23:23-44) — 7th month
(Fulfilled experientially in Revelation)
-Feast of Trumpets –1st day (a call to repentance & cleansing)
-Day of Atonement – 10th day (the “sanctuary cleansing” from all sin)
3 Feasts of Israel
 The interpretive key to unlock the significance of the
7th seal is the Feast of Israel.
• Feast of Passover (Lev.23:4-14) — 1st month
(Fulfilled historically in the Gospels)
• Feast of Pentecost (Lev.23:15-22) — 3rd month
(Fulfilled historically in Acts)
• Feast of Tabernacles (Lev.23:23-44) — 7th month
(Fulfilled experientially in Revelation)
-Feast of Trumpets –1st day (a call to repentance & cleansing)
-Day of Atonement – 10th day (the “sanctuary cleansing” from all sin)
-Feast of Booths – 15th day (the final ingathering of souls)
3 Feasts in the Church Age
Church Age

Gospels Acts Revelation

Passover (1st mo.) Pentecost (3rd mo.) Dry Season (4th-6th mos.) Tabernacles (7th mo.)
Barley Wheat Famine Oil & Wine
“Spring Rains Harvest” “Latter Rains Harvest”
(normal portion) (double portion)
Trumpets - DoA - Booths
1st 10th 15th-21st

Passover = Salvation Day of At-One-Ment

Pentecost = Baptism of the Holy Spirit Bride meets Bridegroom

Tabernacles = Redemption of our Bodies

Types of the Bride in the Bible
• Adam & Eve (Gen.1:26; 2:18-25; Eph.5:23-32; Rom.5:14)
Types of the Bride in the Bible
• Adam & Eve (Gen.1:26; 2:18-25; Eph.5:23-32; Rom.5:14)
• Isaac & Rebekah (Gen. 24)
Types of the Bride in the Bible
• Adam & Eve (Gen.1:26; 2:18-25; Eph.5:23-32; Rom.5:14)
• Isaac & Rebekah (Gen. 24)
• Jacob & Rachel (Gen. 29)
Types of the Bride in the Bible
• Adam & Eve (Gen.1:26; 2:18-25; Eph.5:23-32; Rom.5:14)
• Isaac & Rebekah (Gen. 24)
• Jacob & Rachel (Gen. 29)
• Joseph & Asenath (Gen. 41:37-45)
Types of the Bride in the Bible
• Adam & Eve (Gen.1:26; 2:18-25; Eph.5:23-32; Rom.5:14)
• Isaac & Rebekah (Gen. 24)
• Jacob & Rachel (Gen. 29)
• Joseph & Asenath (Gen. 41:37-45)
• Moses & Zipporah (Ex.2:15-22)
Types of the Bride in the Bible
• Adam & Eve (Gen.1:26; 2:18-25; Eph.5:23-32; Rom.5:14)
• Isaac & Rebekah (Gen. 24)
• Jacob & Rachel (Gen. 29)
• Joseph & Asenath (Gen. 41:37-45)
• Moses & Zipporah (Ex.2:15-22)
• Boaz & Ruth (Ruth 1-4)
Types of the Bride in the Bible
• Adam & Eve (Gen.1:26; 2:18-25; Eph.5:23-32; Rom.5:14)
• Isaac & Rebekah (Gen. 24)
• Jacob & Rachel (Gen. 29)
• Joseph & Asenath (Gen. 41:37-45)
• Moses & Zipporah (Ex.2:15-22)
• Boaz & Ruth (Ruth 1-4)
• Solomon & the Shepherdess (Song of Solomon 6:9-10)
Types of the Bride in the Bible
• Adam & Eve (Gen.1:26; 2:18-25; Eph.5:23-32; Rom.5:14)
• Isaac & Rebekah (Gen. 24)
• Jacob & Rachel (Gen. 29)
• Joseph & Asenath (Gen. 41:37-45)
• Moses & Zipporah (Ex.2:15-22)
• Boaz & Ruth (Ruth 1-4)
• Solomon & the Shepherdess (Song of Solomon 6:9-10)
• The King & Queen (Psalm 45)
Types of the Bride in the Bible
• Adam & Eve (Gen.1:26; 2:18-25; Eph.5:23-32; Rom.5:14)
• Isaac & Rebekah (Gen. 24)
• Jacob & Rachel (Gen. 29)
• Joseph & Asenath (Gen. 41:37-45)
• Moses & Zipporah (Ex.2:15-22)
• Boaz & Ruth (Ruth 1-4)
• Solomon & the Shepherdess (Song of Solomon 6:9-10)
• The King & Queen (Psalm 45)
• The High Priest & His Bride (Lev.21:10-15)
Types of the Bride in the Bible
• Adam & Eve (Gen.1:26; 2:18-25; Eph.5:23-32; Rom.5:14)
• Isaac & Rebekah (Gen. 24)
• Jacob & Rachel (Gen. 29)
• Joseph & Asenath (Gen. 41:37-45)
• Moses & Zipporah (Ex.2:15-22)
• Boaz & Ruth (Ruth 1-4)
• Solomon & the Shepherdess (Song of Solomon 6:9-10)
• The King & Queen (Psalm 45)
• The High Priest & His Bride (Lev.21:10-15)
• Esther (Esther 1-2)
Types of the Bride in the Bible
• Adam & Eve (Gen.1:26; 2:18-25; Eph.5:23-32; Rom.5:14)
• Isaac & Rebekah (Gen. 24)
• Jacob & Rachel (Gen. 29)
• Joseph & Asenath (Gen. 41:37-45)
• Moses & Zipporah (Ex.2:15-22)
• Boaz & Ruth (Ruth 1-4)
• Solomon & the Shepherdess (Song of Solomon 6:9-10)
• The King & Queen (Psalm 45)
• The High Priest & His Bride (Lev.21:10-15)
• Esther (Esther 1-2)
• Proverbs 31 Woman
Types of the Bride in the Bible
• Adam & Eve (Gen.1:26; 2:18-25; Eph.5:23-32; Rom.5:14)
• Isaac & Rebekah (Gen. 24)
• Jacob & Rachel (Gen. 29)
• Joseph & Asenath (Gen. 41:37-45)
• Moses & Zipporah (Ex.2:15-22)
• Boaz & Ruth (Ruth 1-4)
• Solomon & the Shepherdess (Song of Solomon 6:9-10)
• The King & Queen (Psalm 45)
• The High Priest & His Bride (Lev.21:10-15)
• Esther (Esther 1-2)
• Proverbs 31 Woman
• The Five Wise Virgins (Matt. 25:1-10)
14 Virtues of the Bride
1. Devoted (a loyal heart to Christ, his Kingdom, and his Church)
14 Virtues of the Bride
1. Devoted (a loyal heart to Christ, his Kingdom, and his Church)
2. Faithful (reliable, trustworthy, accountable, and under authority)
14 Virtues of the Bride
1. Devoted (a loyal heart to Christ, his Kingdom, and his Church)
2. Faithful (reliable, trustworthy, accountable, and under authority)
3. Generous (not self-serving; willing to sacrifice time & shared resources)
14 Virtues of the Bride
1. Devoted (a loyal heart to Christ, his Kingdom, and his Church)
2. Faithful (reliable, trustworthy, accountable, and under authority)
3. Generous (not self-serving; willing to sacrifice time & shared resources)
4. Humble (does not have or exhibit an arrogant or proud spirit)
14 Virtues of the Bride
1. Devoted (a loyal heart to Christ, his Kingdom, and his Church)
2. Faithful (reliable, trustworthy, accountable, and under authority)
3. Generous (not self-serving; willing to sacrifice time & shared resources)
4. Humble (does not have or exhibit an arrogant or proud spirit)
5. Industrious (not afraid to work & multiply efforts for the cause of Christ)
14 Virtues of the Bride
1. Devoted (a loyal heart to Christ, his Kingdom, and his Church)
2. Faithful (reliable, trustworthy, accountable, and under authority)
3. Generous (not self-serving; willing to sacrifice time & shared resources)
4. Humble (does not have or exhibit an arrogant or proud spirit)
5. Industrious (not afraid to work & multiply efforts for the cause of Christ)
6. Intimate (“first love” passion for Jesus in prayer and worship)
14 Virtues of the Bride
1. Devoted (a loyal heart to Christ, his Kingdom, and his Church)
2. Faithful (reliable, trustworthy, accountable, and under authority)
3. Generous (not self-serving; willing to sacrifice time & shared resources)
4. Humble (does not have or exhibit an arrogant or proud spirit)
5. Industrious (not afraid to work & multiply efforts for the cause of Christ)
6. Intimate (“first love” passion for Jesus in prayer and worship)
7. Intuitive (sensitivity to the voice & leading of the Holy Spirit)
14 Virtues of the Bride
1. Devoted (a loyal heart to Christ, his Kingdom, and his Church)
2. Faithful (reliable, trustworthy, accountable, and under authority)
3. Generous (not self-serving; willing to sacrifice time & shared resources)
4. Humble (does not have or exhibit an arrogant or proud spirit)
5. Industrious (not afraid to work & multiply efforts for the cause of Christ)
6. Intimate (“first love” passion for Jesus in prayer and worship)
7. Intuitive (sensitivity to the voice & leading of the Holy Spirit)
8. Obedient (to God’s Word and principles; does not have a lawless spirit)
14 Virtues of the Bride
1. Devoted (a loyal heart to Christ, his Kingdom, and his Church)
2. Faithful (reliable, trustworthy, accountable, and under authority)
3. Generous (not self-serving; willing to sacrifice time & shared resources)
4. Humble (does not have or exhibit an arrogant or proud spirit)
5. Industrious (not afraid to work & multiply efforts for the cause of Christ)
6. Intimate (“first love” passion for Jesus in prayer and worship)
7. Intuitive (sensitivity to the voice & leading of the Holy Spirit)
8. Obedient (to God’s Word and principles; does not have a lawless spirit)
9. Overcomer (perseveres under pressure through temptations and trials)
14 Virtues of the Bride
1. Devoted (a loyal heart to Christ, his Kingdom, and his Church)
2. Faithful (reliable, trustworthy, accountable, and under authority)
3. Generous (not self-serving; willing to sacrifice time & shared resources)
4. Humble (does not have or exhibit an arrogant or proud spirit)
5. Industrious (not afraid to work & multiply efforts for the cause of Christ)
6. Intimate (“first love” passion for Jesus in prayer and worship)
7. Intuitive (sensitivity to the voice & leading of the Holy Spirit)
8. Obedient (to God’s Word and principles; does not have a lawless spirit)
9. Overcomer (perseveres under pressure through temptations and trials)
10. Passionate (hungry & thirsty for God; found at the well)
14 Virtues of the Bride
1. Devoted (a loyal heart to Christ, his Kingdom, and his Church)
2. Faithful (reliable, trustworthy, accountable, and under authority)
3. Generous (not self-serving; willing to sacrifice time & shared resources)
4. Humble (does not have or exhibit an arrogant or proud spirit)
5. Industrious (not afraid to work & multiply efforts for the cause of Christ)
6. Intimate (“first love” passion for Jesus in prayer and worship)
7. Intuitive (sensitivity to the voice & leading of the Holy Spirit)
8. Obedient (to God’s Word and principles; does not have a lawless spirit)
9. Overcomer (perseveres under pressure through temptations and trials)
10. Passionate (hungry & thirsty for God; found at the well)
11. Servant (sees their graces and talents as a gift designed to serve others)
14 Virtues of the Bride
1. Devoted (a loyal heart to Christ, his Kingdom, and his Church)
2. Faithful (reliable, trustworthy, accountable, and under authority)
3. Generous (not self-serving; willing to sacrifice time & shared resources)
4. Humble (does not have or exhibit an arrogant or proud spirit)
5. Industrious (not afraid to work & multiply efforts for the cause of Christ)
6. Intimate (“first love” passion for Jesus in prayer and worship)
7. Intuitive (sensitivity to the voice & leading of the Holy Spirit)
8. Obedient (to God’s Word and principles; does not have a lawless spirit)
9. Overcomer (perseveres under pressure through temptations and trials)
10. Passionate (hungry & thirsty for God; found at the well)
11. Servant (sees their graces and talents as a gift designed to serve others)
12. Shepherdess (cares for and loves the sheep; goes to seek the lost sheep)
14 Virtues of the Bride
1. Devoted (a loyal heart to Christ, his Kingdom, and his Church)
2. Faithful (reliable, trustworthy, accountable, and under authority)
3. Generous (not self-serving; willing to sacrifice time & shared resources)
4. Humble (does not have or exhibit an arrogant or proud spirit)
5. Industrious (not afraid to work & multiply efforts for the cause of Christ)
6. Intimate (“first love” passion for Jesus in prayer and worship)
7. Intuitive (sensitivity to the voice & leading of the Holy Spirit)
8. Obedient (to God’s Word and principles; does not have a lawless spirit)
9. Overcomer (perseveres under pressure through temptations and trials)
10. Passionate (hungry & thirsty for God; found at the well)
11. Servant (sees their graces and talents as a gift designed to serve others)
12. Shepherdess (cares for and loves the sheep; goes to seek the lost sheep)
13. Submissive (a right spirit towards God’s delegated authority)
14 Virtues of the Bride
1. Devoted (a loyal heart to Christ, his Kingdom, and his Church)
2. Faithful (reliable, trustworthy, accountable, and under authority)
3. Generous (not self-serving; willing to sacrifice time & shared resources)
4. Humble (does not have or exhibit an arrogant or proud spirit)
5. Industrious (not afraid to work & multiply efforts for the cause of Christ)
6. Intimate (“first love” passion for Jesus in prayer and worship)
7. Intuitive (sensitivity to the voice & leading of the Holy Spirit)
8. Obedient (to God’s Word and principles; does not have a lawless spirit)
9. Overcomer (perseveres under pressure through temptations and trials)
10. Passionate (hungry & thirsty for God; found at the well)
11. Servant (sees their graces and talents as a gift designed to serve others)
12. Shepherdess (cares for and loves the sheep; goes to seek the lost sheep)
13. Submissive (a right spirit towards God’s delegated authority)
14. Virtuous (not stained or spotted by the world; not immoral)
Revelation 13
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The Antichrist & the False Prophet)
2nd Coming
7-8 9 10
7 Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
-Antichrist slain and resurrects from a fatal wound

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 13
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The Antichrist & the False Prophet)
2nd Coming
7-8 9 10
7 Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
-Antichrist slain and resurrects from a fatal wound
-One World Government Reign for 42 months

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 13
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The Antichrist & the False Prophet)
2nd Coming
7-8 9 10
7 Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
-Antichrist slain and resurrects from a fatal wound
-One World Government Reign for 42 months
-War against the Saints

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 13
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The Antichrist & the False Prophet)
2nd Coming
7-8 9 10
7 Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
-Antichrist slain and resurrects from a fatal wound
-One World Government Reign for 42 months
-War against the Saints
-False Prophet – False Signs & Wonders

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 13
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The Antichrist & the False Prophet)
2nd Coming
7-8 9 10
7 Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
-Antichrist slain and resurrects from a fatal wound
-One World Government Reign for 42 months
-War against the Saints
-False Prophet – False Signs & Wonders
-One World Global Economy to survive judgments

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 13
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The Antichrist & the False Prophet)
2nd Coming
7-8 9 10
7 Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
-Antichrist slain and resurrects from a fatal wound
-One World Government Reign for 42 months
-War against the Saints
-False Prophet – False Signs & Wonders
-One World Global Economy to survive judgments
-Image of the Beast erected to worship

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 13
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The Antichrist & the False Prophet)
2nd Coming
7-8 9 10
7 Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
-Antichrist slain and resurrects from a fatal wound
-One World Government Reign for 42 months
-War against the Saints
-False Prophet – False Signs & Wonders
-One World Global Economy to survive judgments
-Image of the Beast erected to worship
-One World Religion (One World Church–Ch. 17)

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 13
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The Antichrist & the False Prophet)
2nd Coming
7-8 9 10
7 Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
-Antichrist slain and resurrects from a fatal wound
-One World Government Reign for 42 months
-War against the Saints
-False Prophet – False Signs & Wonders
-One World Global Economy to survive judgments
-Image of the Beast erected to worship
-One World Religion (One World Church–Ch. 17)
-Mark of the Beast implemented (6-6-6)

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 14
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The 144,000 in Heaven with the Lamb)

2nd Coming
7-8 9 10
• 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
7 Trumpets
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
-(1st angel admonishing the world with the gospel)

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 14
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The 144,000 in Heaven with the Lamb)

2nd Coming
7-8 9 10
• 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
7 Trumpets
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
-(1st angel admonishing the world with the gospel)
-(2nd angel announcing Harlot Church’s fall)

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 14
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The 144,000 in Heaven with the Lamb)

2nd Coming
7-8 9 10
• 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
7 Trumpets
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
-(1st angel admonishing the world with the gospel)
-(2nd angel announcing Harlot Church’s fall)
-(3rd angel warning against receiving the Mark)

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 14
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The 144,000 in Heaven with the Lamb)

2nd Coming
7-8 9 10
• 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
7 Trumpets
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
-(1st angel admonishing the world with the gospel)
-(2nd angel announcing Harlot Church’s fall)
-(3rd angel warning against receiving the Mark)
-(4th angel signals Christ to begin saint harvest)

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 14
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The 144,000 in Heaven with the Lamb)

2nd Coming
7-8 9 10
• 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
7 Trumpets
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
-(1st angel admonishing the world with the gospel)
-(2nd angel announcing Harlot Church’s fall)
-(3rd angel warning against receiving the Mark)
-(4th angel signals Christ to begin saint harvest)
-(5th angel signals the grape harvest angel)

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 14
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The 144,000 in Heaven with the Lamb)

2nd Coming
7-8 9 10
• 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
7 Trumpets
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
-(1st angel admonishing the world with the gospel)
-(2nd angel announcing Harlot Church’s fall)
-(3rd angel warning against receiving the Mark)
-(4th angel signals Christ to begin saint harvest)
-(5th angel signals the grape harvest angel)
-(6th angel gathers the ungodly to destroy)

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 15
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The Tribulation Saints & Seven Angels)

2nd Coming
7-8 9 10
• 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
7 Trumpets
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints, 7 Angels & 7 Bowls
-sea of glass mixed w/ fire

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 15
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The Tribulation Saints & Seven Angels)

2nd Coming
7-8 9 10
• 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
7 Trumpets
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints, 7 Angels & 7 Bowls
-sea of glass mixed w/ fire
-victorious saints over the beast and his image

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 15
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The Tribulation Saints & Seven Angels)

2nd Coming
7-8 9 10
• 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
7 Trumpets
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints, 7 Angels & 7 Bowls
-sea of glass mixed w/ fire
-victorious saints over the beast and his image
-with harps and sang song of Moses

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 15
7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions
(The Tribulation Saints & Seven Angels)

2nd Coming
7-8 9 10
• 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
7 Trumpets
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints, 7 Angels & 7 Bowls
-sea of glass mixed w/ fire
-victorious saints over the beast and his image
-with harps and sang song of Moses
-seven angels with seven plagues in the temple

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 16
The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
7-8 9 10 2nd Coming
Seven Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls
16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
1. Earth (painful sores)

Seven Bowls

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 16
The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
7-8 9 10 2nd Coming
Seven Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls
16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
1. Earth (painful sores)
2. Sea (all blood)

Seven Bowls

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 16
The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
7-8 9 10 2nd Coming
Seven Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls
16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
1. Earth (painful sores)
2. Sea (all blood)
3. Rivers & Springs (all blood)
Seven Bowls

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 16
The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
7-8 9 10 2nd Coming
Seven Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls
16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
1. Earth (painful sores)
2. Sea (all blood)
3. Rivers & Springs (all blood)
Seven Bowls 4. Sun (scorches people)

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 16
The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
7-8 9 10 2nd Coming
Seven Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls
16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
1. Earth (painful sores)
2. Sea (all blood)
3. Rivers & Springs (all blood)
Seven Bowls 4. Sun (scorches people)
5. Throne of Antichrist (darkness)

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 16
The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
7-8 9 10 2nd Coming
Seven Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls
16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
1. Earth (painful sores)
2. Sea (all blood)
3. Rivers & Springs (all blood)
Seven Bowls 4. Sun (scorches people)
5. Throne of Antichrist (darkness)
6. Euphrates River dried up (Armageddon)

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 16
The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
7-8 9 10 2nd Coming
Seven Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls
16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
1. Earth (painful sores)
2. Sea (all blood)
3. Rivers & Springs (all blood)
Seven Bowls 4. Sun (scorches people)
5. Throne of Antichrist (darkness)
6. Euphrates River dried up (Armageddon)
7. Great Earthquake & 100 lb. hailstones

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 17
The Harlot Church (Babylon)

7-8 9 10 2nd Coming

Seven Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls
Seven Bowls 16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
17-The Harlot Church (Babylon)
-One World Church (supported by the Beast)

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 17
The Harlot Church (Babylon)

7-8 9 10 2nd Coming

Seven Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls
Seven Bowls 16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
17-The Harlot Church (Babylon)
-One World Church (supported by the Beast)
-External beauty, internally corrupt

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 17
The Harlot Church (Babylon)

7-8 9 10 2nd Coming

Seven Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls
Seven Bowls 16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
17-The Harlot Church (Babylon)
-One World Church (supported by the Beast)
-External beauty, internally corrupt
-Drunk with the blood of the saints (martyrs)

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 17
The Harlot Church (Babylon)

7-8 9 10 2nd Coming

Seven Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls
Seven Bowls 16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
17-The Harlot Church (Babylon)
-One World Church (supported by the Beast)
-External beauty, internally corrupt
-Drunk with the blood of the saints (martyrs)
-Turned on in the end by the 10 kingdom empire

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
The Theme of Two Women
Sarah (Genesis 16, 21) Hagar
The Theme of Two Women
Sarah (Genesis 16, 21) Hagar
Rachel (Genesis 29) Leah
The Theme of Two Women
Sarah (Genesis 16, 21) Hagar
Rachel (Genesis 29) Leah
Harlot (1 Kings 3:16-18) Harlot
The Theme of Two Women
Sarah (Genesis 16, 21) Hagar
Rachel (Genesis 29) Leah
Harlot (1 Kings 3:16-18) Harlot
Hannah (1 Samuel 1:1-6) Peninnah
The Theme of Two Women
Sarah (Genesis 16, 21) Hagar
Rachel (Genesis 29) Leah
Harlot (1 Kings 3:16-18) Harlot
Hannah (1 Samuel 1:1-6) Peninnah
Proverbs 31 Proverbs 7
The Theme of Two Women
Sarah (Genesis 16, 21) Hagar
Rachel (Genesis 29) Leah
Harlot (1 Kings 3:16-18) Harlot
Hannah (1 Samuel 1:1-6) Peninnah
Proverbs 31 Proverbs 7
Oholibah (Ezekiel 23:1-4) Oholah
The Theme of Two Women
Sarah (Genesis 16, 21) Hagar
Rachel (Genesis 29) Leah
Harlot (1 Kings 3:16-18) Harlot
Hannah (1 Samuel 1:1-6) Peninnah
Proverbs 31 Proverbs 7
Oholibah (Ezekiel 23:1-4) Oholah
Woman/Lost Coin (Lk. 15:8) Woman/Leaven (Mt. 13:33)
The Theme of Two Women
Sarah (Genesis 16, 21) Hagar
Rachel (Genesis 29) Leah
Harlot (1 Kings 3:16-18) Harlot
Hannah (1 Samuel 1:1-6) Peninnah
Proverbs 31 Proverbs 7
Oholibah (Ezekiel 23:1-4) Oholah
Woman/Lost Coin (Lk. 15:8) Woman/Leaven (Mt. 13:33)
Woman Taken (Mt. 24:41) Woman Left
The Theme of Two Women
Sarah (Genesis 16, 21) Hagar
Rachel (Genesis 29) Leah
Harlot (1 Kings 3:16-18) Harlot
Hannah (1 Samuel 1:1-6) Peninnah
Proverbs 31 Proverbs 7
Oholibah (Ezekiel 23:1-4) Oholah
Woman/Lost Coin (Lk. 15:8) Woman/Leaven (Mt. 13:33)
Woman Taken (Mt. 24:41) Woman Left
Rev. 12 Rev. 17
The Bride of Christ The Queen of Satan
Revelation 18
The Harlot Church (Babylon is Fallen)

7-8 9 10 2nd Coming

Seven Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls
Seven Bowls 16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
17-The Harlot Church (Babylon)
18-Babylon (Commerce) is Fallen!

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 19
The Rider on the White Horse

7-8 9 10 2nd Coming

Seven Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls
Seven Bowls 16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
17-The Harlot Church (Babylon)
18-Babylon (Commerce) is Fallen! Last Trump
Christ Returns - 19

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 19
The Rider on the White Horse

7-8 9 10 2nd Coming

Seven Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls
Seven Bowls 16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
17-The Harlot Church (Babylon)
18-Babylon (Commerce) is Fallen! Last Trump
Christ Returns - 19
Rider on a White Horse –

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 19
The Rider on the White Horse

7-8 9 10 2nd Coming

Seven Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls
Seven Bowls 16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
17-The Harlot Church (Babylon)
18-Babylon is Fallen! Last Trump
Christ Returns - 19
Rider on a White Horse –
King of kings & Lord of lords –

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 19
The Rider on the White Horse

7-8 9 10 2nd Coming

Seven Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls
Seven Bowls 16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
17-The Harlot Church (Babylon)
18-Babylon is Fallen! Last Trump
Christ Returns - 19
Rider on a White Horse –
King of kings & Lord of lords –
Battle of Armageddon –

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 19
The Rider on the White Horse

7-8 9 10 2nd Coming

Seven Trumpets • 7th Trump: “in the days of the sounding”
11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days
12-The Bride in the Wilderness
13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet
14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb
15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls
Seven Bowls 16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
17-The Harlot Church (Babylon)
18-Babylon is Fallen! Last Trump
Christ Returns - 19
Rider on a White Horse –
King of kings & Lord of lords –
Battle of Armageddon –
Beast & false prophet thrown into fiery lake –

time, times, and ½ a time

3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos.
Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

• Resurrection of all the Saints

2nd Coming

11 Trump
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

• Resurrection of all the Saints

2nd Coming • Rapture of the Bride from Desert
11 Trump
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

• Resurrection of all the Saints

2nd Coming • Rapture of the Bride from Desert
10 • All remaining sinners destroyed
11 Trump
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

• Resurrection of all the Saints

2nd Coming • Rapture of the Bride from Desert
10 • All remaining sinners destroyed
Last • Satan bound for 1000 years
11 Trump
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

• Resurrection of all the Saints

2nd Coming • Rapture of the Bride from Desert
10 • All remaining sinners destroyed
Last • Satan bound for 1000 years
11 Trump • Earth purged by fire, Paradise Restored
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

• Resurrection of all the Saints

2nd Coming • Rapture of the Bride from Desert
10 • All remaining sinners destroyed
Last • Satan bound for 1000 years
11 Trump • Earth purged by fire, Paradise Restored
• Earthquake pulls continents together
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

• Resurrection of all the Saints

2nd Coming • Rapture of the Bride from Desert
10 • All remaining sinners destroyed
Last • Satan bound for 1000 years
11 Trump • Earth purged by fire, Paradise Restored
• Earthquake pulls continents together
• No more islands or mountain ranges
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

• Resurrection of all the Saints

2nd Coming • Rapture of the Bride from Desert
10 • All remaining sinners destroyed
Last • Satan bound for 1000 years
11 Trump • Earth purged by fire, Paradise Restored
• Earthquake pulls continents together
• No more islands or mountain ranges
• All cities destroyed
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

• Resurrection of all the Saints

2nd Coming • Rapture of the Bride from Desert
10 • All remaining sinners destroyed
Last • Satan bound for 1000 years
11 Trump • Earth purged by fire, Paradise Restored
• Earthquake pulls continents together
• No more islands or mountain ranges
• All cities destroyed
• Restored Paradise
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

• Resurrection of all the Saints

2nd Coming • Rapture of the Bride from Desert
10 • All remaining sinners destroyed
Last • Satan bound for 1000 years
11 Trump • Earth purged by fire, Paradise Restored
• Earthquake pulls continents together
• No more islands or mountain ranges
• All cities destroyed
• Restored Paradise
• Judgment of the saints (by reward)
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

• Resurrection of all the Saints

2nd Coming • Rapture of the Bride from Desert
10 • All remaining sinners destroyed
Last • Satan bound for 1000 years
11 Trump • Earth purged by fire, Paradise Restored
• Earthquake pulls continents together
• No more islands or mountain ranges
• All cities destroyed
• Restored Paradise
• Judgment of the saints (by reward)
• Wedding Supper of the Bride
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Continental Drift / Divide
Continental Drift / Divide
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

2nd Coming Satan loosed from chains & prison –

10 Events at
Last the end of
11 Trump the 1000
12 years
15 Great
16 White
17 Throne
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

2nd Coming Satan loosed from chains & prison -

Resurrection of all the Ungodly -
10 Events at
Last the end of
11 Trump the 1000
12 years
15 Great
16 White
17 Throne
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

2nd Coming Satan loosed from chains & prison -

Resurrection of all the Ungodly -
10 Gog (Prince) & Magog (of the People) - Events at
Last the end of
11 Trump the 1000
12 years
15 Great
16 White
17 Throne
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

2nd Coming Satan loosed from chains & prison -

Resurrection of all the Ungodly -
10 Gog (Prince) & Magog (of the People) - Events at
Last Resurrected ungodly deceived by Satan - the end of
11 Trump the 1000
12 years
15 Great
16 White
17 Throne
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

2nd Coming Satan loosed from chains & prison -

Resurrection of all the Ungodly -
10 Gog (Prince) & Magog (of the People) - Events at
Last Resurrected ungodly deceived by Satan - the end of
11 Trump March Across the breadth of the earth - the 1000
12 years
15 Great
16 White
17 Throne
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

2nd Coming Satan loosed from chains & prison -

Resurrection of all the Ungodly -
10 Gog (Prince) & Magog (of the People) - Events at
Last Resurrected ungodly deceived by Satan - the end of
11 Trump March Across the breadth of the earth - the 1000
12 Come against God’s people - years
15 Great
16 White
17 Throne
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

2nd Coming Satan loosed from chains & prison -

Resurrection of all the Ungodly -
10 Gog (Prince) & Magog (of the People) - Events at
Last Resurrected ungodly deceived by Satan - the end of
11 Trump March Across the breadth of the earth - the 1000
12 Come against God’s people - years
13 Destroyed by fire from heaven -
15 Great
16 White
17 Throne
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

2nd Coming Satan loosed from chains & prison -

Resurrection of all the Ungodly -
10 Gog (Prince) & Magog (of the People) - Events at
Last Resurrected ungodly deceived by Satan - the end of
11 Trump March Across the breadth of the earth - the 1000
12 Come against God’s people - years
13 Destroyed by fire from heaven -
14 Satan thrown into lake of fire -
15 Great
16 White
17 Throne
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

2nd Coming Satan loosed from chains & prison -

Resurrection of all the Ungodly -
10 Gog (Prince) & Magog (of the People) - Events at
Last Resurrected ungodly deceived by Satan - the end of
11 Trump March Across the breadth of the earth - the 1000
12 Come against God’s people - years
13 Destroyed by fire from heaven -
14 Satan thrown into lake of fire -
15 Earth & Heaven disappear - Great
16 White
17 Throne
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Revelation 20
The Christian Millennium

2nd Coming Satan loosed from chains & prison -

Resurrection of all the Ungodly -
10 Gog (Prince) & Magog (of the People) - Events at
Last Resurrected ungodly deceived by Satan - the end of
11 Trump March Across the breadth of the earth - the 1000
12 Come against God’s people - years
13 Destroyed by fire from heaven -
14 Satan thrown into lake of fire -
15 Earth & Heaven disappear - Great
16 Great White Throne Judgment White
17 of Ungodly - Throne
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years
Revelation 21-22
The New Heavens & New Earth
• New Jerusalem
2nd Coming

11 Trump
15 Great
16 White
17 Throne
19 Christian Millennium
20 New
Heaven & Earth
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years 21-22
Revelation 21-22
The New Heavens & New Earth
• New Jerusalem
2nd Coming • No sea

11 Trump
15 Great
16 White
17 Throne
19 Christian Millennium
20 New
Heaven & Earth
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years 21-22
Revelation 21-22
The New Heavens & New Earth
• New Jerusalem
2nd Coming • No sea
• No tears
11 Trump
15 Great
16 White
17 Throne
19 Christian Millennium
20 New
Heaven & Earth
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years 21-22
Revelation 21-22
The New Heavens & New Earth
• New Jerusalem
2nd Coming • No sea
• No tears
10 • No death
11 Trump
15 Great
16 White
17 Throne
19 Christian Millennium
20 New
Heaven & Earth
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years 21-22
Revelation 21-22
The New Heavens & New Earth
• New Jerusalem
2nd Coming • No sea
• No tears
10 • No death
Last • No sorrow
11 Trump
15 Great
16 White
17 Throne
19 Christian Millennium
20 New
Heaven & Earth
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years 21-22
Revelation 21-22
The New Heavens & New Earth
• New Jerusalem
2nd Coming • No sea
• No tears
10 • No death
Last • No sorrow
11 Trump • No crying
15 Great
16 White
17 Throne
19 Christian Millennium
20 New
Heaven & Earth
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years 21-22
Revelation 21-22
The New Heavens & New Earth
• New Jerusalem
2nd Coming • No sea
• No tears
10 • No death
Last • No sorrow
11 Trump • No crying
12 • No pain
15 Great
16 White
17 Throne
19 Christian Millennium
20 New
Heaven & Earth
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years 21-22
Revelation 21-22
The New Heavens & New Earth
• New Jerusalem
2nd Coming • No sea
• No tears
10 • No death
Last • No sorrow
11 Trump • No crying
12 • No pain
13 • No sinners
15 Great
16 White
17 Throne
19 Christian Millennium
20 New
Heaven & Earth
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years 21-22
Revelation 21-22
The New Heavens & New Earth
• New Jerusalem
2nd Coming • No sea
• No tears
10 • No death
Last • No sorrow
11 Trump • No crying
12 • No pain
13 • No sinners
14 • No temple
15 Great
16 White
17 Throne
19 Christian Millennium
20 New
Heaven & Earth
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years 21-22
Revelation 21-22
The New Heavens & New Earth
• New Jerusalem
2nd Coming • No sea
• No tears
10 • No death
Last • No sorrow
11 Trump • No crying
12 • No pain
13 • No sinners
14 • No temple
15 Great • Pure river
16 White
17 Throne
19 Christian Millennium
20 New
Heaven & Earth
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years 21-22
Revelation 21-22
The New Heavens & New Earth
• New Jerusalem
2nd Coming • No sea
• No tears
10 • No death
Last • No sorrow
11 Trump • No crying
12 • No pain
13 • No sinners
14 • No temple
15 Great • Pure river
16 White • Paradise
17 Throne
19 Christian Millennium
20 New
Heaven & Earth
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years 21-22
Revelation 21-22
The New Heavens & New Earth
• New Jerusalem
2nd Coming • No sea
• No tears
10 • No death
Last • No sorrow
11 Trump • No crying
12 • No pain
13 • No sinners
14 • No temple
15 Great • Pure river
16 White • Paradise
17 Throne • Tree of Life
19 Christian Millennium
20 New
Heaven & Earth
3 ½ Yrs 1000 years 21-22

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