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“Positive Psychology”

Lecture 11
“Acute and Chronic Stressors ”

By: Wajeeha Komal

Department of Education & Psychology

Course: Positive Psychology, PSY-422 , Instructor: Wajeeha Komal, Lecturer , Department of Education & Psychology, KUST- Email:
Topic: Acute and Chronic Stressors


• What Is Chronic Stress?

• living well

• Happiness

• Causes of happiness

• Meaning and measure of happiness

Course: Positive Psychology, PSY-422 , Instructor: Wajeeha Komal, Lecturer , Department of Education & Psychology, KUST- Email:
Topic: Acute and Chronic Stressors

What Is Chronic Stress?

Chronic stress is a prolonged and constant feeling of stress that can negatively affect

your health if it goes untreated. It can be caused by the everyday pressures of family

and work or by traumatic situations.


Course: Positive Psychology, PSY-422 , Instructor: Wajeeha Komal, Lecturer , Department of Education & Psychology, KUST- Email:
Topic: Acute and Chronic Stressors

These symptoms can vary in their severity from one person to the next. Some of the
most common signs of chronic stress include:
Aches and pains
Decreased energy Gastrointestinal complaints
Difficulty sleeping Headaches
Disorganized thinking Irritability
Muscle tension
Fatigue Nervousness and anxiety
Feeling a loss of control Trouble concentrating
Feelings of helplessness Upset stomach
Frequent illnesses and infections

Course: Positive Psychology, PSY-422 , Instructor: Wajeeha Komal, Lecturer , Department of Education & Psychology, KUST- Email:
Topic: Acute and Chronic Stressors

Identifying Chronic Stress

It isn't always easy to recognize chronic stress. Because it is pervasive and long-

lasting, people often grow so accustomed to it that it begins to feel normal.

Some signs to look for when identifying chronic stress:


Course: Positive Psychology, PSY-422 , Instructor: Wajeeha Komal, Lecturer , Department of Education & Psychology, KUST- Email:
Topic: Acute and Chronic Stressors


  Loneliness to busy traffic

  Fight-or-flight response

  Stress management techniques 

  Healthy lifestyle 

Course: Positive Psychology, PSY-422 , Instructor: Wajeeha Komal, Lecturer , Department of Education & Psychology, KUST- Email:
Topic: Acute and Chronic Stressors

Types of Chronic Stress

Sources of chronic stress can vary, but often fall into one of four different types:

•Emotional stress (difficult emotions such as anger, sadness, or frustration)

•Environmental stress (where you live and work)

•Relationship stress (how you relate to friends, family, co-workers, partners)

•Work stress (challenges and pressures related to your job)

•Explanation :

Course: Positive Psychology, PSY-422 , Instructor: Wajeeha Komal, Lecturer , Department of Education & Psychology, KUST- Email:
Topic: Acute and Chronic Stressors

• Aspinwall, L. G. , & Staudinger, U. M. (2003). A psychology of human strengths: Fundamental questions and

future directions for a positive psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association

• Held, B. S. (2004). The negative side of positive psychology. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 44, 9–46

• Parks, A. C. , & Schueller, S. M. (2014). The Wiley Blackwell handbook of positive psychological

interventions . West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons. 

Course: Positive Psychology, PSY-422 , Instructor: Wajeeha Komal, Lecturer , Department of Education & Psychology, KUST- Email:
Topic: Acute and Chronic Stressors


Course: Positive Psychology, PSY-422 , Instructor: Wajeeha Komal, Lecturer , Department of Education & Psychology, KUST- Email:

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