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Presented by :
M. Kenli Kendi Tampoliu
Maria Ulfa

Gerunds adalah bentuk kerja yang berfungsi
sebagai kata benda dan diakhiri dengan –ing.

Penggunaan Gerunds
1. Pada permulaan/awal kalimat (as a subject)
e.g. : Smoking is a bad habit.
Swimming is a good sport.

2. Ada beberapa kata kerja yang hanya dapat
diikut gerunds yaitu :
e.g. : enjoy stop finish
help keep dislike
e.g. : We enjoy studying English.
I have stopped driving fast.
He finished reading the newspaper.

3. Gerunds digunakan sesudah semua kata
depan (prepositions) dalam bahasa Inggris
kecuali “to” (kalau “to” itu merupakan
bagian dari infinitive, misalnya: to go).
e.g. : I look forward to receiving your letter.
John is fond of fishing.

4. Kita menggunakan gerunds sesudah
ungkapan: to be worth and no use.
e.g. : That movie is worth seeing.
It’s no use crying for the spilt milk.

5. Ternyata ada juga kata-kata kerja tertentu yang
dapat diikuti oleh gerunds atau infinitives.
e.g. : start beginhate
like love continue
e.g. : He has begun to take English lessons.
He has begun taking English lessons.
We will continue to study English GE Course.
We will continue studying English GE Course.

Tambahan :
I. Kata-kata kerja berikut ini dapat diikuti dengan
gerund sebagai objek langsung.
e.g. : enjoy stop
finish admit
e.g. : She enjoyed meeting them.
We finish studying every evening at ten.

II. Verb phrases (Verb + Prepositions) berikut ini
harus diikuti dengan gerund. Ingatlah bahwa
prepositions pada umumnya diikuti dengan
gerunds, bukan oleh infinitives.
e.g. : be accustomed to
kept on
look forward to
e.g. : She was not used to living in a
He kept on driving even though he was
Go + Gerund
(a) Did you go shopping?
(b) We went fishing yesterday.
Go is followed by gerund in certain idiomatic
expressions to express, for the most part,
recreational activities.
go boating go camping go fishing
go bowling go dancing
go hiking go jogging

The End


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