Boiler Machine: Created by Lucky Firmansyah Class: Teknikacharlie Cadet Number:20.56.2056

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Created by Lucky Firmansyah

Class : TeknikaCharlie
Cadet Number:20.56.2056

A boiler or steam boiler is a complex combination of pipesevaporation (evaporator), advanced

heating (superheater), water heater(economiser) and air heater (air heater).A steam boiler is a
device for generating steam, which consists of
• In the generating unit, the boiler is also commonly referred to as steamgenerator (steam
generator) remembers the meaning of the word boilers only,while in fact, the boiler produces
superheated steamhigh pressure.Boiler Water CycleThe water cycle is a chain link in the
working fluid cycle.The boiler gets a working fluid supply of water and generates steam
forflowed to the turbine.
• Based on the fluid flowing in the pipe
• 1. Fire nube boilerIn the fire pipe boiler. hot gas passes
through the pipesand the boiler feed water is in th shell to changeinto steam.
2.Water tnube boilerIn a water pipe boiler, water is fed to the boiler throughthe pipes go
into the drum. Irritated waterformingheated by combustion gasessteamselectedin the
steam area in the drum.
• EfficiencyBoiler efficiency is defined as the percent of incoming heat energy used
effectively atthe steam produced. There are two methods of assessing boiler efficiency:The
direct methoda.the energy obtained from the working fluid (water and steam) compared to
the energy containedin boiler fuelIndirect methodb.efficiency is the difference between loss
and energy intake

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