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Urinary system


Tsedalu Yirsa (DVM, MSc, Assist Prof.)

Urinary system components

 The kidneys achieve

these functions via:-
 Glomerular filtration,

Solute reabsorption,

Tubular secretion,
Water balance and
Acid-base regulation.

Urogenital system

1. Kidneys, Ureters, Urinary bladder and Urethra

Kidney : macroscopically it consists of

- cortex (outer)
- medulla (inner)
Both the medulla and cortex of kidney consists of
 Interestitial tissue:
• Connective tissue (stroma) of the kidney paranchyma
 Uriniferous tubule (neprone + collecting tubule)
Parts of nephron
Renal corpuscle: a spherical structure composed of

o Glomerulus: Fenestrated capillary loop /tuft

o Bowman’s capsule : consists of 2 layers j{“

 Visceral (gromerular) layer
- Made of podocytes (branching epithelial cells)

 Parietal (capsular) layer

- simple squamous epithelium at vascular pole and
cuboidal at the urinary pole 6
Vascular pole

Urinary pole
Glomerular endothelium

Fused basal lamina of capillary and podocytes

Podocyte processes

Juxtaglomerular apparatus
Macula Densa
 Juxtaglomerular cells
Modified smooth muscle cells of afferent arterioles

 Extraglomerular mesangial cells (Lacis cells)

 light staining cells
Proximal convoluted tubule
 Orginate from vascular pole of renal corpuscle
 Lined with simple cuboidal cells with brush border

 Henle's loop is U-shaped structure consisting of 3 parts

 Thick descending limb : same to PCT
 Thin descending and ascending limb
- Simple squamous epithelium lines it
 Thick ascending limb : same to DCT

Distal Convoluted tubule
 Continues into a collecting tubule
 Lined by a low cuboidal type of epithelium
 Lack brush border
 Winds back to its own vascular pole form Macula densa
(tall columnar cells part of Juxtaglomerular apparatus)
 Collecting tubules and ducts
nephrone → collecting tubule (arched → straight)

collecting ducts (papillary duct)
 Simple cuboidal in CT and simple columnar in CD
Types of nephron

Cortical nephron
 long thick segments, short thin segments

Justamedullary nephron
 located at the cortio-medullary border
 short thick segments and long thin segments
 Form more concentrated urine

The constituents of the kidney cortex and medulla
Cortex Medulla
convoluted and straight straight segments of
parts of nephric tubules nephrons
Arched collecting tubules straight segments of the
collecting tubule
renal corpuscles Collecting duct

Histologically, can differentiate medulla from cortex due

to the absence of renal corpuscles and all tubules are
approximately parallel.
Histology of renal tubules and duct

General histology of renal excretory passages

 Renal calyces, renal pelvis, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra

 Structurally,these are tubular organs

 Histological organization- Their wall contain the four layers

1. Tunica mucosa
o Lamina epithelium -Transitional/urothelium epitelium

-Distended state-stratified squamous epithelium

-Empty state- stratified cuboidal/columnar epithelium

o Lamina propria-CT

o Lamina muscularis- smooth muscle (only bladder)

2. Tunica submucosa -----Loose CT- simple branched tubuloalveolar glands, blood vessels, nerve fibers
3. Tunica muscularis--Consists of three muscular layers (Inner longitudinal, Middle circular (absent in
bladder) and Outer longitudinal muscular layers

4. Tunica serosa/adventitia ---Ganglia, blood vessels, nerves (mesothelium)

Layers Renal pelvis Ureter Urinary bladder
Tunica mucosa      
Epihtelium Transitional epithelium Transitional (with goblet Transitional epithelium
cells cells in the horse)
Lamina propria Loose CT (connective tissue) Loose CT with many elastic Loose CT with many
with many elastic fibers and fibers and simple branched elastic fibers without
simple branched tubuloacinar tubuloacinar mucus glands glands
mucus glands in equines in equines

Lamina muscularis Absent Absent PRESENT

Tunica submucosa Loose CT Loose CT Loose CT
Tunica muscularis Three layers (outer and inner Three layers (outer and Same as ureter but
longitudinal and middle inner longitudinal and the three layers are
circular muscle layers) middle circular muscle circularly arranged at the
layers) neck of the baldder
to form a sphincter

Tunica adventitia Loose CT (blood vessels and Mesothelium plus loose Same as ureter
adipose tissue (distally) connective tissue

Transtonal→stra.cuboidal/columnar→ stra. Squamous
properia -submucosa
Erectile tissue
 Diffuse lymphatic tissues and nodules
 Urethral glands
tunica muscularis
The 3 layers of smooth muscle near the bladder are

replaced (or joined in some species) by the striated

urethral muscle 17


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