Teaching Tips: Task - Based Learning

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BY :
Mohd Hafiz Bin Abd Razak
Law Kim Leong
Mohd Roslaidi Bin Mohamad
Ahmad Nasiruddin Bin Radzaly@Ghazali
Tengku Ahmad Kamal Bin Tengu Abdul Rahman
What is Task-Based Learning?
Using Tasks
- Tasks included projects for producing posters,
brochures, pamphlets, oral presentation, radio
plays, et.al…
Concentrating on one particular structure,
function or vocabulary group.
Exploit a wider range of language.
Students also using a range of different
communicative language skills.
What Makes ‘Task-Based Learning’
The tasks are central to the learning activity.
Students may learn more effectively when their
minds are focused on the task.
Three stage process provided by ‘Jane Willis’ :
1. Pre Task – Introduction to the topic & task
2. Task Cycle – Task planning & report
3. Language Focus – Analysis & practice
Does It Work?
The methodology requires a change in the
traditional teacher’s role.
The teacher is an observer during the task phase
& becomes language informant only during the
‘language focus’ stage.
Task Realisation
What To Do How To Do It
Decide where everyone is to
Cook the meal
sit, settle any disputes, talk
Set & decorate the about individual
table preferences, the role of
Resolve any disputes women & men, eating habits
in different countries, etc.
Eat & chat Write out menu’s, important
Wash up language points :
negotiating, conversation
gambits, giving commands,
requesting things,
prepositions of place etc.
Post Task
What To Do How To Do It
Comment on & discuss the Share views, feelings &
meal & its preparation, sensations.
human relationships, any Put together an
disputes that may have
international menu,
write an account in the
Exchange recipes, etc
past tense.
Write a letter to a friend
Important language
describing the evening,
points, expressing
subtleties, agreeing &
Invent a new recipe
disagreeing, etc.
Pre Task
What To Do How To Do It
Discuss: Explain specialities from
Possible menus/dishes different countries,
gather promotional
Food likes/dislikes
material from different
Available budget stores, study special
Available ingredients offers, examine
Available utensils available budget, check
available ingredients,
utensils, etc.
Put together a menu.
Task Preparation
What To Do How To Do It
Select the menu to be Express likes & dislikes,
prepared decide where to shop,
Divide it into stages make a list of things to
be thought with their
Find out what each
prices, check receipts.
person is able to do Important language
Decide each person’s points, making
responsibility comparisons, negotiating,
Collect money decision making,
Go shopping communication activities.
Task Based Learning
Task Cycle 
Language Focus 
The pre-task consists of an introduction to the topic
and to the task.
The example, the teacher writes down some possible
answers according to the topic introduced.
Teacher also underline the key words.
Task Cycle
This consists of the task itself, planning, and a report.
For example, the students now get into groups and
pretend order or role-play with each other as the
teacher monitors.
(Task) The students now have to plan on what they
will tell the rest of the class about what they just did.
(Plan) Finally, they have to tell the report to the class
about what they did. (Report).
Language Focus
This consists of an analysis and practice.
For example; the students may examine and discuss
any accompanying text, audio, or visuals.
The teacher may also conduct some sort of practice,
like a game.
This type of method steers teachers away from
traditional roles, such as a controller.
The Task Language Learning method proposes that
teachers take a different attitude toward accuracy.
Thank You

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