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Professional Ethics


Dr. Ehsan ul Hassan

Rights and Duties

Rights & Duties
Term “Right” used for: 3
• Absence of prohibitions
• Authorized or empowered
to do something
• Existence of prohibitions


Contractual Concept of Right Moral

rights Rights
An individual’s
entitlement to something.

Positive Negative
rights rights
An entitlement that derives from a legal system that permits
or empowers a person to act in a specified way or that
requires others to act in certain ways toward that person

Features of Moral Rights Rights
• Moral rights are tightly correlated with duties.
• Moral rights provide individuals with autonomy and equality in Moral Right: i.e. All human
the free pursuit of their interests. beings everywhere possess to an
equal extent simply by virtue of
• Moral rights provide a basis for justifying one’s actions and for being human beings.
invoking the protection or aid of others.

Types of Moral Rights

Negative Positive
rights rights

Duties others have not to Duties of other agents to provide

interfere in certain the holder of the right with
activities of the person who whatever he or she needs to
holds the right. freely pursue his or her interests
Types of Moral Rights 5

Features of Contractual Rights

Contractual • Contractual rights attach to specific individuals and the

rights correlative duties are imposed only on other specific
• It arises out of a specific transaction between particular
The limited rights and
correlative duties that arise
• It depends on a publicly accepted system of rules that
when one person enters an
define the transactions that give rise to those rights and
agreement with another

Both of the parties to a contract must have full knowledge of the nature of

the agreement they are entering into.

• Neither party to a contract must intentionally misrepresent the facts of the

contractual situation to the other party.
• Neither party to the contract must be forced to enter the contract under
duress or coercion.
• The contract must not bind the parties to an immoral act.

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