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Speaking Skill

• Speaking is "the process of building and sharing
meaning through the use of verbal and non-
verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts." (Chaney,
1998, p. 13)
I'd find it much easier to walk on stage and play Ewan McGregor, actor and UNICEF Ambassador
a part, than walk on in front of an audience and
make a speech as myself.
To teach speaking is to teach learners to
• Use word and sentence
• Produce the English speech stress, intonation patterns sounds and sound patterns and the rhythm of the second
• Select appropriate words and sentences according to Organize their thoughts in a the proper social meaningful
and logical setting, audience, situation sequence and subject matter.
• Use the language quickly
• Use language as a means of and confidently with few expressing values and unnatural pauses, which is judgments
called as fluency. (Nunan, 2003)
The idea of presenting a speech makes almost everyone really You might also notice that some speakers are more interesting
nervous, but some people manage to make speeches every day to listen to than others. It is not necessarily what they say that
as part of their jobs. keeps you interested, but often how they say it.
• Volume 
• Pace
• Pitch and tone
Tips for • Facial expression

making • Gesture and movement 

• Visuals aids
successful • Vocabulary

speeches • Grammar
• Getting over nerves
• Your listeners will switch off if they can't hear you. Use a clear but
natural sounding voice, and always check if your audience can hear
• You could ask "Can everyone hear me at the back?"
•  - If you speak too quickly, you won't be clear.
• Even though you know what you are saying, remember that it’s the first time your
audience will have heard it.
• You need to give them time to follow and digest your words, as well as the ideas
and attitudes they communicate.
• If you speak too slowly, however, your audience is likely to go to sleep! Vary your
pace, using it to create useful effects - and use dramatic pauses where
• Remember that a two second pause might seem an eternity to you as the
speaker – yet it will seem entirely natural, and indeed welcome, to your
Pitch and tone 
• - If you speak in monotone your audience will quickly lose interest.
• Speak as naturally as your nerves will allow, and be sure to vary the pitch and tone of your voice
to communicate effectively your feelings and attitude.
Facial expression 
• - Body language will bring your words to life and make them more interesting for your
• Remember – if you don't look like you're interested, your audience won't be either.
Gesture and movement 
• - Again, more body language, but keep it natural: if you stand like a statue, you won't be very
interesting to watch or listen to.
• On the other hand, too much arm flapping and leg hopping will distract your audience from the
point you're trying to make.
Visuals aids 
• - Use them, but use them effectively.
• They need to be big enough to see and to be simple enough to understand quickly.
• Don't use a PowerPoint and simply read it
• – use the PowerPoint to add to, rather than replace your speech.
• Use Standard English but don’t be too formal.
• Choose words that are interesting, descriptive
and appropriate to your audience.
• Don't baffle your audience with jargon or slang or
lots of big words that are too difficult for anyone
else to understand.
• A speech isn’t an occasion to show off, but to
involve and interest your audience.
• This refers to the style of sentences you use.
• It’s likely to be appropriate to your audience and
task to use Standard English but, as always, you
need to match your style to your context,
audience and purpose.
• As with writing, vary the length and type of
sentences you use – and remember, an ultra-
short sentence can have a great deal of impact.

• Remember that Spoken English is very different
from written English and doesn’t tend to use long
complex sentences.
• Speech usually relies on shorter snappier
sounding sentences to keep the style lively and
• Remember, you don't have to be too formal or
put on a special accent - just speak in a natural
sounding way that puts you and your audience at
Getting over
Getting over nerves

Most people feel nervous when speaking formally in front of other

people – and even the thought of doing so can be upsetting.

Here are some tips to help you cope with that natural sense of
Getting over nerves
• try to speak about a topic you already know well and write the speech
out in full, reading it through several times.
• This will help you gain confidence in the content.
• Prepare small 'cue cards' and use these to note down, in order,
nothing more than the key points of your speech.
• Avoid writing full sentences – just use key words that remind you of
what you will need to say.
• It can help to have the words from the next cue card visible, too, so
you don’t move on too far, too soon.
Getting over nerves

If you’ve written out and read your speech a few

times, you should be familiar with it so these key
words will come more easily, and they’ll create a
natural and easy to remember sequence or structure.

Avoid the temptation to take the full speech in with

you or you’ll be too easily tempted to read it rather
than speak it.

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