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Life and Learning

Habit#2 1
Life and Learning

Habits # 2
Begin with the
End in Mind
Habit#2 2
Life and Learning
Book: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Habit # 2 Begin with the end in mind (Course outlines)
Principles of Personal Leadership
1. All things are created twice (Lecture, slides & book)
2. Leadership vs. Management & using your whole “Brain” (Slides)
3. Identify your circle & A principle center (slides/Tables from
4. Organizational Mission Statement (only 2 examples from book)
5. A Personal Mission Statement & Life Vision CV 2030 (Task)

Habit#2 3
Speech of 4 Speakers at funeral
1. Family Members
2. Friends
3. Organizational Colleague
4. Religious Colleague
Habit.2 4
Begin with the End in Mind Habit#2 5
Habit # 2 What it meanings to
“Begin with the End in Mind”
•Joseph Addison "Great Day of Judgment “
•Self Evaluation
•Focus on every moment , day, Month
and End of Life
Haroon Saani 6
Activity: Begin with the End in Mind
End………..? End……..?
Hardworking……? Cheating……..?
Exercise / Sports Smoking
Balance Diet Over-eating
Respect Insult
….. ….
…… ….

Habit#2 7
Habit#2 8
Habit#2 9
‫اپنا مقام پیدا کر‬
‫دیار عشق میں اپنا مقام پیدا کر‬
‫نیا زمانہ نئے صبح و شام پیدا کر‬
‫)ا (‬
‫‪Habit#2‬‬ ‫‪10‬‬
All things are Created Twice
1st Mentally

2 Physically

Habit#2 11
All things are Created Twice
• Construction Plan
• Business Plan
• Carpenter Rule
• Parenting
• Plant a Garden
• Design the Clothes
• Create Speeches Habit#2 12
All things are Created Twice
Why fail mostly business??
When someone have to pay double price??
 1st Creation
 2nd Creation
• Take responsibility of 1st Creation
• Focus on Circle of…....… (Influence or Concern?)
• Circle of Influence Habit#2 13
1st Habit
Plan or Planer
Program or Programmer
2 nd
Writing a Program
Create your
First Creation (Life Goal)
otherwise other create your
……. Habit#2 14
Habit # 2Begin with the End in Mind
Principles of Personal Leadership
•Leadership is the 1st Creation (2nd Habit)
• Management is the 2nd creation (3rd Habit)
•Be Proactive, Creator and responsible(1st Habit)
The two Creations
Habit#2 15
Leadership vs. Management/Boss(Activity)

*Top line focus

*Bottom line focus
*What are my goals *How to accomplish these goals
Doing right things: Effectiveness *Doing right way..
Determine the ladder on right wall Efficiency in climbing the ladder of
Right or Wrong “Jungle” Effectiveness success
Efficient Management ..without Managers improve technology, writing
Effective Leadership policy and procedures……..Much
“Like Straightening deck chair on effort..Efficiency
the Titanic” *1-Seatler, 2-Parents, 3- Personal Lives
Habit#2 16
Using Your Whole Brain (Activity)

Right Brain Left Brain

Intuitive & Creative ●
More Logical & Verbal (More in World)

Sensing & Artistic ●
Measurement & Words

Deal Picture

Whole & Relation with Parts

Deal Words

Simultaneous & Holistic Thinking

Parts & Specifics(Analysis )

Time Free ●
Sequential Thinking

Play role in 1st Creation (Primary Function of ●
Time Bond
Every Person has one Part of
Conscience )

Imagination & Brain(Hemisphere ) Dominant

Habit#2 17
•Identify your Center
• Search
Habit#2 18
Oneself Media

Profession Physical

Money ????


Family Principles

Habit#2 19
Habit#2 20

Physical Family

Media Allah Friends

Oneself Money


Habit#2 21
Organizational Mission

• Employee on ladder & Help old lady

Habit#2 22
Organizational Mission Statement
• IBM : Dignity of the Individual, Excellence Performance &
• Helicopter hire for patient employee shifting
• Hotel : Sandwich concern totally about my comfort and
• Color marker Habit#2 23
Organizational Mission Statement
• 1st All together write OMS “ Uncompromising personalized service”
• 2nd : Impressive Habit Admit a mistake ad try to correct with award
• Team Sprit, Organizational and Team Culture and Strong team
• 3rd “NO Involvement , no Commitment” Circle, underline & High
Habit#2 24
Circle, underline & High Light
• “NO Involvement , no Commitment”
• “NO Involvement , no Commitment”
• “NO Involvement , no Commitment”

Habit#2 25
 Personal Mission statement
 Life Vision CV 2030
(Task #3)
Habit#2 27
Habit#2 28
Habit#2 29
Habit#2 30
Habit#2 31
Habit#2 32
Habit#2 33
•Importance of Life Goal
•Traveler vs. Walker
•Football & Goal
•Pilot & Destination

Habit#2 34
•Success Vision
Burning Desire
• Socrates
•M Iqbal
•Dr Tahir ul Qadri
•Nelson Mandela

Habit#2 35
‫•زندگی کا گول اتنا بڑا بناو‬
‫کے آپ کے ساتھ دوسروں‬
‫کی بھی زندگی بدل جائے۔‬
‫‪Habit#2‬‬ ‫‪36‬‬
Task # 3
Write a Life Vision CV 2030

1-Personal Intro
2-Life Objectives/Goals
(Short ,Mid and Long Term Plan)
3-Personal Mission Statement
(Personal Constitution/Rules)

Habit#2 37
Habit #.........
•Dream vs. Wish
•Short Term (1 Year)
•Short Term (5 Year)
•Short Term (10 Year)
Habit#2 38


Habit#2 39
Habit#2 40
Marks Distribution
Success Book
Mid Term: 25
Attendance=15 Final Term:50
&& Task=10

Habit#2 41
Social Contract (Reminder)
1. Respect to all (Speak only one)
2. Late comers …15 Mints
3. Mobile on Silent Mode
4. Absent but prepare previous
5. Note book and Pen(Success Book)
Habit#2 42
Appreciation Plan
•Best Student of this
“ Shining Star”

•Best Class /Group/Team of

this Week
“Champion Group/……”

Habit#2 43
Appreciation Plan
•Best Student of the
“ Special Gift”
•Best Group of the
““ Special Gift for Group

Habit#2 44
Assignment/Task #.....3 Sample
Student Name : Ali Hamza
Department : Chemistry
Subject : Life & Learning-1
Roll No# 05 Date: 07-11-2016

Teacher Name :
Minhaj University Lahore
Habit#2 45
Extra Slides

Habit#2 46
The Magic

• Day 1 ; Count Your Blessings

• Day 2; Magic Rock
• Day 3: Magical relationships
• Day 4: magical Health.
• Day 5: Magic Money

Habit#2 47
Day 5: Magic Money
• If you have lack of money, worry, envy, jealousy, disappointment,
discouragement, doubts, fear, keep it more away.
• Same with health, relationships-everything.
• Complaints, arguments, frustration, criticism of the cost, rich also
keep it away.
• feeling grateful for whatever little we have is the key for
improvement anywhere.
• IMP: It may appear foolish when you are in dire straits. But if you
understand the logic, that's the only way.
Habit#2 48
Day 5: Magic Money
• (My own thinking)Even if you don't have any such memories, the best way is to 'Thank God' for giving
money for those who have, and prayers to Him for giving to those who don't have. When
• you ask for others, your situation is also most likely to improve. Whether you get money or not, your
happiness is guaranteed.
• Better situation does not mean riches. Enough food, clothes, house, school, vehicle, utilities at home-anything.
• Take a hundred Rs note, and on a sticker to be put on the note, write in bold, capital letters, 'Thank You For All
The Money I have Been Given Throughout My Life'. Take it with you, everywhere today(in a wallet). At least 3-
4 times, take it out and read words slowly & feel grateful. Sincerity is very important.
• Whenever you get money, through salary or any other form, do not treat it as a matter of routine/non-event.
Be grateful.
• Practice: 1. Count blessings 2. For a few minutes think of good memories of the past & with each one, say
Thank You, with reason. 3. take Rs 100 note, and write above note on a sticker. Carry it with you today. Read
several times & feel grateful. After today, put it at a place where you see it every day. 4. magic Rock-Gratitude
for Best thing today

Habit#2 49
•Who is fail to plan , actually he is
planning to fail.

•If you wake up without today plan go

back to sleep.
Habit#2 50

Habit#2 51
Habit # 2 Begin with the End in Mind
•Tell about your vision….(Activity)

Habit#2 52
Tell about your
•Life Goal

Habit#2 53
Vision and Goal
Tell me about
Your Vision !!!!

Habit#2 54
Success :
First you decide what you
want (GOAL /Plan) specifically
then pay the price

Habit#2 55
• What is “the end” for you?
• What do you hope to be doing in 5 years?
• 10 years?
• 20 years?

ACTIVITY (handout - question#1)

• Make a list of things you want to do in your life.
Before you figure out the “end”, you
have to take a look at who you are
and where you are now!

(handout – question #2)
Draw a picture of something that
represents you. It could be an
animal, plant, machine, a food, etc.
Explain why you chose what you did.
In 10 years, a newspaper decides to do a story about YOU! They
interview 4 people who know you. These could be friends or family.
What would you want them to say about you?

out –
Habit#2 59
Habit#2 60
Habit#2 61
Personal Mission Statement
(Personal Rules Book for Success,
based on Principle center)
 Always see the good in others.
 Hear both sides before judging.
 Listen twice as much as you speech.
 Defend those who are absent.
 Never compromise over honesty.

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