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IT5010-Advanced Learning and Study Skills

How to be an effective Learner

IT5010| ALSS| Lecture -01 | Anjalie Gamage

• Preparation for Lectures
• Listening Skills in Lectures
• Cornell Note-taking System
• Mind Mapping
• Personalizing Text-books and
IT5010| ALSS| Lecture -01 | Anjalie Gamage
Preparation for Lectures
• Be aware of the subject/title/topic of the lecture
• Check your current state of knowledge
– Revise Previous Lectures
– Search the topic on the Net
– Check lab sheets, tutorials
– Develop questions (exam papers, readings)

IT5010| ALSS| Lecture -01 | Anjalie Gamage

Preparation for Lectures
• Have a good sleep (Previous Night)
• Have a light diet
• Arrive at Lecture Hall / Online Early
• Keep your day-to-day issues away from learning

IT5010| ALSS| Lecture -01 | Anjalie Gamage

Listening Skills in Lectures
• Good Habits
– Maintain eye contact, Engage with Lecturer
– Determine Why, What the speaker is saying is
important to you
– Be open minded
– If you can’t hear, arrange things so you can
– Don’t let your mind wonder
– Try to understand the concepts
IT5010| ALSS| Lecture -01 | Anjalie Gamage
Preparation for Online Lectures
• Recorded Lectures
• Select a good time. ( Not too sleepy, not too hungry )
• Avoid a time/place which you get distracted by what’s going around you.
• If you loose attention then pause and take a break and re-play
• Pause and take down notes
• Pause and try the exercises and then compare with the given answers
• Listen many times as much as you want
• Take down questions to ask from the lecturer.

IT5010| ALSS| Lecture -01 | Anjalie Gamage

Preparation for Online Lectures
Online /Live Lectures
• Sit in a place which you don’t get distracted by what’s going around you.
• Check the devices. ( can hear properly. Can see the video )
• Take down notes
• Send questions to the lecturer through the available medium.
( Chat window )
• Listen well.

IT5010| ALSS| Lecture -01 | Anjalie Gamage

Listening Skills in Lectures
• Bad Habits
– Calling the subject dull
– Criticizing the lecturer
– Getting over stimulated to one part
– Listening only for facts
– Tolerating Distraction

IT5010| ALSS| Lecture -01 | Anjalie Gamage

Cornell Note-taking System
• Importance of taking notes
– Aids comprehension and retention
– Outline of important points
– Keywords for further studies
– Clarification of ideas
– Source for review

IT5010| ALSS| Lecture -01 | Anjalie Gamage

Cornell Note-taking System
• How to Do

IT5010| ALSS| Lecture -01 | Anjalie Gamage

Cornell Note-taking System
• How to do
– Six “R”s
• Record
• Reduce/Question
• Recite
• Reflect
• Recapitulation
• Review

IT5010| ALSS| Lecture -01 | Anjalie Gamage

Cornell Notes

IT5010| ALSS| Lecture -01 | Anjalie Gamage

Mind Mapping
• Help us to think and remember
• It grows when your
understanding/insight grows
• You can easily remember photographs you
have seen – take a snapshot of your mind
You can Free Your Mind

IT5010| ALSS| Lecture -01 | Anjalie Gamage

Mind Mapping
• How to do
– Put the central idea and let the other ideas
radiate from it
– Lines
– Headlines/Labels
– Association

IT5010| ALSS| Lecture -01 | Anjalie Gamage

Mind Mapping

IT5010| ALSS| Lecture -01 | Anjalie Gamage

Mind Map

IT5010| ALSS| Lecture -01 | Anjalie Gamage

Concept Map

IT5010| ALSS| Lecture -01 | Anjalie Gamage

Personalizing Text books
& Handouts
• Converts it from Authors version to your version
– Use of proper highlighting
• Do it in the second go
• Not a note but an alternative to note
• Color system for different purpose
– Write between lines
– List of symbols
– Exam questions
IT5010| ALSS| Lecture -01 | Anjalie Gamage
Be prepared and have an effective
learning experience........

Good Luck.......

IT5010| ALSS| Lecture -01 | Anjalie Gamage

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