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Enhancing the Development of Speaking

Skills for Non-Native Speaker of English

Ari Damhuri
Seno Zairullah
Deliyana Dwi Putri
Vincencia Carolina Salim

• Speaking is the one of the four macro skill necessary for

effective communication in any language, particulary when
speakers are not using their mother tongue
• The background of this article is to investigate the factor of
enhancing the development speaking skill for EFL student
undergraduate student
• The purpose is to increase speaking competence and
confidence for student, the finding indicate that confidence
and creatively on topic is the key of the confidence.
Research Methodology
• The methodology of the research using qualitative research
design and the procedure included three major:
• A. Frame work

Action Research : Task based learning

Speaking Development
approach and Task Practice Feedback

Speaking competence and

B. Subject and research instrument
The subject of the study were 18 course participant of the course
entitled “ Listening and Speaking for Special Communication”.
They enrolled on this elective course for English major and
minor in the curriculum of a Bachelor of Arts degree in the
Faculty of Arts, Silpakom University Thailand.
The two main types of research instruments are
 Interview question
 Recording of the participant speaking performance
• Data collection and Analysis
• The data was collected during the 15
weeks of the course. ‘Strength and
weakness’ sheets were used to record the
participants speaking performance in every
task, which covered comments from
classmates and the instructor. Then the
participants were invited to answer the
Data interview questions relating to factors
Collection enhancing the development of their
speaking, which became the findings for the
and first research question. For the answers to
Analysis second research question, recordings of one
speaking task were analyzed, focusing on
speaking content, pronunciation, and
language use.
 Building up confidence in speaking to
an audience was mainly reported as a
factor that strenghtned speaking

 The task based on speaking for

Factor enhancing the special communication help the
development of EFL participant to prepare for speaking,
Student speaking and one each speaking task as well
skill prepared, this preparation became an
effective strategy to minimize anxiety
and thus maximize speaking
• Strenght of speaking
performance : a wide variety
of real world topic

• Strenght and Weakness of • Weakness of the speaking

Speaking Performance performance:
Prounouncation and
grammmatical structure ,
error words stress, final
sound of some english
world, the use of incorrect

• This action research was qualitatively conducted to investigate the factors

enhancing the development skills of Thai EFL undergraduate students. A
confidence factor was gradually developed during the 15 weeks of a
regular listening and speaking course. A task based pedagogical design
provided opportunities for the course participants to speak in different
situation, which helped to make “ passive” vocabulary “active” and also
expanded the English lexicon derived from varied speaking topic.
Creativity of topic was considered to be a speaking strenght and error in
pronounciation and grammatical structured were categorized as a weakness
of the research findings. Suggestion for speaking improvement, for EFL
learner mainly covered listening skills from multimedia websites. The task
based learning design in this qualitative action research could be applied to
promote a particular skill or integrated pedagogy in EFL/ESL and other
language learning context.

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