Lesson 1

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Science Technology and Society

This lesson will give light to the development of science and scientific
ideas in the heart of the society. It is the goal of this lesson to articulate ways
b which society is transformed by science and technology
Scientific Revolution
• Science is as old as the world itself. There isno individual that can exactly identify when
and where science began. From the genesis of time science has existed. It is always
interwoven with the society. So, how can be defined?
• Science as an idea. (includes)
• ideas
• Theories
• All available systematic explanation and observation about natural and physical world
• Science as an Intellectual activity
• Encompasses a systematic and practical study of the natural and physical world
• The process of study that involves systematic observation and experimentation
• Science as a body of knowledge.
• It is a subject of discipline
• A field of study
• A body of knowledge that deals with the process of learning about
natural and physical world.

• Science as a personal and social activity.

• This explains that science is both knowledge and
activities done by human being to develop better
understanding of the world around them.
Humans beings have embarked in scientific activities in order to know and
understand everything around them. They have developed Philosophy
(Noble ideas/set of beliefs) to provide alternative or possible explanations to
certain phenomena and also used Religion to rationalize the Origin of Life
and all lifeless forms
• Scientific Revolution was the golden age for people committed to
scholarly life in science but it was also a deeply trying moment to some
individuals that led to their painful death or condemnation from religious
institutions who tried to preserve their faith, religion, and theological
views. Some rulers and religious leaders did not accept many of the early
works of scientists.
• It also marked the birth of science as a discipline and as a field of inquiry
and gave birth to the development of the scientific method. It is the period
of enlightenment when the developments in the fields of mathematics,
physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry transformed the views of
society about nature. The ideas generated during this period enabled the
people to Reflect, Rethink, and reexamine their beliefs and their way of



FIGURE 1. Influence to Scientific Revolution


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