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Biology Review!

Biology (all the things in your book you learnt!)

• 1.1 Photosynthesis - pg 6-7
• 1.2 Leaves - pg 8-9
• 1.3 Investigating photosynthesis - pg 10-11
• 2.1 Nutrients - pg 18-19
• 2.2 A balanced diet - pg 20-21
• 2.3 Digestion and absorption - pg 22-23
• 2.4 The human digestive system - pg 24-25
• 2.5 Teeth - pg 26-27
• 2.6 Enzymes - pg 28-293.1 The human circulatory system - pg 32-33
• 3.2 The heart - pg 34-35
• 3.3 Blood - pg 36-37
• 3.4 Blood vessels - pg 38-39
• 4.1 The human respiratory system - pg 42-43
• 4.2 Gas exchange - pg 44-45
• 4.3 Aerobic respiration - pg 46-47
• 4.4 Keeping fit - pg 48-49
• 4.5 Cigarettes and health - pg 50-51
• 5.1 Gametes - pg 54-55
• 5.2 The human reproductive system - pg 56-57
• 5.3 What happens to the egg cell? - pg 58-59
• 5.4 From embryo to baby - pg 60-61
• 5.5 Growth and development - pg 62-63
• 5.6 Lifestyle and health - pg 64-65
• Carbon Dioxide + water -> Oxygen + Sugar

• The plant absorbs light energy from the sun

• Leaves are green because they contain a pigment called chlorophyll

• Leaves have tiny holes called stomata which allow carbon dioxide to
enter the leaves from the air
Pg. 16 # 1.1
- This gas is used by plants in photosynthesis – CO2
- This gas is made by plants in photosythesis – oxygen
- Plants get their water for photosynthesis from here – soil
- This green pigment absorbs sunlight – chlorophyll
- This tissue in a leaf is where most photosynthesis takes place –palisade layer
- These tiny holes in a leaf allow gases to move in and out – stomata

Words: air, CO2, chlorophyll, chloroplast, epidermis, oxygen, palisade layer, soil, stomata, veins

Chloroplast vs chlorophyll? – Chloroplast is basically the part of a plant cell that contains chlorophyll (where
photosythesis takes place)

Pg. 9 has a nice diagram of a leaf to review (if interested)

• There are seven types of nutrients:
1. Proteins
2. Carbohydrates
3. Fats
4. Vitamins
5. Minerals
6. Fibre
7. Water

• Nutrients are used to provide energy and to provide materials to build

new cells
Good diet
• A good diet contains all the different types of nutrients
• A diet that doesn´t contain some of the nutrients can cause a
nutritional deficiency disease
Digestion and Absorption
• Digestion is the break down of large molecules into small molecules
• Nutrients need to be absord through the alimentary canal to be used
by the body´s cells
Human Digestive System
• The alimentary canal goes from the mouth to the anus
• Digestion follows a path:
1. Mouth
2. Oesophagus (part of throat for food) (not for air)
3. Stomach
4. Small intestine
5. Large intestine
6. Anus

• Liver and pancreas help to digest food with enzymes

• Check out pg. 24 and 25.  See if you can recall the different parts of the human digestive
• Humans have four types of teeth:
1. Incisors
2. Canines
3. Premolars
4. Molars
• Teeth are covered with enamel, which is made up of calcium and can
be disolved with acids

Pg. 26 – diagram of a tooth

• Enzymes are used in our body to digest food. This breaks big
molecules down into smaller molecules.
• Enzymes are catalysts . They help reactions to happen in our body but
are not used up themselves.

• A catalyst – a chemical that speeds up a reaction but isn´t used up

Pg. 31 # 2.3, 2.5
2.3: a. A -- stomach; D – liver; E – gall bladder; B – pancreas
b. (A and C!) (NOT E, B, D!) “takes place”
c. Nutrients are absorbed in … C (small intenstine is where the nutrients
are absorbed!)
b. Volume of amylase and amount of starch!
c. Boiling the amylase prevented it from working
The heart
• The heart is a muscle that pumps blood around the body
• The heart contains valves to ensure the blood flows in the correct
• Answer question 1 on pg. 34
a. left (vein from the lungs)
b. left (artery to the body)
c. Two on the left

Diagram on pg. 34
• Blood contains:
• Red blood cells – carry the oxygen in the blood
• White blood cells – remove bad things (foreign invadors) from the blood (part
of immune system!)
• Platlets – they help your blood to “clot” – if you have a cut then the platlets
help to stop the flow of blood leaving your body
• Plasma – this is basically the liquid part of the blood

• What do all of these do?

Blood Vessels
• There are three main types of blood vessels in the body:
1. Arteries – carry blood AWAY from the heart
2. Veins – carry blood TOWARDS the heart
3. Capillaries – carry blood between arteries and veins
Pg. 41 # 3.4bcde
b. Where do most cells come from? Parent cell that divides! The DNA of the cell is
inside the NUCLEUS.
Red blood are different because THE DON’T HAVE A NUCLEUS
Red blood cells come from bone marrow (this fluid inside our bones)
c. How are they different? They change their in order to transport oxygen.
Haemoglobin. Circle with a dent in the middle (kind of like a donut – there is no hole)
d. Circular, small. Their function is to carry oxygen/CO2. how do they do this?
Haemoglobin – a chemical in red blood cells that binds with oxygen in order to carry it.
e. White blood cell??? It´s function is to …. Protect the body from unknown /
unrecognized invadors. They literally eat the invadors!
Respiratory System & Gas Exchange
Parts of Respiratory System
• Trachea, bronchi, lungs, diaphram, muscles between ribs

Gas exchange
• Oxygen comes into the lungs  Diffuses into the blood
• Carbon Dioxide leaves the lungs  Diffuses from the blood to the lungs

Cellular Respiration: Glucose + Oxygen  Carbon Dioxide + Water

Being fit  Allows you to get oxygen to your muscles more efficiently!

Pg. 42 there is a diagram

Cigarettes and Health
• Smoking is bad for your health!
• It contains NICOTINE which is ADDICTIVE
• Cigarettes damages your lungs making it MORE DIFFICULT to get air
(oxygen) into your blood
Pg. 52 # 4.2


Unit 5 – we just did this one!
• Gametes (sperm and egg)
• Chromosomes
• Zygote
• Embryo
• Feutus
• Fertilisation

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