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Chapter 2

Money, Interest Rates, and

Exchange Rates


• What is money?
• Control of the supply of money
• The willingness to hold monetary assets
• A model of real monetary assets and
interest rates
• A model of real monetary assets, interest rates,
and exchange rates
• Long run effects of changes in money on prices,
interest rates, and exchange rates

What Is Money?
• Money is an asset that is widely used as a means of payment.
• Functions of money: medium of exchange, unit of account and
store of value.
• Money as a Medium of Exchange
 A generally accepted means of payment
• Money as a Unit of Account
 A widely recognized measure of value
• Money as a Store of Value
 A transfer of purchasing power from the present into the

 Different groups of assets may be classified as

• Money can be defined narrowly or broadly.
• Currency in circulation, checking deposits, and debit card
accounts form a narrow definition of money.
What Is Money? (cont.)
• Deposits of currency are excluded from this
narrow definition, although they may act a
substitute for money in a broader definition
• Money is a liquid asset: it can be easily used
to pay for goods and services or to repay debt
without substantial transaction costs.
 But monetary or liquid assets earn little or no
• Illiquid assets require substantial transaction
costs in terms of time, effort or fees to convert
them to funds for payment.
 But they generally earn a higher interest rate or
rate of return than monetary assets.
What Is Money? (cont.)

• Let’s group assets into monetary assets (or liquid

assets) and non-monetary assets (or illiquid assets).
• The demarcation between the two is arbitrary,
 but currency in circulation, checking deposits, debit card
accounts, savings deposits, time deposits are generally more
liquid than bonds, loans, deposits of currency in the foreign
exchange markets, stocks, real estate, and other assets.
 Money definition. The stock of money is defined by the M1
monetary aggregate that includes:
• Cash
• Checking accounts
 Narrow money features full liquidity + 0% interest rate

Money Supply
• The central bank substantially controls
the quantity of money that circulates in
an economy, the money supply.
In the US, the central banking system is the
Federal Reserve System, where as in our
country it is managed by national bank of
• The Federal Reserve System directly regulates
the amount of currency in circulation.
• It indirectly influences the amount of checking
deposits, debit card accounts, and other
monetary assets.
Money Supply (Ms)
Ms = Currency + Checkable Deposits
• How the Money Supply Is Determined
An economy’s money supply is controlled by
its central bank.
• The central bank:
 Directly regulates the amount of currency in existence
 Indirectly controls the amount of checking deposits issued
by private banks

Money Demand

• Money demand represents the amount of

monetary assets that people are willing to
hold (instead of illiquid assets).
 What influences willingness to hold monetary
 We consider individual demand of money and
aggregate demand of money

What Influences Aggregate
Demand of Money?

1. Interest rates/expected rates of return: monetary

assets pay little or no interest, so the interest rate on
non-monetary assets like bonds, loans, and deposits
is the opportunity cost of holding monetary assets.
 A higher interest rate means a higher opportunity cost of
holding monetary assets  lower demand of money.
2. Prices: the prices of goods and services bought in
transactions will influence the willingness to hold
money to conduct those transactions.
 A higher level of average prices means a greater need for
liquidity to buy the same amount of goods and services 
higher demand of money.

What Influences Aggregate
Demand of Money? (cont.)

3. Income: greater income implies more goods

and services can be bought, so that more
money is needed to conduct transactions.
 A higher real national income (GNP) means
more goods and services are being produced
and bought in transactions, increasing the need
for liquidity  higher demand of money.

The Demand for Money by Individuals
• Risk
Holding money is risky.
• An unexpected increase in the prices of goods
and services could reduce the value of money
in terms of the commodities consumed.
Changes in the risk of holding money need
not cause individuals to reduce their
demand for money.
• Any change in the riskiness of money causes
an equal change in the riskiness of bonds.

• Liquidity
The main benefit of holding money comes
from its liquidity.
• Households and firms hold money because it is
the easiest way of financing their everyday
A rise in the average value of transactions
carried out by a household or firm causes its
demand for money to rise.

A Model of Aggregate Money Demand

The aggregate demand of money can be expressed as:

Md = P x L(R,Y)
P is the price level
Y is real national income
R is a measure of interest rates on non-monetary assets
L(R,Y) is the aggregate demand of real monetary assets

Md/P = L(R,Y)
Aggregate demand of real monetary assets is a function of national
income and interest rates.

Fig. 2-1: Aggregate Real Money
Demand and the Interest Rate

For a given level of

income, real money
demand decreases
as the interest rate

Fig. 2-2: Effect on the Aggregate Real Money
Demand Schedule of a Rise in Real Income

When income
increases, real money
demand increases at
every interest rate.

A Model of the Money Market

• The money market is where monetary or liquid

assets, which are loosely called “money,” are
lent and borrowed.
 Monetary assets in the money market generally have
low interest rates compared to interest rates on
bonds, loans, and deposits of currency in the foreign
exchange markets.
 Domestic interest rates directly affect rates of return
on domestic currency deposits in the foreign
exchange markets.

A Model of the Money Market

• When no shortages (excess demand) or

surpluses (excess supply) of monetary assets
exist, the model achieves an equilibrium:
Ms = Md
• Alternatively, when the quantity of real
monetary assets supplied matches the quantity
of real monetary assets demanded, the model
achieves an equilibrium:
Ms/P = L(R,Y)

A Model of the Money Market (cont.)

• When there is an excess supply of monetary

assets, there is an excess demand for interest
bearing assets like bonds, loans, and deposits.
 People with an excess supply of monetary assets are
willing to offer or accept interest-bearing assets (by
giving up their money) at lower interest rates.
 Others are more willing to hold additional monetary
assets as interest rates (the opportunity cost of
holding monetary assets) falls.

A Model of the Money Market (cont.)

• When there is an excess demand of monetary

assets, there is an excess supply of interest
bearing assets like bonds, loans, and
 People who desire monetary assets but do not
have access to them are willing to sell non-
monetary assets in return for the monetary assets
that they desire.
 Those with monetary assets are more willing to
give them up in return for interest-bearing assets
as interest rates (the opportunity cost of holding
money) rises.

Fig 2-3: Determination of the Equilibrium
Interest Rate

Fig 2-4: Effect of an Increase in the
Money Supply on the Interest Rate
An increase in the
money supply lowers
the interest rate for a
given price level.

A decrease in the
money supply raises
the interest rate for a
given price level.

Fig 2-5: Effect on the Interest
Rate of a Rise in Real Income
An increase in
national income
increases equilibrium
interest rates for a
given price level.

Fig 2-6: Money Market/Exchange
Rate Linkages

Fig 2-7: Simultaneous Equilibrium in the U.S.
Money Market and the Foreign Exchange Market

Fig 2-8: Effect on the Dollar/Euro
Exchange Rate and Dollar Interest Rate of
an Increase in the U.S. Money Supply

Changes in the Domestic Money Supply

• An increase in a country’s money supply

causes interest rates to fall, rates of return on
domestic currency deposits to fall, and the
domestic currency to depreciate.
• A decrease in a country’s money supply
causes interest rates to rise, rates of return on
domestic currency deposits to rise, and the
domestic currency to appreciate.

Changes in the Foreign Money Supply

• How would a change in the supply of birr

affect the U.S. money market and foreign
exchange markets?

• An increase in the supply of birr causes a

depreciation of the birr (appreciation of
the dollar).
• A decrease in the supply of birr causes an
appreciation of the birr (a depreciation of the
Fig 2-9: Effect of an Increase in the European
Money Supply on the Dollar/Euro Exchange Rate

Changes in the Foreign Money Supply

• The increase in the supply of birr reduces

interest rates in the Ethiopia, reducing the
expected rate of return on birr deposits.
• This reduction in the expected rate of return
on birr deposits causes the birr to depreciate.
• We predict no change in the U.S. money
market due to the change in the supply of birr.

Long Run and Short Run

• In the short run, prices do not have sufficient time to

adjust to market conditions.
 the analysis heretofore has been a short run analysis.
• In the long run, prices of factors of production and of
output have sufficient time to adjust to market
 Wages adjust to the demand and supply of labor.
 Real output and income are determined by the amount of
workers and other factors of production—by the economy’s
productive capacity—not by the quantity of money supplied.
 (Real) interest rates depend on the supply of saved funds
and the demand of saved funds.

Long Run and Short Run (cont.)

• In the long run, the quantity of money supplied

is predicted not to influence the amount of
output, (real) interest rates, and the aggregate
demand of real monetary assets L(R,Y).
• However, the quantity of money supplied is
predicted to make level of average prices
adjust proportionally in the long run.
 The equilibrium condition Ms/P = L(R,Y) shows that
P is predicted to adjust proportionally when Ms
adjusts because L(R,Y) does not change.

Long Run and Short Run (cont.)

• In the long run, there is a direct relationship

between the inflation rate and changes in the
money supply.
 Ms = P x L(R,Y)
 P = Ms/L(R,Y)
 P/P = Ms/Ms - L/L
 The inflation rate is predicted to equal the growth rate
in money supply minus the growth rate in money

Fig 2-10: Average Money Growth
and Inflation in Western Hemisphere Developing
Countries, by Year, 1987–2006

Source: IMF, World Economic Outlook, various issues. Regional aggregates are weighted by shares of dollar GDP in
total regional dollar GDP.
Money and Prices in the Long Run
• How does a change in the money supply cause prices of
output and inputs to change?
1. Excess demand of goods and services: a higher quantity of
money supplied implies that people have funds available at
lower cost (↓R) to pay for goods and services. Desired
consumption (households) and investment (firms) increase.
 To meet high demand on purchases of consumption and
investment goods, producers hire more workers, creating a strong
demand of labor services, or make existing employees work
 Wages rise to attract more workers or to compensate workers for
 Prices of output will eventually rise to compensate for higher costs.
Alternatively, for a fixed amount of output and inputs, producers
can charge higher prices and still sell all of their output due to the
high demand. Fear to loose market share to competitors.
Postpone decisions to make sure that buyers will not go away.

Money and Prices in the Long Run (cont.)
2. Inflationary expectations:
 SECOND-ROUND EFFECTS. If workers expect
future prices to rise due to an expected money
supply increase, they will want to be
 And if producers expect the same, they are more
willing to raise wages.
 Producers will be able to match higher costs if
they expect to raise prices.
 Result: expectations about inflation caused by an
expected increase in the money supply causes
actual inflation.
Money, Prices, Exchange Rates, and

• When we consider price changes in the long

run, inflationary expectations will have an
effect in foreign exchange markets.
• Suppose that expectations about inflation
change as people change their minds, but
actual adjustment of prices occurs afterwards.
• Expectation of higher domestic inflation for the
future → Expectation of exchange rate
depreciation for the future.

Fig 2-11: Short-Run and Long-Run Effects of an
Increase in the U.S. Money Supply (Given Real
Output, Y)

Change in expected
return on euro deposits

The expected return on euro

deposits rises because of
inflationary expectations:
•The dollar is expected to be
less valuable when buying
goods and services and less
valuable when buying
•The dollar is expected to
depreciate, increasing the
return on deposits in euros.

Fig 2-12: Short-Run and Long-Run Effects of an
Increase in the U.S. Money Supply (Given Real
Output, Y) Original
(long run)
on dollar

As prices increase,
the real money
supply decreases
and the domestic
interest rate returns
to its long run rate.

Money, Prices, and Exchange Rates in
the Long Run (cont.)

• A permanent increase in a country’s money supply

causes a proportional long run depreciation of its
 However, the dynamics of the model predict a large
depreciation first and a smaller subsequent appreciation.

• A permanent decrease in a country’s money supply

causes a proportional long run appreciation of its
 However, the dynamics of the model predict a large
appreciation first and a smaller subsequent depreciation.

Fig 2-13: Time Paths of U.S. Economic
Variables After a Permanent Increase in
the U.S. Money Supply

Exchange Rate Overshooting

• The exchange rate is said to overshoot when

its immediate response to a change is greater
than its long run response.
• Overshooting is predicted to occur when
monetary policy has an immediate effect on
interest rates, but not on prices and
(expected) inflation.
• Overshooting helps explain why exchange
rates are so volatile.
Fig 2-14: Month-to-Month Variability of the
Dollar/Yen Exchange Rate and of the
U.S./Japan Price Level Ratio, 1974–2007

Changes in price
levels are less
volatile, suggesting
that price levels
change slowly.

Exchange rates are

influenced by
interest rates and
expectations, which
may change rapidly,
making exchange
rates volatile.

Source: International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics

The law of one price (LOOP)
• The law of one price is an economic concept
that states that the price of an identical asset or
commodity will have the same price globally,
regardless of location, when certain factors are
• The Law of One Price (sometimes referred to as
LOOP) is an economic theory that states that the
price of identical goods in different markets must
be the same after taking the currency exchange
into consideration (i.e., if the prices are expressed
in the same currency). The law principally applies
to assets traded in financial markets.
• The Law of One Price is based on several
assumptions, which include free competition in
the markets, the absence of trade restrictions,
and price flexibility.
• The law of one price is generally applicable to
a wide range of goods, securities, and assets.
• The LOOP primarily holds due to arbitrage
opportunities. If the prices of identical goods
diverge from each other across the markets,
arbitrage opportunities arise since a trader may
purchase a good in a market at a lower price
and immediately sell it in another market at a
higher price for a net profit.   42
• Economic theory states that subsequently, the
forces of supply and demand will converge
the prices across the markets and, therefore,
the arbitrage opportunities will be eliminated.
• However, in practice, the law of one price
does not always hold true. For example, if the
trade of goods involves transactions costs or
trade barriers, the law will not work.

The Law of One Price in Financial Markets
• The law of one price generally holds in financial
markets. Economists believe that the LOOP is
more strongly applicable in financial markets
than in international trade, since there are fewer
potential trade barriers in the former.
• In financial markets, the primary implication of
the LOOP is the statement that a financial
security must come with a single price
regardless of how the security was created. For
example, a call option can be replicated using a
stock and bond.

• The LOOP states that the price of a call option
must be equal to the price of the replicated
• Commodities remain the most notable
example of the law of one price in financial
• Commodities are traded across various
markets in the world using a variety of
financial instruments, typically forwards or
futures. Nonetheless, commodity prices are
typically homogeneous across the markets
due to the LOOP. 45
Purchasing power parity (PPP)
• Purchasing power parity (PPP) is a term that
measures prices in different areas using a
specific good or goods to contrast the absolute
purchasing power between different
currencies. ... The PPP inflation and exchange
rate may differ from the market exchange rate
because of poverty, tariffs and other frictions.
• Purchasing power parity is important for
developing reasonably accurate economic
statistics to compare the market conditions of
different countries. For example, purchasing
power parity is often used to equalize
calculations of gross domestic product.
• The general method of constructing a PPP
ratio is to take a comparable basket of goods
and services consumed by the average citizen
in both countries and take a weighted average
of the prices in both countries (the weights
representing the share of expenditure on each
item in total expenditure).
• Purchasing power parity is an economic
indicator used to calculate the exchange rate
between different countries for the purpose of
exchanging goods and services of the same
amount. So the formula of Purchasing Power
Parity can be defined as : S = P1 / P2. Where,
S = Exchange Rate. 47
• Purchasing power parity (PPP) is measured
by finding the values (in USD) of a basket of
consumer goods that are present in each
country (such as pineapple juice, pencils, etc.). If
that basket costs $100 in the US and $200 in the
United Kingdom, then the purchasing power
parity exchange rate is 1:2
• PPP is an economic theory that compares
different countries' currencies through a "basket
of goods" approach. According to this concept,
two currencies are in equilibrium—known as the
currencies being at par—when a basket of
goods is priced the same in both countries,
taking into account the exchange rates. 48
Relative Purchasing Power Parity (RPPP)
• Relative Purchasing Power Parity (RPPP) is an
expansion of the traditional purchasing power
parity (PPP) theory to include changes in
inflation over time.
• Purchasing power is the power of money
expressed by the number of goods or services
that one unit can buy, and which can be
reduced by inflation. RPPP suggests that
countries with higher rates of inflation will have
a devalued currency.
• Relative purchasing power parity (RPPP) is an
economic theory that states that exchange
rates and inflation rates (price levels) in two
countries should equal out over time. 49
• Relative purchasing power parity is an
economic theory which predicts a relationship
between the inflation rates of two countries
over a specified period and the movement in
the exchange rate between their two
currencies over the same period.
• Relative PPP is an extension of absolute PPP
in that it is a dynamic (as opposed to static)
version of PPP.
• While PPP is useful in understanding
macroeconomics in theory, in practice RPPP
does not seem to hold true over short time
• According to relative purchasing power parity
(RPPP), the difference between the two
countries’ rates of inflation and the cost of
commodities will drive changes in the
exchange rate between the two countries.
• The relative version of PPP is calculated with the
following formula:
• S=P2/​P1​​
• where:
S= Exchange rate of currency 1 to currency 2
• P1​= Cost of good X in currency 1
• P2​= Cost of good X in currency 2​
Absolute purchasing power parity
• The absolute purchasing power parity theory
(APPPT) predicts that price levels will be the
same across countries. Recall that the law of one
price states that the same products will have the
same prices everywhere. The APPPT applies the
same logic to all prices in the country.
• absolute purchasing power parity, is
equilibrium in the exchange rate between two
currencies will force their purchasing powers to
be equal.
• The absolute purchasing power parity theory
(APPPT) predicts that price levels will be the
same across countries.
• This theory is likely to hold well for commodities
which are easily transportable between the two
countries (such as gold, assuming this is freely
transferable) but is likely to be false for other
goods and services which cannot easily be
transported, because the transportation costs will
distort the parity.
• Recall that the law of one price states that the
same products will have the same prices
everywhere. The APPPT applies the same logic
to all prices in the country. Basically, it predicts
that the cost of living across countries should be
the same. 53

1. Money demand for individuals and

institutions is primarily determined by interest
rates and the need for liquidity, the latter of
which is influenced by prices and income.
2. Aggregate money demand is primarily
determined by interest rates, the level of
average prices, and national income.
 Aggregate demand of real monetary assets
depends negatively on the interest rate and
positively on real national income.

Summary (cont.)

3. When the money market is in equilibrium, there are no

surpluses or shortages of monetary assets: the
quantity of real monetary assets supplied matches the
quantity of real monetary assets demanded.
4. Short run scenario: changes in the money supply affect
domestic interest rates, as well as the exchange rate.
 An increase in the domestic money supply
1. lowers domestic interest rates,
2. lowering the rate of return on deposits of domestic currency,
3. causing the domestic currency to depreciate.

Summary (cont.)

5. Long run scenario: changes in the quantity of money

supplied are matched by a proportional change in
prices, and do not affect real income and real
interest rates.
 An increase in the money supply
1. causes expectations about higher inflation and exchange
rate depreciation,
2. causing the domestic currency to depreciate further,
3. prices adjust proportionally in the long run,
4. causing interest rates return to their long run values,
5. and causes a proportional long run depreciation in the
domestic currency.

Summary (cont.)

• Interest rates adjust immediately to changes

in monetary policy, but prices and (expected)
inflation may adjust only in the long run, which
results in overshooting of the exchange rate.
 Overshooting occurs when the immediate
response of the exchange rate due to a change is
greater than its long run response.
 Overshooting helps explain why exchange rates
are so volatile.


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